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Hair:long black hair

Skin: Very Pale

Eyes: Yellow

Height: 6 feet

Build: medium

Those who fested upon the blood of Bisley Kharis can never really die or so the legend goes and Cross and Renate Vladimir might just be living or undead prof of that legend maybe being true. Cross knows the truth about the legend but can not tell anyone because he is no more in he's place is Renate Vladimir. After being killed Cross found his soul trapped on the mortal plain with not body he longed for the things he once called his own and got them then when Edge told him if he found a woman who's life force matched his when he was mortal. He find her a nun and used he to be reborn but there was a catch Edge never told him. He would lose all his memorys of who he was for good with no way of getting them back. A spell was used to speed his aging up now full grown and renamed Renate Vladimir has started his life anew a vampire who can do things Cross never could one of them being love for Renate is now in love with the woman Cross would never let himself love. The reborn Cross has shown he is nothing like the old Cross but he can at time sound just like him and when one looks deep into his eyes it seems have if Cross can be seen screaming out for revenage on Edge