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"Drink of my love"

Hair:Long and Black.

Skin: Very pale unless he feeds.

Height: six feet.

Build: Very Small.

Date of siring: 120 years go on All Hallows Eve.

140 years ago Sean Patric O'Conner was born in a small Irish village he grew up believing he would be a man of god he never missed church on Sunday and spent the other 6 days in church reading the bible. He left to go to England to train to became a priest he and caught the eyes of a young vampire who had fallen in love with him she had to have him for his young handsome face she watched him from afar when he returned home at age 18 she followed him and watched as he became his hometown's new priest for 2 years

She watched until one night she could no long stand it she took his life turning him into a vampire. Into her slave her one true treasure, for over 50 years she never let him hunt she wouldn't let him feed unless he pleased her, but she know no matter how hard she tired his love was for god not for her. She would beat him and cry as she did so she never wanted to cause him pain, when she saw the sorrow in his eyes that he felt for her she released him before she did so she told him that he would always be her Prince of Sorrow.

For what seemed like forever he made his way around the world until he felt a calling telling him to go to Theatre Des Vampire he senses some how his sire is behind the calling that he has answered upon arriving he didn't find a sign of he what he has found more of his kind and no answers

Zenki on Vault"Zenki know Vault he Zenki's father but he need girl friend"

Hiden Fact:While in England Vault studied black magic while he was learning to become a priest