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Hair:Long and Pink.

Skin: white unless he want to change it.

Height: 8 inchs.

Build: Very Small.

Date of Birth: Unknown

Created by Vault to keep him company Zenki is a fairy with the heart and soul of a child very playful Zenki talk in 3rd person never saying me,my,mine, or I Zenki is always landing on someone's head he loves to make friends and doesn't like being disliked he tends to lie something Vault it always getting mad about but in the end Zenki always tells the truth but sometime he opens his mouth at the wrong time making him a big mouth you just gotta love

Vault on Zenki"Zenki my little friend you maybe a cute little guy but you can be a pain in the butt at times"

Hiden Fact:The vampire Christian Stone calls he's keeper is also the one Zenki calls his big best friend