Enter the Peter
Drummer for Eyes of Autumn
Franky Spanky: Whats your name, where are ya from, what do you do? Peter the omnipotent: My name is Peter Abraham Mansen. I hail from T-town, (aka tacoma washington) USA. For a living, a very miniscule living mind you, but still a living, I am a faithful quiznos sandwitch artist that doesn't get paid much, and has even less fun in the process. My boss is enormous and buys me things. Why, you're asking yourself? The only explanation is, that I can think of at least, is that... She has a fat crush on me. Very Fat. Very large. Very loud. No Joke. Frank the intergalactic ninja: I hear you're gonna start touring pretty soon. Excited? Peter the self preserved monk for hire: Yes, E.O.A are heading out for a month and 10 days come june. I am quite excited, to say the very least... I love playing music. I love hearing music. I love travelling. So, basically, I get to live my dream for the next couple months, and even though I expect there to be tough times, i'm willing to work through them, and just enjoy myself and rock out everyyyyy night. Franklin Does Dallas: Are you gonna play in the Central Valley of California? Peter the eater of gods: LA? San Fran? San Luis Obispo? Long Beach? Arcada? San Diego? That's all i know of, when it comes to california shows. So, tell me, hotshot, are you traveling to one of the shows? Well... fine. I'm offended. Franky Funky Dynamite: Why the hell not? Naw just kidding. Wee. Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater: Booo. Franklin eats cookies: How is your new band Le Bei working out? Peter eats around the dough: It's working out pretty good. It's more just about rocking out and less about technical prowess, but it's still fun. E.O.A is way better though, in my opinion. I think E.O.A are finally finding our niche and I can gladly say that we don't suck yak scrotum any more... Well... Duggan does, but that's on his own time. Franklin and the Lost Spear of Antiquity: whats on your mind most of the time? Peter and the Test Tube Babies: At the risk of sounding like an Emo Sap, i must say my girlfriend, sharon. Just 'cause she is so fantabulous. I think about my band a lot. I think about bands I like. I think about my friends. I think about God. I think about the stench that emmits from my armpits, yet i still have yet to buy deoderant. I think about Food. and Monkeys. And Goat Placenta. Frankin is the humblest person ever: what goes through you're mind as your playing music? Peter instigates riots: To be honest, nothing. Nothing at all. The only part of playing a show that i can actually remember is a Blur of color and loud noises. For some reason, I honestly think that my memories from shows are actually suppressed as soon as we start playing until we end the set. It's a bit erie, actually. On the rare occasion that I actually DO remember, usually it's because i'm not into the set that night, and i'm thinking how badly I suck. and by Suck, i definitely mean, Trout. Franklin performs a "hadouken": what goes through your mind when your listening to music? Peter probably performs "sonic booms": Toughy. Hmm... many things. It really depends on the situation, and what has been going through my mind before i put the cd/record in. Sometimes though, my mind pretty much sits on "this music sucks" or, "wow. marty, you're a genius" Music really does help me calm down, and turns me into a much more serious person. Certain things like, Steve Reich's ,"Music for 18 Musicians" evokes the "contemplative" side of Peter, and I actually feel that at certain times it brings me closer to God, and really gives me a better understanding of who God is, and why I should appreciate what he does for me... Franklin likes nonsense: what/who was/is your greatest inspiration(s)? Peter is a super hero at night: My Greatest inspiration... Wow... I guess, without question, it would really have to be Marty Anderson. Anything that guy touches is gold, and I think he is the greatest song writter of this day and age. I guess that's just for music in general though... For the drums, i really can't get past telling the honest to god truth when i say that Damon Che still blows my face off... and his style is incredible. But, truthfully, there are soo many drummers that I look up to, and strive to be like. For example. Greg Sanier of Deerhoof. His stuff is too good for his own good. Zach on hella is a maniac. Jay Pelllicci writes the most tasteful drum lines I've ever heard... and so on. Franklin is an 8-bit drummer: Do you play video games? If so, whats your favorite(s)? Peter is a polygonal wonder: Mario 1. Contra. Mike Tyson's Punch Out. Grand Theft Auto, Vice City. Franklin is really Cobra Commander Incognito: if some stranger came up to you on the street, and said, "birds from the isle, fly with style", how would you react? Peter is in fact Tina Turner's long lost son: Respond in kind-- "you're the bee's knees, and the cat's pajamas, baby." Then, when they're least expecting it... BAM. the old fork in the eye. Franklin the Pirate: what are your thoughts on mp3s? Peter the real american hero: I like them, but my Mp3 player is quite slow. Mp3s are a great way of getting underground band's music out in the world. Even if the band doesn't get a dime for downloads, i still think it's quite profitable for the bands, because... hey, when you're unknown, how else will someone hear your music? so, yes, i'm all for them. Franklin wants a pocket protector: have you ever seen "Revenge of the Nerds"? If so, what'd you think of it? Peter lights candles: I have seen it, and I regretfully say that i thought the movie, minus the first 10 minutes, was complete garbage. I guess after hearing so many great things about it, my expectationss were a bit high. I totally dig other 80s movies though; the karate kid (first 3), the rockie movies, the rambo movies, breakfast club, uncle buck, fletch, e.t, and such. The 80s were a great year to be alive. Frank is short for Franklin: what were your favorite things to do as a kid? Peter is short for...Peterol: Play Baseball with a Tennis Ball. Gawk at Ferraris. Play Nintendo. Eat Pork Rhines. Jump over hay bayles. I was a dick. nothing more. Franklin the dragon: what were your favorite cartoons? Enter the Peter: Garfield. Looney Toons. Ren and Stimpy. The Simpsons (some things never change). Franklin the minor threat: do you have any favorite visual artist? Peter Von Studenbager: Because I consider Film to be a form of Visual Art, i will say Vincent Gallo, because of his masterpiece, Buffalo 66. As a painter type artist, i quite like the work of Vincent Van Gogh. And no, it's not what you're thinking, i don't have a sick obsession for men named vincent. No more questions. Ok, fine. 3 more. Franklin is not a real name: favorite bands? Peter would eat you if he had the chance: Dilute. Jacques Kopstein. Deerhoof. The flaming Lips. Yes. who is Franklin: what are your thoughts on "selling out"? I am Peter: I'm all for it. I've actually had thoughts about Playing drums for a Pop group, make a million dollars, and not have to work another day in my life. The whole concept of money is quite infuriating to me, and i'd really rather live without the wretched stuff, but realistically, my Pop-band-Plan is my alternative that i came up with. It's not that i *want* to be rich, it's that i want to have enough money to not have to worry about money in my future. But, we both know that i'll never be rich, and the peak of my financial life will come once i am living in a slightly sizey cardboard box in the backyard of my ex-girlfriends lawyers grave. And finally, the best for last, the creme de la crum, Franklin: What did you eat today? Peter: Starting with breakfast. I ate, Strawberrie Yogurt. Went to school. Came back home. ate Trix cereal. Followed by two slices of Papa John's Pizza. Followed by more yogurt. Went to work. At 4 strawberries. a Honey Bacon Club sandwhich. followed by a banana. and now am about to scarf some licorice.
Make sure to go here to hear some mp3s and buy their records. Really, they're so so amazing. I'd like to thank Peter for taking time out to entertain me with his answers, and I hope to see you guys play someday. Don't friggin' break up or anything like that till I do!! They aaaalways seem to do that.
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