
By Christopher Nolan, 2000.

Starring Harriet Sansom Harris, Carrie-Anne Moss, Joe Pantoliano, Guy Pearce, Stephen Tobolowsky.

Rating: 7/10, 7/10.

Bring up Memento, and surely someone will say, "Oh, that movie’s so cool!" This is true. It is also true, however, that the movie is much cooler than it is good.

Memento left me kind of speechless, not because of its power, but because of its lack thereof. I honestly have next to nothing to say about it. The writing was weak, as was the acting; the concept was fascinating, but not handled particularly well; the ending, while I see where they were going with it, left me not amazed but cheated. The only parts of it that impressed me at all were the bits with Harriet Sansom Harris and Stephen Tobolowsky as a couple dealing with his short-term memory loss, in a condition similar to our main character’s. They were poignant, etc., the rest of the movie just felt like empy exercise.

read roger ebert's review