Rat Race

by Jerry Zucker, 2001.

Starring: Rowan Atkinson, Dean Cain, Lanai Chapman, John Cleese, Whoopi Goldberg, Cuba Gooding Jr., Seth Green, Wayne Knight, Jon Lovitz, Breckin Meyer, Kathy Najimy, Paul Rodriguez, Amy Smart, Dave Thomas, and Vince Vieluf.

Rating: 1.5/10, 1/10.

If you think any of the following are automatically funny, see this movie.
-Animal cruelty
-The holocaust
-Cruel parent-child relationships

And remember, I said AUTOMATICALLY funny. Any of these things can be funny if enough effort is applied, but the creators of this "film" seem to think that these subjects are funny simply by existing.

I don’t even have enough respect for the film to give a plot summary. It was vile, disgusting, meritless, devoid of redeeming qualities, completely awful from start to finish (well, that’s a lie...one or two lines made me laugh, and the opening credits were quite well done). Let’s put it this way: it STARTS with the "I didn’t watch these porn movies that’re on my hotel bill!" joke. Yeah.

I will just say this: WHY? WHY? There are so many respectable comic actors in this horrible mess of a movie: Atkinson, Cleese, Goldberg, Green, what the hell were they THINKING? John Cleese I can sort of understand, him and Whoopi Goldberg, since they had between them the only good moments in the film, but the rest have no excuse whatsoever. I felt like crying over the cruel treatment of Rowan Atkinson, who is an absolute genius, but who had the most revolting, awful, embarrassing things to do in this film.


The one good gag in the whole film is the occasional sight we get of all the rich bored gamblers gambling over anything in the world. How long the maids at the hotel can hang on to the window shades, who will be the first to throw up on the airplane, etc. That was funny. As for the rest...