
by Wes Anderson, 1999.

Starring: Seymour Cassel, Brian Cox, Mason Gamble, Bill Murray, Jason Schwartzman, and Olivia Williams.

Rating: 8/10, 7/10.

Um, 15-year-old crushes on teachers, Bill Murray in love, little boy assistants, bizarrely pretentious high-school plays, pictures of a jellyfish, handjobs, Bill Murray diving into a swimming pool with a cigarette. What else?

Rushmore’s a pretty good and very entertaining movie, but it’s pretty impossible for me to describe it. I mean, it doesn’t help that I’ve fallen ridiculously behind in these reviews and I’m writing this months after I saw it, but even if I’d just seen it yesterday I don’t think I could describe it.

It’s very surreal, in a not at all surreal way. Like, it’s realistic, but so bizarre that it’s not realistic at all. I dunno, if you want to laugh, watch it.

read roger ebert's review