Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

by David Lynch, 1992.

Starring: Kyle McLachlan, Sheryl Lee, Ray Wise, and a whole big bunch of other people.

Rating: ?/10, ?/10.

Oh, lord, I have no idea what to say about this movie. It was not at all what I was expecting, though really I should’ve expected that, seeing as it’s Twin Peaks we’re dealing with. It was good, I think...quite good. I felt like it answered all sorts of lingering questions I had from the show, but I came out of it feeling more confused than ever.

I can’t explain any of it, really. I don’t want to give anything away, for one thing, and I don’t think I understand it enough to explain, anyway. I can say this—DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN ALL OF THE TV SERIES, or at least up until about halfway through. Really, don’t. It will drive you mad. But if you have seen the show, and are a fan...definitely, watch it. Just expect to be frustrated. One piece of advice—watch it with someone who’s more obsessed than you are, preferably someone who’s seen it before. I’m guessing that would help.

One last thing—I had a stronger emotional response to this movie than to any other I’ve ever seen—except maybe (MAYBE) Dancer In The Dark. My reactions to this were definitely more varied than to Dancer (which were waah waah, basically). In Fire Walk With Me I cried (a lot, surprisingly), I laughed, I was shocked, terrified, entertained, repulsed, confused (though that was through the entire thing, I think), and in awe, especially near the end, which was the most bizarrely moving thing I’ve ever seen.

So anyway, though I don't know what number ratings to give the movie, it does come recommended (with the disclaimer I mentioned before).