
oh my god, reviews!

(note of explanation: in ethan's reviews, he gives two number grades. the first is for the entertainment value of the movie, and the second is for it's actual artistic merit, or whatever.)

(another note of explanation: matthew doesn't grade anything, he just rambles on at great length.)

ethan's movie reviews

NEW (last updated 6 july 2003)
Page 1: Amélie to Blue Velvet
Page 2: Bringing Up Baby to Dude, Where's My Car?
Page 3: Dune to House Of Yes
Page 4: Importance Of Being Earnest to Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life
Page 5: Moulin Rouge to the Player
Page 6: Pollock to Singin' In The Rain
Page 7: Solaris to Zoolander

matthew's cd reviews

by artist
by date reviewed