navigation + home+ fanfiction library + fanart + my fanfiction + contact me + submit content + image galleries + about me + update archives + past layouts + links credits + Original page design by Vallychan, found at DayDream Graphics+ Image from We love Anime, edited on Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop Elements |
update graveyard sunday, may 30Haven't updated this page for a while, ne? Oh well. I've been busy on the content more so than recording my updates. All right. So I have everything (or nearly) working, even if some of the pages aren't up yet. However, I am still in desperate need of stories. I'm planning to ask some of my favourite authors if I can use their stories on this site, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet. >.< Also, I was thinking I should make a forum for resources, you know? Like people can ask for beta readers, post stories for mass editing before being sent off to a site, etc. It could be cool, if I can ever figure out proboards. -.-; Aryante Began work on the homepage. I'm looking for anime fanfictions to post, people, so if you've got one, send it to! I'll be happy to edit it for you, if you want. Just include a title, a brief summary, rating, warnings, and (if a lemon or lime) tags. I'd like it if it were already HTML coded, but I'll do that for you as well, if need be. Also, this is mainly an Inuyasha site because I am mainly an Inuyasha fan. I am, however, willing to accept contributions from other series. Just tell me what it's from and I'll put it up! ^^ Aryante |