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+ Original page design by Vallychan, found at DayDream Graphics
+ Image from We love Anime, edited on Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop Elements

past layouts

V. 2.0

This layout was only used briefly, maybe a day or two. I didn't even get around to changing all the pages to match. It was nice enough when I downloaded it from DayDream Graphics, but once I put it together for this site, it didn't really tickle my fancy. Plus, I couldn't get the yellow boxes to line up right, and that's just annoying. So it was scrapped.
-made by marion, edited by moi
-header image by Kuro of Ear Tweak fame, taken with the utmost respect but no permission. *winces*

V. 1.0

This was my first, most coveted layout. Looking back, I think it's the ugliest thing I've ever seen, but I was SO impressed by it at first. The banner was made entirely by me, and I was really proud. Urk. I'm embarrassed by it now.
-taken from blogskins -can't remember original script author...sorry!