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Throw like a girl! Grrrlfest 2001

April 27 events for girls

4:30-6 pm - Be A Reporter! - @ the Independent Media Center

Pick up the skills you need to become a citizen-journalist. What event will we be reporting on? GRRRLFEST 2001, of course! We'll learn about interviewing techniques, coverage skills, technologies we can use as IMC reporters, and how to publish our stories online. Then, we'll put these skills work as we become reporters for the GrrrlFest!

6-7 pm Latina and African Dance Workshops! - @ the IMC-

Your body likes to move - let it try something new and fun!

7-8 pm Poetry Workshop - @ the IMC -

Let your creativity flow as we think of and write poetry in new ways.

8-8:45 pm - Creative Writing Workshop - @ the IMC -

Facilitated by local writers and members of Montage - a cool local literary magazine.

Click here for a printer-friendly version of the schedule or to see schedules for girls and women side-by-side.
Musical events are here.
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