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April 28

Throw like a girl! Grrrlfest 2001

Saturday April 28 events for women

Workshops for women are for age 18 and up.

9:30 - 10:30 am - Boxing Workshop @ Ants in Your Pants - 247 S. Mattis

Come learn the basics of boxing with one of our state's top-ranked boxers. Dress to move in comfortable workout clothes!

10:45 - 11:45 am - "You want to know what???"

How to discuss sex with your child without losing your cool. A 'breaking-the silence' discussion group with Planned Parenthood professionals.

11 - 2 pm - Billiards Workshop - @ Jupiter's

Pool is for playing, not just watching. Grab a cue, and start sharking! Pick up the basics - and some more fancy tricks too - from some talented local table-running women!

2 - 3:30 pm - Hat & Puppet Making Workshop

Sewing is power! Let's make cool stuff! Bring an old t-shirt to spice up with your new skills! Alter it into a halter, maybe!

2:30 - 4 pm - Grrrls, Start Your Engines! Basic Automotives Workshop

It's about time you checked out what goes on under the hood of a car. Learn some important basics to keep your car running! Dress for grease!

4 -5 pm - Feminism Is For Everyone

Learn about the importance of raising pro-feminist boys AND girls, and talk about how boys can be supportive of the females in their lives.

5 - 6 pm - African Dance Workshop

Come dressed to move freely!

6 - 7 pm - Grrrls Need Guitars! Rock Instrumentation Workshop

Learn the basics of electric bass, guitar, and kit drums! C'mon- feel the noise! Girls rock!

7-8:30 pm Collaborating for Girls in Our Community

What do girls in our community need to stay strong, healthy, and happy, and how can we work together to help our community meet these needs? An open panel-led discussion with local area experts.
Events on the 28th for girls are here.
Click here for a printer-friendly version of the schedule or to see schedules for girls and women side-by-side.
Musical events are here.
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