My Home Page

Hi there! I'm Jonathan Lefler, and if you came this far to learn about me then you must be curious! Well let me skip all the boring stuff and just get to the juicy details OK?

Well, let's start with how I look. I'm about 5 ft. 6 in. (I know, I'm pretty short) with short black hair and dark brown eyes. I usually wear whatever I feel like wearing, not really going by a "set" dressing style. I just wear what I feel like! (Ok, I just repeated myself there....) Anyway, I like to cook (Strange for a guy, but it's fun!) and I like to practice sports such as Gymnastics, Boxing, Martial arts, Fencing, and all those other non popular sports. People who are lazy and indifferent get on my nerves and I will usually say what's on my mind if I hear something I don't like. What do I look for in a girl? Well, first of all she has to be nice (I'm not talking about goody-good nice, just not rude) and she has to be herself. I've met too many girls who are always trying to be somebody else and that bothers me a lot. I also look for a girl who can be open minded about different cultures and things around the world and not be so ignorant all the time.

Um, I also like to do other things like watch movies and I even make my own movies when I have the time. I work as a cook for different places and I babysit and teach on Sundays. Since I'm talking about jobs, I'll tell you now that I want to be a teacher. Why you ask? You must think I'm crazy, since most teens can't wait to get out of school forever and here I am trying to stay. Just hear me out for a sec - I want to teach because I believe it's the most important job any person could have. Teachers educate our next generations, and without that knowledge mankind is doomed - Understand? Oh and those cute high school girls ! *Teacher Banzai*

Ok, I'm going to finish up here, since you're probably falling asleep on your computer desk reading about my crazy philosophies. There are a lot of other things I'd like to say, but I think I'll do that another time. Make sure you come back and see what I've written! Bye bye!!!

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