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Personal Details Education

Helen is 22 years old and is from Canterbury, Kent.

She now lives in Harrow, Middlesex, whilst studying for a Post-Graduate Diploma in Print Journalism.

Helen is half English and half Swiss and has dual nationality. She lives permanently in England but visits Switzerland regularly.

Helen lived for brief periods in both Australia and New Zealand when she was a child, as her parents travelled extensively.

She has always had a strong interest in Journalism and is hoping that gaining a qualification in the area will help to further her career.



Helen attended Simon Langton Girls' School, Canterbury where she passed 10 GCSEs, all at A or A* grade.

She then took three A-Levels and achieved two A grades and one B grade in History, Politics and Government, and English Literature. She also got a C grade for AS-Level French.

Click here to find out more about Simon Langton Girls' School.

Helen then spent three years studying Medieval and Modern History at the University of Birmingham and was awarded an Upper Second (2:1) degree in July 2001.

Click here to find out more about the University of Birmingham.

She is now attending the University of Westminster and is studying for a Post-Graduate Diploma in Print Journalism which she will finish in June 2003.

Click here to find out more about the University of Westminster.


Employment History

Most recently, Helen spent seven months working full-time at the Albion Bookshop in Canterbury to raise money to finance her Post-Graduate studies. She very much enjoyed her time there and gained a broad insight into the publishing industry, as well as having time to indulge her passion for reading.

For more information on the Albion Bookshop, click here.

She has also had a variety of part-time jobs including bar work, door-to-door market research, working as a kitchen porter, working in the Birmingham New Street branch of Waterstone's and spent two years working at J Sainsbury's whilst at school.


The achievement that Helen is most proud of is that of organising the AIESEC Birmingham Careers Fair 2000.

AIESEC is a student-run international charity which promotes links between students and business on a national and international level.

Helen led a team of 20 people and was in charge of a budget of £3,000. Her Careers Fair attracted 55 of the leading graduate recruiters to the University and increased student attendance by 1/4 from the previous year. She also helped to rpoduce a brochure containing advertising and information aimed at students.The day raised a total profit of £16,000 for AIESEC UK.
To find out more about AIESEC, click here.

Helen was also involved in organising the summer ball for her hall of residence in 1999, which had a budget of £25,000 and her school ball in 1998, which had a budget of £8,000. She was also a member of the History Society committee at Birmingham University.

Helen was awarded the 1998 Politics prize at Simon Langton Girls' School.



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