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Trade Unions in the UK do not have the influence they used to but the situation could be far worse. Throughout the developing world members and leaders of trade unions are being persecuted for standing up for the rights of workers.This article concerns the presecution and suppression of trade unions throughout the world. It also contains further links to archive news on this subject. More

Information on the European Trade Union Conferderation which considers employment issues on an EU-wide scale and develops policies and positions from which to influence the EU. The site is updated regularly and contains detailed information on the purpose of the Confederation. More

A comprehensive directory of left wing trade unions and pressure groups. It includes links to sites concerning communism, peace activists and socialists. More

For immediate details about the General Federation of Trade Unions (GFTU), the federation for specialist unions. The pages cover news, research, education and related information. More

Links to information about workers' rights and representation of staff both in the UK and on a worldwide scale. Also links to university teachers and student trade unions. More

Up to the minute information on Britain's Unions. TUC's events and campaigns and how to know your own rights. More


National Union of Journalists  

The National Union of Journalists is the professional union for both staff and freelance journalists in Britain and Ireland. It provides details on professional practices for journalists and regular updates on pertinent information for those in the business. The union can also provide legal advice on matters such as libel and slander, the freedom of the press and rulings on media intrusion.

The website also offers information on how to contact freelances and details on membership, including getting a press card. More

Journalism students are eligable for membership of the NUJ at a reduced rate. Students who work on university publications and intend to become journalists can also join the union. More



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