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UN Coalition



 *September 19, 1994, an international force comprised of 21,000 landed in Haiti to see the end of military rule.

        *This action was in compliance with UN Security         Council Resolution 940 which authorized member         states to use any force necessary to remove         military control of Haiti and restore the         constitutionally elected government.

*President Clinton claimed that the invasion was to "restore democracy" to Haiti.  He forgets to mention that Haiti has only had 4 leaders who have left office peacefully (between Independence and 1994 actions).  The other 36 have been either removed in coups, murdered brutally, or fled into exile (because of imminent coups, etc.).  Doesn't sound like the idea restoration Clinton had in mind.  

        *(More random trivia - Haiti has had two years in         its history when its had four different leaders,         1957 and 1988)

>>>UN Coalition Continued