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The releases on Hello Doll Records are quite often limited edition runs, so they go out of print quick. So... if you want some stuff, you should probably act quickly, or you just may never see it again.

Payment can be made with check, credit card, or very well conceiled cash (if it's absolutely a must). To place an order, go to the order page.

The Asterisk "Translucence And The Social Whore"
#HDR031 CAEP, $4.00
Originally released in 99, we found a few copies of these recently...this little gem features some of the scariest noise known to tape recorder. ol' skool cassette format only, and limited quantity! (rodent empire)

The Autumn Rhythm "Has No Teeth"
#HDR045 CDEP, $5.00
Amazing duo from Boston, MA. Val on guitar and vocals, Eli on bass, and beauty on the CD. for fans of the wee and the twee sounds of Elf Power, The Gentle Waves, etc. "Human Shock Absorber", "Rock City To The Sq."...

Lonnie Bills "Practicing My Hand Shake"
#HDR015 CDLP, $7.00
Lonnie's debut album, which was recorded completely live on various dates and places throughout his 2000 year tour. most of the tracks are Lonnie solo, however some of them also feature his backup band as well. "Escape Plan", "If My Arms Were Long Enough", Pavement's "Give It A Day"...

Bobarino "Experimental Combustion"
#HDR011 CDEP, $5.00
Debut EP with 5 tracks, half of which were written about 5 mins before they were recorded. Full of improvisation and experimentation, thus spawning the title. I get it, it's just fun! "Yellow Sunbeam", "Erasing The Day", "Drama Queen

Brad Caffeine "Sink Or Swim"
#HDR005 CD, $7.00 CA, $4.00
Debut set from Mr. Caffeine, a local classic. simple pop tunes, and that's about it, with 2 bonus tracks not on the original release. "My Left Arm", "Johny Punk Rawk", "Little Dream"...

Brad Caffeine "I Have Feelings"
#HDR009 CD, $7.00 CA, $4.00
Sophomore jinxed album from Brad. sort of an ode to sex, drugs, and rock and roll. but more or less, 80's rock. "Meghan Adler", Baby You Make A Grown Man Sick", "I Hate You Sex Maniac", "Pisces"...

Brad Caffeine "Don't Be Gentle" EP
#HDR043 CD, $5.00
The acoustic EP that won over the hearts and made Brad Caffeine a house hold name (in his own house). Each copy comes with completely different hand drawn artwork. "Your Call Is Very Important To Us", "I Fell In Love And All I Got Was This Lousy Song", "Only In The Films"...

Brad Caffeine "Robot"
#HDR012 CDLP, $7.00
Brad's 4th album, an ode to the indie rock world he loves so dearly. now with oodles of bonus tracks! "Hooray For Sports", "The State Of Pop Music Today", "Drink By"...

Brad Caffeine "Should The World Be Against Me"
#HDR014 CDLP, $7.00
Brand new! the 5th and saddest album of Brad's career, quite possibly ever! The hardest album brad never had to make. "Satelite Sonata", "Lunar", "Waiting Here For You"...

Cartland "Songs From The German Years
#HDR021 CDLP, $7.00
Eleven beautifully crafted songs from Iceland's one man band Cartland. The songs bounce from upbeat AM radio pop love songs, dark and moody pieces, and delicate acoustic arrangements. "Romantic Berlin", "My Aim", "Barbara Cartland"...

Chonk "Nude Trees"
#HDR018 CDLP, $7.00
Deranged collection of material by the man known to us as Chonk. "Little Johny's On Steroids", "I Know This Guy", "Sears Blues"...

"Come On Play The Lemonheads" Tribute Comp
#HDR025 CDLP, $6.00
A great collection of cover songs en tribute to our beloved patron saint of singer/songwriters, Evan Dando. Featuring The Foxymorons, The Luxury Liners, Verde, Brad Caffeine and others.

The Fidgets "Le Petite Prince"
#HDR048 CAS, $2.00
Special low priced ol' skool cassette only single. New rather experimental band, featuring a boy on noisy guitar, and girl on art nuveau vocals. Featuring a certain lennon/mcartney penned song about a blackbird on the b-side. oh yeah, and no artwork!

Lick The Star "Camp Girls Rock Harder"
#HDR035 CD, $7.00
Debut full lengther from the label masterminds. 12 tracks that go all over the friggin' place. "He Still Drives A Car", "Yeah, I Like Britpop...What?", "All Hail The Pekingese"...

Lick The Star "Songs For Children"
#HDR044 CD, $7.00
Seriously, no joke. 13 children songs including "Tarvey The Whale", "Asparagus Man", and "Golden Toothbrush"...don't ask us why.

Lick The Star "He Still Drives A Car"
#HDR027 CDS, $3.00
Just found a few leftover copies of this classic debut LTS single. features favs like "There's No Such Thing As Japan" and "Hijinx Where People Go To Die"

Lick The Star "Yeah, I Like Britpop...What?"
#HDR029 CDS, $3.00
2nd LTS single, with some very explicit cover art done by Gary Peters. four terrific songs, and limited edition.

Lick The Star "All Hail The Pekingese"
#HDR037 CDS, $3.00
3rd LTS single from "Camp Girls..." featuring 3 non-album tracks that'll rock you like a 505 or an 808.

The Lulls "Time Apart"
#HDR003 CDLP, $7.00
The first full length album released on Hello Doll. we're proud to say things got better. Death to The Lulls! "November", "Curdled", "Silverfish", etc.

John Martinez "Alienated Young Man Creates Some Sad Music"
#HDR024 CDLP, $7.00
France's pride and joy, John Martinez's lovely collection of aforementioned, said music. "Life's Not A Paragraph", "I Expire Today", "Like Any Parasite"...

The Mentals "Live at Room 710"
#HDR046 CDLP, $7.00
Grunge is dead? no, probably not. Ten live tracks of terror featuring one mr. steve tobin on guitar and vox. plus as an added bonus, this one's got full color artwork! go figure. "Alien Sex Fiend", "Numb", "Bell Jar"...

Newspaper Joe "See What Happens, Larry?"
#HDR034 CD, $7.00
Sad songs from a cool guy. You can't go wrong. Newspaper Joe is New York's best kept secret, until now! "Pretty Little Junkie (Hold Your Head Up High)", "Fifteenth Nervous Breakup", "Hate Me Now"...

Noise Reductions "Sleeping Pills Vs. A Living Will"
#HDR019 CDEP, $5.00
Surreal noise landscapes that aim to radiate the conflict stated in the title, basically a wordless examination of a suicide attempt. "And Now We Sleep", "Silver Panties", etc

Gregg O'Connell "Farther Than Some"
#HDR022 CDLP, $7.00
Folky pop tunes inspired by the Lemonheads/Ben Lee/Ben Kweller scene. "C'mon Daddy", "Options", "Temptation"...

Gary Peters "A Perfect Day For A Funeral"
#HDR017 CDEP, $5.00
A short little EP full of big things from our little known hero, Gary Peters. this release finds Gary at his most 80's inspired Joy Division-esque moment to date. dark and scary.

Gary Peters "Laser Vaginal Rejuvination"
#HDR032 CD, $7.00
The debut set from Mr Peters, this is the one that made us fall in love with the man. Back in print and in all its green tracklisting glory. "Bomber", "As We Danced We Burned"...(rodent empire)

Gary Peters "Death Of The Pop Generation"
#HDR036 CDEP, $5.00
Re-issue of long out of print split with Brad Caffeine. 3 previously unreleased studio tracks by Gary, and some live stuff by Brad. (rodent empire)

Rachel Nevadas "UFO From Hell"
#HDR026 CDEP, $5.00
Rock and roll plus can you go wrong? 3 songs including "Vulture"

Soul Is You "Takin' Care Of BUZZness"
HDR030 CD, $7.00
Instrumental chemist brings us on a journey thru funk, jazz, blues, and his brain in just one sitting. "Demoo", "Flowers", "Sat4am"...

Spoon Fed Adults "Into Your Intent (I Will Silently Creep)"
#HDR023 CDEP, $5.00
An absolutely gorgous mini-album of acoustic pop diamonds in the rough. if you like yr bands extremely lo-fi with a hint of the beatles, you'll love it. Title track, "Condish Wafta", "The Ton 80", etc.

The Summer Home Panty Raiders/Lick The Star split
#HDR038 CDS, $3.00
Features three SHPR favorites recorded live at their last ever basement performance in 1997. Also includes Lick The Star doing a SHPR cover as well as one new original. (rodent empire)

Steve Tobin "Rarities"
#HDR047 CDLP, $7.00
The Mentals lead singer/guitar player unplugs a bit, and compiles a set of heart tuggers. Citing diverse influences ranging from Kurt Cobain to Brad Caffeine. (hehe). Ten tracks total, "Hey Waitress", "Blindfold", "Been So Long"...

Verde "Say Good Morning"
#HDR039 CD, $7.00
Stunning debut from the lady in red...happy, poppy, grrrly, verde. Includes a perfect cover of Lou Reed's "After Hours" + "Waste My Time", title track,...

"Welcome To The Dollhouse (vol.1)"
#HDR020 CD, $5.00
10 track collection showcasing Hello Doll artists.

"Welcome To The Dollhouse (vol.2)"
#HDR042 CD, $5.00
Another collection of songs from Hello Doll artists' releases that'll dip yr feet into our oh-so-luke-warm pool of indie rock goodness.

Zero For Conduct "Brand New Demos"
#HDR013 CDEP, $5.00
6 ass kicking songs that remind us that even if Pavement's breakup IS permanent, the indie rock will never really die. "Brand New Shirt", "Lucky", "Nineteen"...

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