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Please Help Melanie Study Abroad!

Hi, My name is Melanie Young. I'm a 20 yr. old junior at the University of Texas. I studied abroad in London last year and I loved it. But I had to take out about $7000 in loans. This time I would like to study abroad in Spain and do an internship during the summer of 2004 to improve my Spanish. My parents are poor and so am I. Unfortunatley, financial aid won't cover most of it. If I were receiving financial aid that were actually equal to the FAFSA calculated financial need, then I certainly would not be asking for charity. The total for me to study abroad for the summer is going to be about $5000-$6000. Anything that you could give would be greatly appreciated. I believe that I am a very good investment. Plus, it's just good Kharma. I promise to keep everyone posted on how much has been contributed and what I still am lacking. Thanks.

What i need funding for:

After you play a game, feel free to make a donation, so that I know that my lame attempts are somewhat appreciated!

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