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Henna As Natural Medicine

Henna Plant Picture


Henna is an ancient herb of grace and healing. It is mentioned as a valuable medicine in Egyptian hieroglyphs, in Solomons Song of Songs of the old testament, a disciple of Aristotle who wrote the History of Plants. The Prophet Mohammed advised his followers to use henna and the Indian sage Agastya, sage of medicine and science wrote of henna as the "guardian of the pulse" and enemy of diseases. 

How Henna Works
When applied to the skin, the active elemts in a paste of henna leaves provide a cooling and astringent action along with protection against many surface fungi and bacteria. Henna can help to lower body temperature to soothe headaches, fevers, burning feet (which may be a B-vitamin deficiency), and even hysteria or a violent temper. Here are a few ideas.

Headache Remedy
In addition to the relaxing and cooling properties of the henna seeds, anise seeds are also a good antiseptic. 

1 tablespoon (15g) henna seeds, outer shells cracked and inner seeds ground.

1 tablespoon (15g) black anise (Pimpinella anisum) seeds, boiled crushed, cooled water or apple cider vinegar

1 gauze compress

1. Using a mortar and pestle, pound and grind together the henna and black anise seeds. Add just enough water or vinegar to make a paste. 

2. Spread the paste onto a gauze compress. Apply the compress to the head, lay down to rest for 15 to 30 minutes.

Irritated Skin Balm
Lawsome may be the ingredient in henna that serves as an antiseptic, bactericide, and fungicide. This remedy will not stain the skin. 

2-3 tablespoons (10-15g) neutral, uncolored henna powder

4-5 ounces (130ml) apple cider vinegar, warmed.

1. Mix henna powder with warm vinegar to form a paste

2. Apply as a dressing directly to the affected area of the skin.

Scalp Treatment
Try this updated eastern remedy to increase hair growth and reduce hair loss. 

1 tablespoon (15ml) henna flower oil

1 tablespoon (15ml) Jojoba extract

1 tablespoon (15ml) calendula infused oil

Half teaspoon (2.5ml) carrot seed oil

2 drops essential oil of clove bud

4 drops of essential oil of rosemary

5 drops East Indian essential oil of patchouli

2 drops essential oil of cedarwood

1. In a 2- to 3- ounce (50-95ml) opaque bottle, combine henna, jojoba, calendula, and carrot seed oil. Add essential oils and shake to mix. Label and date.

2. If desired, warm the bottle of oil in a warm-water bath before using. Massage a few drops into scalp before bedtime. Apply two or three times a week. 

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