Can You Run for Your Life?
from Bikini Kill: A Color and Activity Book (Issue #1)

Practice deciding on a self-defense strategy by reading through the following situations and planning what you would do.

  1. A man you have seen before approaches you in a public place. He "jokes" with you and puts his arm around you. He is acting "nice" but you don't trust him.
  2. You are in a bar with another woman. Two men approach your table and want to join you. You would rather spend the time with your friend privately.
  3. You are walking home. You think someone is following a half-block behind.
  4. Two high school age boys drive by while you are walking. They honk and yell comments about your body.
  5. You are with a school age child in a store parking lot. When you reach your car, you think there might be a man in your back seat.
  6. Hitchhiking, you get a ride with one man. After being in the car for awhile, you decide that you don't feel safe.
  7. You are in your bathtub. You hear an intruder in your home.
  8. A man you know comes to your house, drunk and angry at you.
  9. You are asleep in a home with children. You are awakened by a noise and don't know what it was.

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