There's something inside of her that no one wants to see.
from Bikini Kill: Girl Power (Issue #2)

She took the spoon out of her lips. I love the taste of milk, she said. The lie that it makes me beautiful, while really it's hardening my arteries, corroding my uterus and rusting out my insides. I love the lies. Altogether now, "I Love The Lies."

She stepped back and looked at herself in the mirror. Sucked her stomach in, pouted, turned sideways, looked back at herself looking, earnestly, sat legs spread on the floor, layed facing the floor, holding a book, holding a guitar, imagined dropping something on the ground, him picking it up, him looking at her, her perfectly pouting, as if it were all unplanned. The mirror as power. She knows whats gonna happen cuz shes seen it all before.

How much of my life comes from what I've been taught? Is there anything "natural" about me? Why do I always assume that he is acting honestly and I am not? Like he's an animal and just does what he does without thinking. He just has desire. He just wants success. I am a part of that success. I can make him cool.

The milk is a wet grey spiderweb. It is a simulation of boy cum. "This is what it's gonna be like little girl, three glasses a day, better get used to it." Full of protein too.

If there is nothing natural about me, I might as well be the best construct ever. A Stepford wife with real brains, a fembot programmed to destroy high schools and beauty salons, Donna Reed buying a dildo, a Farrah Fawcett poster that comes to life, tearing the swimsuit down below my tit, I pull it towards my face and start repeating the word "cock" over and over again.

x  x  x  x  x  x  x

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