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 4x4 Rally

4x4 Rally

4x4 Rally:
Extreme 4x4 on and off road racing game, Race against 4 other drivers on ice, through cities, swamps, deserts, forest etc... with score board.

This is a challenging rally game of 4x4s vehicles. Get into your 4x4 truck and race with other opponents with significantly high artificial intelligence! You have to drive your 4x4 through various terrains from grasslands to ice lands, dense cityscape to deserts and also inside a giant's body!

This game will test your racing skills as you have to finish in the top three to move on to the next track. The game offers the ability to customize the appearance of your 4x4. The crux is that, this is an action packed, competitive game which you can take as a challenge!

Use the Arrow Keys to control your 4x4. Try to complete all the levels and make it to the hall of fame. Good Luck!

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