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 Mini Nitros

Mini Nitros

Mini Nitros:

Drive your customizable Mini Cooper on the rough country lanes, use Nitro boosts and try to complete all the tracks in the fastest time possible....

Take part in a challenging racing competition in the country side where you've to drive a Mini Cooper through various tracks and try to reach the finish line in the fastest time possible. You can activate Nitro to boost your speed on long straight road segments.

To begin with, select your car and tune it up by adjusting the specifications to the desired level. You can Left Click and Drag the yellow squares from a feature and place it in any other feature to tune up your car for the challenge ahead. Finally select the track and get ready to race.

Avoid hitting the sides of the road, as it will slow you down. If you succeed in completing all the tracks then submit your score to the high score list. Have fun with mini nitros!


Accelerate Up Arrow Key
Brake/Reverse Down Arrow Key
Turn Left Left Arrow Key
Turn Right Right Arrow Key
Activate Nitro Space Bar

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