- http://www.emode.com
- What sex god/goddess are you?
- http://www.bored.com
- A nice site to entertain you.
- Some very cool short films. Some highly disturbing short films.
- Go put a gerbil in a microwave.
- http:www.hampsterdance.com
- When you're done putting a gerbil in a microwave, go watch a hampster dance. The music is contagious.
- http:www.previewtunes.com
- Just a nice place to watch some videos.
- http:www.stabbingwestward.com
- Rather self-explainatory.
- http:www.ezone.com
- Games. There's one great air hockey game in here. It's addictive.
- http:www.shocking.com/~typhoid/asylum
- This place is wrong. It's wrong and it's damned. Kind of like my place but not really.
- Probably the best place for local music info. Nice links.
- Kids in the Hall
- This will take you to a random Kids in the Hall transcript.
- jenn's quiz
- So you think you might just know me....
- http://www.coolquiz.com
- when you're finished with my quiz...go make your own.then go play a mad lib.
- FHM brit mens magazine
- Go look at the cover girls.
- sealab 2021
- one of the greatest cartoons...with a great infectious theme.
- meet my catalyst band.
or meet them here
- official site.
more to come.