
"When we were younger, we sang at the dinner table. One day our dad taught us two-part harmony on 'Amen.' Which soon led to three-part harmony when Zac was old enough to join in." - Isaac

"There were people three feet away from us and all around us. They were everywhere and we could see all of them singing." - Isaac

"Music is a part of us. It's what we've always done and intend to be doing for a long time. If we weren't doing music, then we wouldn't be who we are. Music is our life. It's what we love." - Isaac

"Love is a lot like a guitar. The music may stop now and then, but the strings remain forever." - Isaac

"It's so cool to get to talk to fans, to find out where they're from and why they bought the records." - Isaac

"And the minute they opened the door we heard these screams and people chanting' 'Hanson! Hanson! Hanson!' When we heard it, we all stopped and looked around at each other in disbelief because we could tell the mass of people out there was incredible." - Isaac

"We're not a novelty act, and we don't plan to be." - Isaac

"We're not a young band, we're just a band who happens to be young." - Isaac

"We've met a lot of really good friends who were fans to begin with and you can tell when fans are so obsessed with you that they wouldn't be able to concentrate on getting to know you.  It's not hard to figure that out." - Isaac

"Our grades are always good. By traveling all over the world we learn a hell of a lot more than people stuck at home with their heads in a book." -Isaac

"Whether we sell one record or a million, our parents and our brothers and sisters are always going to be there for us. And we're going to be there for each other. We're always going to be doing music, no matter what." -Isaac

"We've flown the Concord many times. And this lady comes up to me and goes, 'Excuse me Sir, Would you like some caviar?' I'm going, 'First of all, I don't like caviar. Second of all, it's eight o'clock in the freakin' morning, for the love of God!'" -Isaac

"We love what we're doing and we want to keep doing that in our lives." - Isaac

"Our faith is important to us. It keeps your head screwed on straight, just like having a good relationship with each other and our family." -Isaac

"I'd never be able to smash a guitar." -Isaac

"They (Taylor and Zac) help me with girls, because I'm the one that needs it." - Isaac

"Everybody feels up sometimes...everybody feels down sometimes. Sometimes they feel sideways, and sometimes they just feel weird." -Isaac

"We were just kids who wanted to sing...warts and high-pitched voices and all. We were pretty bad sometimes but at least we had heart!" - Isaac

"We're not into spending a lot of money on each other. The most expensive thing I ever bought was my own paintball gun." - Isaac

"If I were describing it in a nutshell it would be kinda hard, considering I can't get in a nutshell because I'm a little too big. But, if it were a large nutshell I would attempt it and then I would probably...okay...whatever." - Isaac

"If I limited myself I would just prove myself wrong." - Isaac

"I'd have to say a happy medium between The Simpsons and, unfortunately, The Waltons.  We're probably not as weird as The Addams Family." - Isaac.

"Pamela Anderson is cute, but I like Jennifer Aniston, she looks like she'd be good fun." - Isaac.

"We want to be a Boyz II Men/Ace Of Base type group where we can sing harmony and dance." - Isaac (from 1993)

"It can go just as fast as it can come." - Isaac

"Judge us by our music, not our age." - Isaac

"We're basically best friends." - Isaac


"He (Isaac) wrote his first song in Ecuador, on a small electric keyboard. The song was about the people on the streets; the poverty of where we were."

"That's the coolest thing - seeing people react when you play live." - Taylor

"We would plug our ears and even then the shrieks would cut through. We were just trying to find a way to block out the pain." - Taylor

"It's great to be good friends with your brothers. Then you've got friends for life." - Taylor

"Fame? We get both sides- the 'Oh I hate you guys, you stink' side, and the 'You guys are so awesome'. The positive outweighs the negative by far." - Taylor

"I think the Bee Gees stayed on top 'cause they wore such tight pants!" - Taylor

"Be yourself. No one can ever tell you you're doing it wrong." - Taylor

"Before we learned our instruments, we had this thing back in Tulsa where we'd start to sing in every restaurant we'd go to hoping they'd give us free pizza or something." - Taylor

"People are going to say, 'Oh, they're young kids, they don't play, they don't write, they were put together, something's screwy about that. But you just have to listen to it. The music speaks for itself." - Taylor

"You can't take Zac anywhere. He'll either get lost or say something that will get you into a heap of trouble. We're always trying to talk our way out of a weird situation he created." - Taylor

"Being in a band together makes it even better, because we know each other so well. It's like, you're gonna argue, then it's over, and you're still together. What are you gonna do? Walk across the room and pout?" - Taylor

"I don't wear pants that tight. I wanna have kids later in life." - Taylor

"There was an outdoor barbecue going on and all these industry people were there. We would just walk up to them and say 'Can we sing for you'? Some of them would push us away and say 'Sorry' and some of them listened, but just kind of blew us off" - Taylor

"I might be a wild rock 'n' roller, but you wouldn't catch me peeing in public!" - Taylor

"We don't, you know, ever think about it and say, 'Let's write a cool song.' You just go and do it. Anything you're thinking about, you write about." - Taylor

"If Ike hears me say this, he's gonna kill me, but he still sleeps with a small brown teddy. Its so old, it has Zac beat by a few months" - Taylor

"I often go off into my own little world. At least that's what Isaac and Zac say. There is some truth in it, though. I like to think very carefully about everything. For this I need peace and quiet so that I can really 'catch up' with myself again. But even when I can't be alone it isn't difficult for me to switch off - that's when my brothers always say I'm in my little 'Taylor World' again." -Taylor

"I think someone bit me last week, I'm not sure. I know it felt like teeth and it hurt like crazy! Of course, it could have been Zac..." - Taylor

"I'm Natalie Imbruglia! And I'm having an identity crisis!" -Taylor

"Being in the music business can't be about the fame or the money or any of that stuff. You really have to love it." -Taylor

"There is this nasty rumor that I cuss all the time, but really I don't, because that is a rule in our house and I wouldn't want to disobey my parents." - Taylor

"I hate being asked why I have long hair, I mean it's just hair! It's no big deal!" - Taylor

"I don't resist the girls anymore. I jump back at them and scare them. That throws them!" - Taylor

"My girlfriend would have to be tender, romantic, and faithful like me." - Taylor

"We hope and we pray to be able to make music for a long, long time. Being Hanson and playing our music, there's nothing like it." - Taylor

"Yes, my name is Jordan, but Taylor makes my eyes bluer." - Taylor

"A Porshe may be cool but what happens when your career is over and all you have to live in is your car?" - Taylor

"We were recording Snowed In at the time, and we found out that Zac died. It was kind of shocking." - Taylor

"One person has the key to my heart, and until that person unlocks it, my heart is half empty." - Taylor

"I wouldn't throw a TV set through a window. Water balloons and small animals, on the other hand, are fine by me!" - Taylor

"It's a lot of work, and you have to be really dedicated. When you want something, it's not that easy. You have to know what you want and keep going for it." - Taylor

"We just started singing and knew that's what we wanted to do." - Taylor

"Part of what Hanson is, is that there's not just one guy who sings.  Having three voices is what makes us Hanson." - Taylor

"Fan mail is like the most insane thing!" - Taylor

"If I saw a band like this, the first thing I would say is FAKE! They were put together." - Taylor

"It's not like we're these child geniuses who woke up one morning suddenly able to write good songs." - Taylor

"Everyone was staring at us and pointing and we felt like freaks in a zoo." - Taylor

"For a while, there was the alternative thing, and it was huge.  Now it's coming back to music being fun.  Not corny, but enjoyable.  Not down-and-out 'I hate my life'." - Taylor

"Sometimes I just want someone to kiss me and hold me and tell me everything's going to be alright. But I haven't found that special person yet." - Taylor

"I've often thought about how nice it would be to be in love. But I don't believe you can imagine what it's like if you haven't experienced it. Still, I think about it a lot, of course, and I try to imagine what it would be like. But no girl has made my heart beat really fast yet. I haven't even kissed a girl yet. Actually, I find the whole thing a bit embarrassing, though it's me who gets the most love letters. I read each letter very carefully." - Taylor

"It is the message. Not the messenger. " - Taylor

"I always want to tell people off who don't do their job right, but I never do. We're always saying we will shout at someone but we wimp out." - Taylor

"You never know what you've missed until it passes you by." - Taylor

"I wouldn't rule it out of the picture for me to get married some day, and have an army of kids. Just like my folks did. I'm just used to having a ton of kids around, and it's tons of fun even though sometimes it's like a zoo in our house. But I guess I enjoy a lot of confusion and chaos!" - Taylor

"The worst thing we've done is spitting on people from hotel balconies.  I hit someone the other day - that was pretty cool!" - Taylor

"I think it's simply great how you can give free-reign to your imagination when you draw. You can turn your dreams into shapes and colors, and that's what I find interesting about drawing." - Taylor

"If there's a bully and he's beating up on a really cute girl, I'm a fighter." - Taylor

"People think of us as stars, but we don't think we're stars at all." - Taylor

"We don't drink any pop because you know what that means...Pimples!" - Taylor

"Ike is a classic big brother. While Zac and I are bumbling and stumbling, Ike knows the right way to do everything." -Taylor

"If there's a girl who's a fan and she's a bit crazy, you are not going to go out with her." - Taylor

"Isaac's the hopeless romantic of the group, I'm the professional and Zac's just mad." - Taylor

"We get along pretty well.  We're not like Oasis.  We don't fight all the time." - Taylor

"We're weird in a way, it's not every kid who sings with his brothers for a living." - Taylor

"We're not doing this because we want girls to scream at us, but they can scream if they want!" - Taylor

"We get a laugh from dropping waterbombs out of windows.  It's innocent fun and we don't mean anything by it." - Taylor

"I tap on everything, all the time. It annoys people." - Taylor

"We watch action movies and we don't cry at Arnold Schwarzenegger!" - Taylor

"There's a weird rumor that if you dropped a penny off the Empire State Building in New York, you'd kill someone. I feel really bad cause I dropped a nickel off it once." - Taylor

"Zoë just walks over to the piano and starts banging on it. So, I guess she's longing to play." - Taylor

"I made a rule to myself that I wouldn't date until I could drive. It's like, 'We're going on a Mum'll pick you up at eight.'" - Taylor

"People ask us if there's girls we write about and there's actually not. We just dream about them!" - Taylor

"We wrote a lullaby for our little brother. It woke him up!" - Taylor

"My mom is amazing. She can do anything and she's always totally believed in us. She's half the reason we're doing this" - Taylor


"We would make up simple tunes to guitar and sing around the table." - Zac

We'd never consider making music separately because we've been together all our lives." - Zac

"Seeing me, reading about me, and knowing me are three different things." - Zac

"I think female species in general is pretty hard to figure out. Guys are like 'Give me some food' and have like, one active brain cell. But girls have these things called FEELINGS. Guys just have bowel movements." - Zac

"You don't stop laughing because you grow old; you grow old because you stop laughing." - Zac

"Instead of doing our chores, we usually spent the time writing a new song. They'd say, 'This better be good,' and give us a chance to sing it. Then-of course- we'd still have to do the dishes!" - Zac

"Yeah, I'm weird. I put the milk in before the cereal." -Zac

"Put it this way, if people really knew me they'd have other ideas. There's a difference between meeting me, reading about me, and knowing me." - Zac

"If you run, they'll chase you. If you don't run, you're dead." - Zac

"Sometimes I plug my Nintendo into the hotel room before I've unpacked anything else. It's like I can't live without beating Taylor at NBA Jams." - Zac

"Alrighty, I'm taking this to the Jerry Springer show!" - Zac

"Hair is only a big thing if you have big hair." - Zac

"Oh, we don't dance in the show. We play instruments. That's a misconception. We can't dance for sqat!" - Zac

"When we get home, our friends will just say, 'Wow, it's cool you were on TV. Are you coming out?'" - Zac

"I believe that laughter is the best medicine. A good laugh gets your adrenaline pumping and you feel so much better, even if you're in a serious situation." - Zac

"I would cry if a cute girl was with me and I wanted to look like I was sensitive!" - Zac

"There's lots of different kinds of love." - Zac

"I don't tend to get girls as fans.   I just get all the young guys and weirdos." - Zac

"I've got one (a song) about a frog, one about an alligator, and one about a mushroom, called Mushroom In The Garden." - Zac

"One guy asked me if I'd been abducted (by aliens). Yeah, right!" - Zac

"I think it's actually that I'm so shy that I just act wacky to make up." - Zac

"When I saw the video on MTV, I didn't recognize myself!  I really thought I was some girl." - Zac

"We met the Spice Girls and we really liked them.  Geri's quite small without her platform shoes on.  I'll probably out-grow her in a few months time!" - Zac

"They're like my best friends, only bester!" - Zac