WKZQ 101.7 in Myrtle Beach
(843) 626-7300.
Recommended: Don't call in the morning, but in the afternoon and night. At 5 is the all request drive home, the DJ's name is Reckless Eric. And then at night it's Summer, and she's really nice.
Surf 107.1 in Wilmington
Additional:Sully-plays local and regional bands on Sunday nights, Surf Underground, 9 to 10-e-mail.
107.7 The X in Birmingham
(toll free)888-241-8439
(local)(205) 741-1077
WNNX, 99X in Atlanta
(request line)404-364-0997
WARQ, 93.5 in Columbia
Recommended:Cataldo at 7-12 on weeknights. The Cage Match at 10, sometime during the week of Aug. 13th, will challange 'Vertigo' against the reigning champion. CALL IN TO VOTE!!! Also, Cataldo with 7200 seconds, on Sunday nights. He plays local bands, imports, the like, so he might play it then.
Request Line:706-542-4567
Call-In Show:706-542-8476
Programming/Music/Local Music Departments:706-542-8466
Manifest:If anyone can find a number or an e-mail address for Manifest discs and tapes, please call them and ask what October's disc of the month is, and if they are not sure, please request that 'Vertigo' be it. That way, a track from 'Vertigo' will be played every hour on SC and NC rock stations. (Warning: The employees may prove as annoying and extremely incoherent.)
E-mail me at mac_harper@hotmail.com or IM me at VertiG0Grrl (zero, not an 'o') if you have any additional information and happy dialing!