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Thousand Foot Krutch - Downloads & Media


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I only included FULL mp3s on here. If you want shortened samples of other songs, you can get them on the Official Thousand Foot Krutch Site

mp3 format
3.90 MB
track 2 from the CD “Set It Off”

mp3 format
4.20 MB
track 3 from the CD "Set It Off"

mp3 format
3.50 MB
track 6 from the CD "Set It Off"

Small To Say (Radio Version)
mp3 format
2.51 MB
Unreleased as of yet. Radio quality on this version, not studio quality. (Great song, bad sound quality.)

Rude Awakening aka "Home" (Spoken's edited-for-quality version!!!)
mp3 format
4.95 MB
Spoken made the quality on it better, otherwise its the exact same song.

Rude Awakening aka "Home" (Original Version)
mp3 format
4.97 MB
Download site one

Rude Awakening aka "Home" (Original Version)
mp3 format
4.97 MB
Download site two

The following story is taken with full permissions from

E-mail from Trevor McNevan, lead vocalist of Thousand Foot Krutch, to another TFK fan and TFK fan site webmaster:

"'Home' is actually called 'Rude Awakening'(I'm not sure why someone called it 'home' on the net), and is a song I wrote and recorded by myself. It's just a demo version(still ruff), but I have fun writing a lot of my own stuff on the side. This song was inspired by Cassey Bernall, the girl who was shot and killed in the Columbine high school shootings. She stood up for what she believed in, and wasn't afraid to die for it. That really spoke to me, would you and I stand up for God if it meant death? It's a deep question. A question that can only be truly answered by a 'History Maker'. I hope you dig it man. If it's alright, can you pass this on to anyone who's heard the song to give them a little background on it? Thanks again, "

Trev(vocalist/songwriter for TFK)



"I found out a little more about the song.

Some of it was already posted here about Trevor being inspired by the Columbine shooting, but there is more.

They were not allowed to play the song when they were in Columbine last year (understandaby, at the time the students there were very sensitive to the issue) so instead they burned 100 copies onto cds and were allowed to sell them at the show.

All 100 copies were sold.

There will NOT be any more official versions of these discs made. they were made with out the permission of the record company (Who technically owns all TFK recordings made while under contract). If you have one of these discs, it is even more rare than Oddball or Thats What People Do."

Kerry (Official Thousand Foot Krutch Site Web Design)


Puppet Video
Quicktime Low Resolution format
Size: 4.0 M.B.

Interview with Thousand Foot Krutch
Quicktime Low Resolution format
Size: 5.9 M.B.
Also features "Puppet" video outtakes.
