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  • lil A is hard at work recording new songs for her new album which should be finished by the end of the year!
  • lil A is working on collaborating with some people to create a "lick my key" picture comic book/fairy tale in the form of a zine which tells the tale of a little girl transported to a world where keyboards rule over all and humans don't exist... Oh my, whatever will happen?
  • The Superhero Records street team succesfully handed out 100 copies of "lick my key" in DC during Ladyfest and got much positive feedback!
  • Look for lil A and members of the street team giving out more free CDs, stickers, and fliers at the Cleveland, OH Le Tigre show on 8-22 and 100 more CDs at Ladyfest South in Atlanta on Otc. 10-13 to help promote!
  • We are doing a flyer swap to help promote the distro Beyond A Joke Productions

  • Members of the Superhero Records street team will be heading out to Ladyfest DC august 7-11 passing out 100 FREE copies of lil A's album to help promote it so look for it and grab a copy!

  • Ladyfest bay area was a huge success for lil A! She handed out 90 free copies of her album to help promote it and got alot of positive feedback! She made many contacts and was also asked to submit to play Ladyfest Ladyfest in Colorado next summer so watch for that!