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Zines galore!

Zines Galore!

  • *gorgeous attitude*
  • 1st issue out now entitled "it's about time it's about me"
  • dive into the crazy world of kisston gorgeous
  • raunchy, wild, and crazy stuff
  • 2nd issue out sometime late 2002
  • $1 or trade
  • yeeehaw!
  • Contact:

  • "My god can beat up yr god" by Melodie. She breaks down and explains her views on religion, the existance of god, theism, agnosticism, atheism, skepticism, dualism, smart things about the bible (no not really), and an awesome drawing by 8 year old danni of the Devil which states that "HELL RULES!" How can you pass that up? She also breaks it down so you can figure out where you stand in those topics if you aren't sure. $2
  • Contact:

  • Make a zine? Send us a description (pics are welcome!), cost, and contact info and we'll put it up on the site to help spread the word about it! \m/