"Dangerous" Dougie

The "Dangerous" Doug Adventures

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Hello, my name is "Dangerous" Doug Harper and I am about to let you in on my crazy life. I will be posting all of the cool things going on right here so keep yourself posted!.

Thursday February 19, 2004

Well what is new? Not much here, I have just been getting all pumped up about all the music coming in March! Don’t worry about not having any live music, because the month of March will just be really cool! I’m glad you have stoped by, and checked up…

Feb, 14, 2004

I have not had a chance to just sit down and write you on here, for awhile so I am sorry. I’ll start with a big Happy Valentines Day to everyone! I hope it went well for all of you. I have been kind of sad lately, since there is no more music at Gordon’s, but it is ok because I am looking for better gigs. I will be playing lots of out of town shows for awhile though, and that will be a nice change, so watch my tour schedule for all of the up coming shows in town so you don't miss me.

Get ready for the Adventure #6!

This time around the adventure show will be great! It will feature some of the area musicians, fun, contests, and more. Don’t miss it! It will once again be held at Gordon’s Pizza Theater, at 701 E. Cherry Street in historic downtown Nevada. I know you are getting excited, and so am I. At the Adventure #6, there will be several musical performances and more. Don’t miss out it all begins at 7 PM, Saturday Night January 24, 2004. Tickets are $3 each, and can be purchased in advance at the Gordon’s Pizza Theater Box office 417-667-8500 (recommended) or at the door (if they have not sold out).

Gordon’s Pizza Theater Schedule of Events

January 2004

23 – Fredy Douglas, acoustic music $3 (8pm)

24 – The adventure #6, variety show $3 (8pm)

30 – N.B.S. (from St. Louis) Punk Rock $3 (8pm)

31 – N.B.S. (from St. Louis) Punk Rock $3 (8pm)

February 2004

6 – Alex Fuhr, mix music $3 (8pm)

7 – “Dangerous” Doug’s B-Day Extravaganza Featuring: Juniper (from Springfield MO), David Byerly & more… $3 (8pm)

13 – A Band Called ? $3 (8pm)

14 - Valentines Day Ball $5 singles, $8 couples

R.S.V.P. please (7pm)

20 – Mix Beats, dance music $3 (8pm)

21 – TBA & Berlin Drop $3 (8pm)

27 – Eric Lane Gulliford $3 (8pm)

Every Thursday: “Dangerous” Doug (7pm) Open Mic (8pm) Big Friends Jam (9pm)

Every Wed. Karaoke w/ Michelle $2 (8pm)

Every Tuesday: Beatnik Poetry Society W/ Matthew Harper (6pm)

The web page is under construction!

Encounter with God 12-11-2003

12:46 AM

Here I am thinking about all of it, direction, and what the future holds. I can hear music playing outside my window, and as I look out of it I can see the snow that is left from yesterday. The street below is not busy this time of night but shurley it will be congested with traffic early tomorrow morning. The courthouse clock shines brightly, and I wait eagerly for the chime at one-o-clock. No one can see just exactly what goes on here, until you have lived it. A town full of lost souls just waiting for something great big to happened. The town needs a radical movement of God. I’ll take the challenge, I would just love to go the distance and help change this place. There it was! Chiming in though the distant bell like Christmas sounds playing over the speakers on our square, the courthouse chimed one-o-clock. Now do I feel as though I should be ready for the sleep that awaits me? No, I instead wait with expectancy for my encounter with God. It is on nights like these that I feel the greatest presence of God. I hear the instruction, and become whole again.

1:02 AM

I am feeling a bit tired tonight, but If I can only wait just a few minutes longer, God will visit with me, in fact I can sense his presence now, so I am turning on a worship CD. The music moves my thinking and my heart into a relaxed and uplifted state of being. God’s presence is very known as I am sitting here thinking, and I am now going into a moment of prayer… “Lord purify my heart, and make me a man with a holy heart and a pure mind. Give me strength, and guide my choices. Make me new, and make me yours.” It is time to let God speak back to me; I will now wait for confirmation from him as the song “Open the Eyes of my Heart” plays…

1:10 AM

The presence of God is increasing and the reality of God is evident. I feel clean and refreshed, and my mind is at ease. All the problems of the world are far away from me. “Never let go of reality, but do not dwell too closely to it. Be relieved of any sickness, or troubles, and find freedom, wisdom, and peace with Christ at the helm of your life. Believe and be free, allow God’s love to shine through you and live right and you will prevail against all weakness, and strife, for I am God, your lord, and your King, bow before my glory. Your freedom is only steps away.”

1:15 AM

God’s presence has come over me, and I will get on my knees and pray.

1:30 AM

I’ll go to sleep knowing God is with me.

Today is Dec. 30, 2004 and we are gearing up for the Great Big New Years Eve Bash!

We will be starting all the music at 7pm and will have music all the way untill 1am, so stop by and bring in the new year with us!.

Click Here For More about Gordon's and Nevada's Local Music


Get ready for September, I will be so active and will be playing lots so be sure to check out the events calendar, oh and don't forget to reserve your seat at Gordon's Pizza for my big shows!


It has been awile since I have been here, but I will promice to at least up date twice a month from now on, It has been summer, you know lots to do, and nice outside. It has been hard for me to just sit around the house. But I will have lots to tell you about coming up so hang in there, it just gets better from now on...


Well now, how have you all been? I have been great as of late! Things are going very well for me and the Newsletter. I recently got moved into my new apartment. It is great! I will be playing Wed. and Thurs. this week, and I will be working on the newsletter that will come out on Wed. of next week.


It's really bad I have not gotten in here and updated for a whole month.

I have been working at the Cash N Dash, in my spare time from giging I will be posting my list of gigs that I have played coming up, but don't hold your breath. Tonight, and the next two nights I will be in Th C.C.P.A. production of Pall Sills The Story Theater. 5/23/2003

It is Friday, I will have to work tonight, but the weekend is young...


I went to play at Gordon's, it was so much fun, an all out big Jam! Blake, Eric, Rich and Myself just rocked out, I had a blast! We played everything from, Clapton to Hendrix, and CCR to Cake, it was major cool. Don't Miss out next week, I will be Jaming with one of my bands called "dB".


Wed. was my day off this week, no one to hang with, so I chilled at the homestead.


I had to make some sales calls, to keep the web page alive, and I worked on putting out the Newsletter.


Well it is finnaly Summer, at lest in my book anyway. All is well here, and I am loving the Nevada Music Movement Of 2003. Just sit back and enjoy it while it lasts...


Sunday, Cottey Graduation, I watched the Girls Go home, it was a sad time for me, I had to see my friends go, and it will be a long summer with out 'em.


Every musician has to work a real job some times, but thats ok because next week will be a rockin' revival.


Headed to watch the bells... Later ended up at Gordon's to watch Eric Gulliford Play, and L.C. Huston Sly, Slick, 'n Wicked. The Show Rocked!!!


Did somebody say Thursday? I hit the stage at Gordon's Thursday night and went into a rockin' acoustic set, Eric showed up and sit in on a couple songs. Later I had a meeting with one of the artists signed on the P.S.R. Label



No Carroll's

I had a camp out with a friend. We had fun. It was'nt your average camp out, but even though it was different, I liked it much better than a normal camp out. I would like to do it again some time.



I headed to Springfield to catch up with S.A.R. (Some Assembly Required) The next big thing for sure! We hung out at Carroll's And got all our ideas strait.


Monday, Monday...Regular Bussiness runs, had to stop by and see some of the Local Ear clients, those wonderful people who support this page.


I fond my way home...Sunday, I slept, Sleep is Good...


I can't remember


I can't Remember


I was Still lost...




I Got Lost!


It is Monday.


I Kicked it at Sims after we went to chase the Tornado, but did not catch it. I stoped by the home of Josh to talk about 13 Curves too. Later it all ended with sloppy joes for dinner.


I first headed to Generations, set up for the show, and then played. Later Matthew took the stage and kept us singing untill 9pm. The crew showed up for the evening performance, and some of 'em hit Wal-mart. Later we hung out afterwards and had some fun, well at least I did, Tiny and myself ran a marathon, but Richard just ended up getting kicked in the head! The night ended at dawn after Richard and I had free breakfest at the Truck Stop. A woman there showed the whole Truck Stop her butt, and bared her chest after almost getting into a battle royal with a chick acting like a ginny.


Friday night was the Cottey concert, the girls sang well, but the highlight was getting to drive Fergie's '71 Volkswagon.


The Twighlight Festalval Was Awesome!

Eric and I hit the stage at Gordon's Pizza Theater, to open for L.C. and the boys, it was absolutley great, and on top of that we got to hang out with some cool new friends.


I headed to Springfield again!

Jason and I rocked out at Carroll's for Taco night, the place was full and we ended with a new tune!


I hung out around the house getting fired up for Carroll's the next day




Sunday, Helped Move.


Played at Generations it was cool.


Friday Night Hang Out


Still in Springfield, Downtown DQ


Carroll's Taco Night Gets Better Every Week!


It is off to Springfield to get ready to rock out on Wed.

Open Mic Night

At Plaster Student Union!

I met some unforgetable people. Thank you for hanging out, it was very enjoyable


It is Monday, and I have finally recoved from the Adventure weekend


Happy Easter!

Church Day


The Adventure #4! It absolutley rocked, everyone showed up to have a great time


Arival at the Welk-Um Inn and set up for the show began


Thursday at the Bristol Mannor again, with Maggie


The Carroll's Show will not hppened, so I will hang in Nevada. But if you are out and about there will be Komakazi Karokee! Stop by and check it out. I will probably just hang at the church.


New Beginings are good.


It was just another day in Nevada. Work hard on the promo for the Adventure #4, April 19, 2003. Don't Miss Out!


Wow what a day, I went to church, and then practiced all day for the Adventure 2003, April 19th, at the Welk-Um Inn From 1pm til 11:30pm, Oh and I did hang out with the Sisters!


Played at the Generations and at Wal-Mart it rocked out!


In the Park By Fastrip, I played and visited with lots of folks


I played at Bristal Manor today with Maggie, it was very nice to play church songs on a Thursday, mabey I will play there again soon.


Springfield bound again, Eric and I played and had taco's at Carroll's. After the show we bumped into "The Batchelor" at his place, mabey we will get a show there.


The last Tue. at Moundville, we will not be playing there anymore, since Lori is leaving, but it was cool while it lasted.


Monday, Monday

It was Monday...I droped by Austin Street though.


Went to practice with Mr. E. Machine, things are sounding good, we are getting geared up for the April, 19th Adventure.


Headed to the Square to get a haircut at Andy's and checked out the Art show, then of course played at Generations.


Yesterday ended with a BBQ at Gregg's House, and it tasted good. Eric & I landed some more gigs, things are just going very well right now, and I hope to see you Saturday at Generations from 6 till 8pm at the Show!


Today I droped into Gordon's Pizza Co. to see how the theater was going. It is going great, the grand opening is set for May 1st with tons of live music in the street with the Twighlight Festaval. Do Not Miss Out!


Springfield Bound! I Went to Springfield, MO to play with Eric Gulliford, (The Eric & Doug Show) We jamed at Carrol's, 300 Park Central East, the downtown, like we do every week and it kicked!


Played in Moundville, The Eric & Doug Show took stage, hung out with Travis Barker, and had a great time. See you there Next Week!


Locked Out, but we made it. I took care of some business today, and had a interesting dinner, after getting locked out of the car. The walk was nice though, old friends are always good company.


Sunday, Sunday, I missed Church, but only to work on the car.