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I’ll drift on by

Sailing slowly on a summer breeze

I’ll drift on by

Your words can’t catch me on my knees


And the tale I want to tell

Will just wait for the bell

Of the ships sailing through the fog


I’ll drift on by

Floating gently on the silky waves

I’ll drift on by

Your words won’t make me cave


And the story I want to sing

Will just have to silently ring

On the tower perched over the rocks


I’ll drift on by

Gliding gently on the frozen stream

I’ll drift on by

Your words can’t break the light’s beam


And the story I want to write

Will just stop until it’s right

Hanging in the branch over the water


I’ll drift on by

Sliding down the snowy hill

I’ll drift on by

Your words can’t kill


But the story I want to say

Will have to wait ‘til another day

When you find out I’ve been watching you…