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I used to stand on a mountain top

Felt like I could fly

I used to still dream of more

Even up so high


I never once looked over the edge

To see the trail I had worn

I kept looking up at the golden clad

Believing I was torn


But now I’m falling

Nearing the bottom rocks

Now I’m falling

Head first off the rock


Looking back up, past my feet

Toward the mouintain top

I can see where I once stood

Wishing I could stop


I didn’t realize I had slipped

Until I hit my head on a branch

All the memories of days gone by

Make me wish I had a chance


But now I’m falling

Nearing the bottom rocks

Now I’m falling

Head first off the rock


I used to dream of better things

Not seeing where I was

I used to dream that I had wings

Not looking on my back


Now I’m grabbing for everything

Wishing for days in the past

Even reaching out for a fling

Any dollar store will do


But now I’m falling

Nearing the bottom rocks

Now I’m falling

Head first off the rock


Nostalgia hits me hard

Everytime I simply sing

Remembering the gutter

Which came down long ago


But hey, the past is past us

And I gotta move on in this pit

I might have missed the bus

But I’m still goin’ on this trip


I’m falling, I’m falling

Nearing the bottom rocks

I’m falling, I’m falling

Head first off the docks