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I'll Wait

I’ll wait
As long as you bid me to
I’ll wait
As long as I know you’re true
I’ll wait
As long as I can see you
I’ll wait
As long as I know the sky is blue

But when the clouds roll overhead
And my tears fall with the rain
My dear, I’ll have to say you’re dead
So I wont feel this pain
When my figure is cast in shadow
All alone for the first time
You know I’ll watch the window
No matter how the wind chimes

I’ll wait
As long as you say you’ll be
I’ll wait
As long as I know you’re free
I’ll wait
As long as I can tell glee
I’ll wait
As long as I know there’s water in the sea

But when the rains come no more
And my tears run down the drain
My dear, I’ll have to close the door
So I wont feel this pain
When my body is covered in dust
All alone my heartbeats slow
You know that I must
No matter how the sand blows

I’ll wait
As long as you’ll ring the bell
I’ll wait
As long I know you wont sell
I’ll wait
As long as I can stay well
I’ll wait
As long as I know there’s fire in hell