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Neko Time-Asassin
The Past of Neko Time(pronounced Tee-May) shortened for your convienience.
Neko's real name is Naoko Time, and she was born in the zombie-ruled country of The Mist. Her mother and father were asassins, two of The Mist's finest. Her mother was killed during a job, and her father shortly killed himself, leaving Neko and her sister Madeline in a feild, to be found by two seperate families (Neko was adopted by Benjam and Mariah Hubblekipper, Madeline by Francisco and Veronica Ocha) and, as fate would have it, Neko was sent to mercenary school. She quickly climbed to the top of her grade in all classes, and graduated witht he highest marks the school had ever seen. Trained not to feel anyhting, Neko continued her life as a mercenary, moving from house to house to avoid angry mobs that wanted her burned. She now lives in the chat realm, with Cody, who she looks after as a little sister. i'll explain this story later.
this doll is crap.hehe, Neko is a flapper. i like this one...very proud of the shading and the feather. base by Trumbolice.

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This layout was designed by Star Sweet Graphix.