Margie’s Home for Lost Fan Fic
I created this page to host my fan fic for those few who are interested in reading it…
They are broken down by show/category.
The only thing I ask is that if you have the time please feel free to email me your comments/reviews. Thanks!!
Hit the button to send me Feedback:
Click on Michael and Maria to read my Roswell Fics
Click on Buffy and Spike to read my BTVS Fics
Click on Mulder and Scully to read my X-Files Fics
Last Updated January 27, 2004
*** Salvation - Up to Ch 8 (Jan 27) ***
***Remember Me - is Nocturnal Light's #2 Fic of the Moment! Yay! (Jan 7)***
*** Both Who? What? Huh? (humor/light) and Where? When? Gah! (angst/dark) have been nominated in the 2003 slashfest! Go Vote! Slashfest 2003 ***
Okay I went ahead and created a group for the one or two people who want to know when I update, click on the link below to join up.
(Since June 2003)