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Title: Sunnydale Elementary

Author: Margie

Rating: G

Pairing: B/S, X/A, W/T (friendship - they're only in the 3rd grade people!)

Summary: What if the gang had met back in 3rd grade? AU, everybody's human. Giles is Spike's dad.

Disclaimer: Own nothing. Joss owns all.

Author's Note: This fic was inspired by the elementary series found at


Chapter 13 -

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" Willow was hyperventilating.


She was fine up until about half an hour ago. That's when she had peeked through the curtain and seen her parents sitting in the second row of the auditorium. Not just that, but the whole auditorium was full of people!


"Oh my gosh!"


"It's okay Wills. You'll do great!" Xander was standing behind her rubbing circles into her back. He had just come back with a glass of water for her.


"Don't worry Willow! You'll be a great witch!" Buffy beamed at her. She didn't know what Willow was so nervous about. This was going to be great!


"Willow please. Just relax. Everything is going to be fine." Mr. Giles was assuring her.


Tara watched as everyone bustled around backstage. There was a small group gathered in the corner, and she noticed Willow in the middle of it. She looked a little green.


"H-hi Willow. What's the m-matter?" The crowd had dissipated slightly so she had approached.


Willow was sitting in a fold out chair drinking the glass of water that Xander had brought her. She felt a little better now that everyone had stopped crowding her so much.


"Oh. Hi Tara." Willow looked up shyly.


Tara was all glittery again. Her wings were on, but she had put her wand down on the table by the curtain.


"Can I s-sit down?"


"Sure." Willow scooched over a bit so that Tara could sit on the seat next to her without getting her wings scrunched.


"Is everything okay?"


"I just." Willow's hands were waving erratically. "I didn't know there would be so many people!"


Tara's eyes widened. "I know. Isn't it s-scary?" She agreed.


Willow nodded.


"But I kn-now you'll do great. You did really good in the rehearsal." Tara turned away timidly. "And you look just like the wicked w-witch from the movie."


Tara reached out her hand tentatively. She grasped Willow's hand in hers and squeezed. "Just try not to think about them."


Willow looked up to see Tara smiling at her. She smiled back.


Buffy smoothed out her blue checkered skirt for the thousandth time. Her mom was sitting in the audience in the fourth row down and she wanted to look perfect as Dorothy. She had been really careful not to mess up her braids or her costume since they had left the house this afternoon.


Even after dumb old spike head had tugged on her braid and tried to get her to chase him, she refused! She was not going to mess up her dress just to get back at the stupid butthead!


"Hi Anya!" Buffy heard Xander yell from across the room just before tripping on his tail and falling. "Ugh!" The breath wooshed out of him.


"Silly Xander!" Anya giggled.


Will smirked when he saw the ponce fall on his face.


"What are you smirking at spike head?!" Buffy demanded. It was one thing for her to giggle at Xander, but another for HIM to do it!


"Laughin' at monkey boy." Will answered matter of factly.


"Hey!" Xander yelled at him. "Who asked you anyway?!"


"Goldilocks did. Or did you hit your head when you fell?" Will smirked again.


"Leave Xander alone spike head!" Buffy yelled over as she helped Xander up.


Why was she always being so bloody nice to that nancy boy?


Will scowled as Buffy helped monkey boy over to the seats next to Red and Glinda. Buffy ignored him, so he scowled so more.


He turned when he felt Anya's hand on his shoulder. "Why do you dislike Xander so much Will?" She asked, genuinely curious.


"I told you. He's a bleedin' nancy boy!" Will huffed.


"Still, you do seem to hate him extra." Anya glanced over at the now seated Xander. "I think he's sweet." She smiled at him when he turned her way.


"Yeah well, that's cuz he let you spread your girl cooties all over him." Will answered distractedly. He was still watching Buffy fuss over Xander.


"What do you mean?" Anya's brow furrowed. "I don't have any cooties. And if I did I wouldn't be trying to get Xander infected."


"ALL girls have cooties."


"We do not."


"You do too."






"W-what are you guys arguing about?" Tara had joined them now. She had seen their discussion getting louder and louder and decided to come over and see what was wrong. She hated to see her friends fighting.


"Will says we have cooties!" Anya huffed.


"You do!" Will shot back.


"Will that's not v-very nice." Tara said softly.


"I never said I was nice Glinda." Will snapped at her.


Tara's eyes got big. Before she could turn away Will caught her expression.


"Oh bloody heck!" He cursed himself. "I'm sorry ducks. I didn't mean it." He tried to apologize.


"It's o-okay." Tara sniffled.


"You made Tara cry!" Anya accused.


"I'm sorry Tara. Don't cry pet. I'm a bad, rude boy." He placed his hand on her back and rubbed in a soothing circle. "I'm just nervous 's all. I don't want to mess up the play for Da." And goldilocks he mentally added.


Tara smiled at him reassuringly. "Are we all friends again?" Anya asked the two.


"Yeah pet. We're friends."


Tara gave each of them a small hug to cement the deal. She watched as Will's eyes drifted back to the corner where Buffy was sitting. She had a feeling she knew the real reason Will was being so mean.


Will's eyes narrowed as he watched Buffy lean over to whisper something to Xander.


"Xander you have to promise to not to ruin my play okay? Spike already promised not to run away this time, so you better promise not to yell or fall down again. Okay?" She leaned into him menacingly.


"Okay Buff. But I still can't believe you have to kiss that jerk!" Xander was shaking his head.


"I don't think he's that bad Xander." Willow defended. "Tara says he's always really nice to her, and Anya too."


Before he could answer Mr. Giles was clapping his hands.


"Okay everybody. This is it. Your mums and dads are all out there waiting to see you. Don't worry now. We've practiced and we all know our lines right?" He was lining them up in the order they were going to go on stage as he spoke.


"Girls please! No holding hands now. You're enemies." Mr. Giles admonished the good and bad witches.


"Don't worry Wills! You'll do great!" Buffy gave her friend one last encouraging speech before they were being led out onto the stage.




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