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Title: Sunnydale Elementary

Author: Margie

Rating: G

Pairing: B/S, X/A, W/T (friendship - they're only in the 3rd grade people!)

Summary: What if the gang had met back in 3rd grade? AU, everybody's human. Giles is Spike's dad.

Disclaimer: Own nothing. Joss owns all.

Author's Note: This fic was inspired by the elementary series found at


Chapter 2 -

Anya looked up to find Tara looking down at her. She smiled and said "Hi Tara! Do you want to count my money with me?" She was busy sorting the money out of her Barbie cash register.


Tara smiled and sat down next to her. "No thanks, I just wanted to sit with you. Where’s William?"


Anya pointed to the other side of the playground. Tara looked over and saw him sitting under a tree. He liked the shade. That was one of his favorite spots. Tara also noticed Willow sitting on a bench near William. She looked like she was looking through a book or something. She liked Willow. She was super smart and she was always there if Tara needed help with one of her projects.


She decided to go say hi to Willow, but as she walked over she saw Xander and the new girl Buffy coming over. She decided to go say hi to William instead.


"Hi Will’um! C –can I sit with you?"


"Sure ducks." William waved her to sit down. She giggled.


"Will you’re so funny! You call me the funniest things!" She smiled at him and sat. "Why were you sitting here alone?"


"Didn’t feel like counting An’s money. So I just came over to sit." While he spoke Will looked over to watch Buffy chatting with Willow and Xander. Tara noticed and asked, "Will? Why don’t you like Buffy? She seems like a nice girl. And Willow likes her." She added.


Will blushed and looked down. "Got nothing ‘gainst Goldilocks. She’s just got all that Goldilocks hair. It’s all shiny and long and I can’t help it if I have to pull it!! She’s the one who sat in front of me!"


Tara laughed. Will looked so tortured. Like he really couldn’t help it. "Okay. Well maybe you should go over and say sorry. I’m sure she’ll be friends with you if you do." She gave him a little push.


Willow and Xander had gotten up to go to the water fountain. But Buffy wasn’t thirsty, so she decided to sit and look through the pictures in Willow’s book. While she was reading a shadow fell on her and she looked up. It was William!


"Hi spike head."


"Hi Goldilocks."


Will stood there looking down at her and not saying anything else. And Buffy sat looking up at him waiting to see what he wanted. Will finally sat down on the far side of the bench. He didn’t want to get too close and get her cooties.


"Uhm…Tara said I should say sorry for pulling your hair." He said quietly, looking away.


"Well you should you big meanie!" Buffy shoved him and he toppled over onto the playground floor.


Will was so mad! He came over to be nice and say sorry and she just pushed him for no reason! "Well I’m not sorry you big dumb Goldilocks girl!!" He was standing now and giving her his "I’m mad at you" face.


"I knew it spike head! I knew you couldn’t be nice for even one second!" She was standing now too and holding her hands on her hips.


Willow and Xander found them huffing and puffing at each other when they got back from the water fountain. Immediately Xander stepped up and stood in front of Will.


"What are you doing? Leave Buffy alone!"


"Go away monkey boy! I’m talking to Goldilocks!"


"Quit calling me that spike head!" Buffy was almost ready to cry. He was so mean!! Why didn’t he like her?


"No! You’re new name is Goldilocks! Ha!" That would teach her! Why did she keep having to call him spike head? He couldn’t help the way his hair stuck up.


"Fine! Then I’m going to call you Spike! Because you’re a big spike head!" Buffy stuck her lower lip out in her classic "you made me pout" face.


Xander and Willow watched them yell back and forth at each other until they all heard the recess bell ring. Willow grabbed Buffy’s hand and started leading her toward the school building.


"See you later Spike!" She stuck her tongue out at him in parting.


"Whatever Goldilocks!" He shouted back.




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