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<font size="8"> Melanie and Bryan Adams </font>

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"When You're Gone" was a massive hit in the UK and it was the first single featuring a solo Spice Girl to go platinum.

<li>Melanie on Bryan :- Bryan is wicked. We have become really good mates. He’s like my big brother.

<li>How does food taste when he’s gone? It depends what you’re eating, hahaha!

<li>Bryan on Melanie :- She’s down to earth and a pop enthusiast. She’s gonna be a star! (Uh, she already is!) I have written a song for her solo work.

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More from Bryan :- "I met her in a hotel when I was doing my last video, and asked her to sing on my album. She hadn’t even heard When You’re Gone and she said she’d do it. When I told people about it, a few eyebrows were raised, but I thought it was an interesting idea. I always thought it would make a good single. Has Mel asked me to the footie? No, not yet. You’ll have to ask her why not. I wish she had. My money would be on Chelsea to beat Liverpool (Bryan is a Chelsea fan!) I’d love to go to the footie with Mel. I love Mel (pauses deep in thought). I’m totally in love with Mel. I think she knows I love her. Do I think I should stop mucking around and ask her if she fancies me? You’d have to ask her. Would you mind? Could you? Ask her straight out for me! If we got married there would be too many Adamses in Spice Girls. (Victoria’s marriage to David is pointed out) Then it’s time to put the Adams back in Spice Girls! I don’t think she’d go for it. (pauses, then raises an eyebrow) Would she?"
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Here's an interview with Bryan </font>
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<I> Well, let’s start. Why did you sing with Mel C.? </I>

It all came by accident. We had never the intention to sing something together or something like that. We both were in Los Angeles and by accident also in the same hotel. Mel had to do an appearance and I was recording a clip in the neighbourhood. First we met each other in the elevator of the hotel and later also in the bar. Mel and I started talking and so it happened. I had just wrote "When you're gone" and I asked her if she wants to sing with me. After that we went to the studio and we liked each other from the first moment. 
<I>Was that everything? You just met her in the elevator?</I>
Yes. She was very nice and I thought it was funny to do something together. Everyone thought that I was mad! People said: why are you recording something with a Spice Girl, for heaven's sake? Well, because I like it, that's why!
<I>Is she now your favourite Spice? </I>
I don’t have a favourite Spice. My favo-spice is curry, ha ha ha!
<I>In my opinion you just did it to dethrone the BSB. </I>
Nooooo, I’m to ugly for that, haha! It’s just a great time for pop music. I’ve never thought about getting windward of the BSB. I like various kinds of music. I also like "Manic Street Preachers" and "The Verve".
<I>Can you tell something about the video "When you're gone"?</I>
The video is about two people who are living in the same house, but who never see each other. They never met each other in spite of that they’re house mates. Sporty helped me to make a great video of it. </font>

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Bryan Adams and Mel C… Friends forever? </font>

Recording a song together and becoming big friends is not usual in showbizz. “That’s only possible when there is a mutual respect”, says Mel C. “Of course I was always looking up to Bryan, because he’s a phenomenon. That I recorded a song with him is still surprising me.” Bryan Adams is also speaking gloriously about his temporary music partner, Mel C. “I don’t see her only as an artist or a female singer, but I see her especially as an human. There are artists enough with who I can sing a song together, but there are just a few with who I want to sing. Mel is one of that few and that’s why it made me so happy that we liked each other from the first moment on. She is a really nice girl and you can hear that. And what especially got my attention: Mel is really sweet!”    
Everybody said I was nuts when I suggested recording a song with Mel C. The record company and the management tried to persuade me not to do it. But I said: listen, this is not a request, it's a decision." His choice for a Spice Girl had more to do with her personality than with her voice. "She isn't the best female singer in the world but that wasn't the point. She has the right kind of energy and enthusiasm. And I think our voices sound great together." 

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And here is an amusing quote from Metallica's Jason Newsted </font>

"Last time I saw Bryan Adams on Top of the Pops I nearly fell over with shock. There he was singing When You’re Gone with a vision of loveliness, a thing of beauty, a princess of the music world hanging around his neck. No, not Sporty Spice – I’m talking about the chunky old Fender bass he’d strapped on." </i>



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