kimya dawson
the main-woman of the band, who has the sweetiest voice in the world. she is 29 year old and a true new yorker. rumours says that she, during her schooltime, used to sing satanistic songs to her catholic mates. kimya worked in a recordstore when she first met adam, around eight years ago.

adam green
the main-man in the band. he is only 21 years old but have been doing music for almost ten years. he lives in new york city, like most of the other bandmembers. he is one of the guitarplayers of the band and he also does a lot of singing together with kimya. he was only 13 years old when he first met kimya and they started what later on bacame the moldy peaches.

strict lee beats
a multiactive musician that plays in lots of other n.y.c. bands like stipplicon, wooden ghost, thefirstpersontoseeanelephant, dufus and gorilla monsoon.

toby goodshank
he is into many sorts of art and is as an example a great painter. he seems to be totally crazy. when not touring with the moldy peaches, toby is a member of the music-organisation olive juice. they've got a homepage where different kinds of artist have the possibility to show their works.

jack dishel
born in moscow, the capital of russia, in 1976. he spends his time wondering what he has been doing his whole life, but he also plays in stipplicon. jack is playing the guitar.

steven mertens
a great drummer and bassplayer who is a member of stipplicon and baby skins. steven was a naughty kid who often hit his pals so badly they didn't want to hang around with him any more. but his kind a over that now.


all the nice pictures on this page is taken by the photographer natalie gruppuso. she has got the copyright on them.