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Things That Suck Donkey Balls

1. Papers to the Nth Power
2. Early mornings
3. Bush (of the hairy and chimp variety)
4. Bras/Periods (feminine shit)
5. Shit stuck up the Ass
6. the Sun (cuz it mocks me)
7. anything "cool", "hep", "in-style", in fashion, trends, fads (etc.)
8. Normies, Conformists, the Lazy, the Fearful, Non-Thinkers, Non-Progressives, Zeros (etc.)
9. Ugly People... Naked... Blinding me
10. AIM
11. Weenie health/medical problems/colds
12. i would put GUYS here, but they ain't worthy
(oops did i inadvertently do so anyway?)
13. Uncertainty
14. not knowing Mandarin (total waste of a great DVD rip)
15. not knowing any other language for that matter (oh let's say Russian or French or anything else... damn that guy speaks 4-5 languages fluently and he's a complete fuck!?!).
16. oh yeah... Sore Muscles
17. all "Bentleys" - our suitemates
18. Thieves/Looters
19. Bigots, Reverse Bigots, and Biggots
20. uh... Did we mention Papers?

N.B. - this list was compiled over a period of several weeks during the Spring 2003 semester

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Page 1 - Excuses to Cut Class