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Pastel Princess

The plane landed in Austin, Texas. It was the band's next stop on their little promotion tour. The success of their third album had been overwhelming and the record executives felt it was time for the band to do more interviews, photo shoots, and special apperances. Maybe even a few secret shows in small venues here and there.

John Watson grabbed his cellular phone and quickly started dialing.
"Hey! Guys, let's go. We gotta meet the publisher at one," he called out to the two young men fiddling through their stuff.

"Chill Watto," said Ben, "I'm just looking for my watch."

"Have you seen my sweat shirt Ben?" asked the other boy, Chris.

"Naw, man. Ask Daniel. Hey. Where is he, anyways?"

"I think he was asleep in the back."

Ben got up after finding his watch he went to the back of the private jet to find his friend, Daniel.

In the back there was a figure laying under the covers on the couch. It moved only slightly enough to uncover a pair of feet.

Ben smiled mischivously to himself and got up close to the figure. He pulled down the covers to reveal Daniel's face. Ben put his face only a couple of inches from Daniel's and then he,"AAAAHHHHHHAHHHHHHH!!!!!"

Daniel screamed and fell off the couch. He was distorted for a couple of seconds looking around helplessly for what was going on. Finally he spotted Ben on the floor laughing uncontrollablely. "You fucking knobjocky!" Daniel yelled kicking Ben, "I fucking hate it when you do that. Take fucking ten years off of my life why don't you? Shit!"

Chris and Watson came running to the back of the plane when they heard all the screaming.

"What the hell is going on?" asked Watson somewhat frustrated.

Ben, trying to restrain his giggling, stood up from the floor and answered, "Nothing. Just trying to wake up poor, Danny-boy."

Chris laughed, "Aww, poor Daniel," he bent down and pinched Daniel's cheeks, talking in a mock motherly voice, "Did the big, bad Ben scare you?"

Daniel pushed Chris's hand away, "Shutup."

"Okay, you guys. Knock it off," said Watson, helping Daniel off the floor, "Daniel, get ready. We have to meet the publisher by one."

"Yeah, all right. I'm coming."

Chris followed Watson while Ben stayed behind, "Sorry about that Johnsy. I just couldn't help myself."

"Yeah, I understand."

Ben nodded and started to walk out, "But, Ben," Daniel said.

"Yeah, mate?"

"I owe you one," Daniel smiled.

Ben flug his arms up into the air, "Bring it on Danny-boy."

They both laughed and Ben finally left so that Daniel could change.

Daniel, Chris and Ben stood in the lobby of the Embassy Suites joking around and making faces at people who stared at them when they walked by.

The publisher, Brian, looked over at the boys while waiting with Watson as he was checking them in.
"How old are they again, John?" Brian asked.

"Daniel is twenty. Ben will be turning twenty later this month and so will Chris in November. Why?"

"No particular reason, but I'm guessing that their sense of humor hasn't changed much since the first time you met them, huh?"

Watson looked at Brian questionably, then looked over at the boys and saw the faces they were making at people. He laughed, "No, they are still the same kids I met a few years ago."
Watson grabbed the keys and walked over the band, "Guys, how many times have I told you not to bother the nice people?"

All three of them looked innocently at him, "Sorrrryyy, Watson," they said in little boy voices and cracked up laughing.

Watson just shook his head, "Well, here are your keys. We'll go to the rooms later. I don't want you guys getting too lazy on me," he looked at Brian, "Shall we go?"

Brian looked at his watch, "Yeah, I told the reporter we'd be there by two."

"Alright then. Come on guys. We got a schedule to keep."

The boys rolled their eyes and followed Watson and Brian out the door.

When the five men walked into the resturant a few people looked up from their plates and stared. Some kids went stiff in there seats when they saw the three young band members.

Ben leaned over to Daniel, "You think they know who we are?" he asked.

"Brian, over here," called out a man sitting at the bar in the middle of the big room.

Brian walked over to him, "Hello, Frank. How have you been?" The two men shook hands.

"I've been good Brian. Thanks."

Watson walked over with the trio right behind him.

"Ah, Frank, I'd like you to meet John Watson," said Brian.

"Nice to meet you John," greeted Frank.

"Same here," the two men shook hands.

Brian continued, "And these three are his prodigies," he motioned the boys over. "May I introduce Ben Gillies, Chris Joannou, and Daniel Johns. Collectively known as silverchair."

"Wow! It's a real pleasure to meet you guys. I really love your work," said Frank as he shook each of the boys hands.

"Thanks," said Ben, "It's nice to meet you too."

"Well, I have a table reserved in the upper floor. Shall we?" asked Frank.

As the men sat at the table Frank was taking notes during the random converstion, "So guys, tell me, what are your plans after this trip?" he asked.

Chris put his glass down, "Well, I guess we're just going to take another long break. You know let people take in the effects of Neon Ballroom."

"Basically, just wait and hope that people are gonna want more?"

Chris smiled, "Something like that, yeah."

Frank nodded his head, "So how 'bout you Daniel? What do you plan on doing?"

Daniel looked up from his plate a little startled by the question, "Umm, well. I don't know. I guess rest. That's pretty much what I've been looking forward to."

"No plans for writing another album again?" Frank asked intently.

Daniel looked confused by the question, but pretty much knew what Frank was getting at by the look in his eyes. "Umm, I don't plan on writing anything for awhile. I'm going to try and break myself away from music for awhile."

"Are you sure?" Frank asked more persistly this time, "I mean, the last time you guys took a break, you said you had to write because you felt like you would go crazy if you didn't. And, if, umm, I remember correctly, you almost did."

"Frank!" Brian jumped in quickly, "We had an agreement."

Chris and Ben looked at each other concernly.

Watson looked at Daniel and could see the pain and anger welling up inside him. He new he had to say something. "Umm, the boys are just planning a nice, long, well deserved holiday, Frank. There aren't any solid plans for an up coming record yet."

"Of course," Frank said,"I apoligize, Daniel."

Daniel looked up at Frank, but said nothing. Frank just smiled to himself and continued on with Ben to ask him of his plans.

Daniel sat there silent, not hearing anything the others were saying. What an asshole for bringing up that subject. But as Daniel recalled the question again, he began to actually think about the answer. He never actually thought about what was going to really happen with the holiday they were planning. Last time, he virtually vanished from everyone who knew and loved him.
He wrote music to help him cope with all the emotions and disorders he was going through. He knows he doesn't want to write music for awhile or even pick up an instrument after this year is over, but it's the only thing that he knows. Music is everything to him. It's the only thing that comes close to contentment for him.
Yeah, there was the art school he was planning on attending. He enjoyed painting and drawing, but was that enough. He really couldn't express his thoughts and feelings with art like he could through music.
What will I do? he thought. If I don't write, will I go through that hell again? What else can I possibly do if something happens? What if I do go crazy?
He suddenly felt sick and scared.
He closed his eyes. Please God, don't put me back in that state of mind again. I may not be able to take it. I'm afraid that I may not survive it this time.

"Daniel?" Watson leaned over, "Are you alright?" he whispered.

Daniel heard him but couldn't respond. No, Watson, I'm not alright. I'm frightened. I'm terrorified. What is going to happen to me? What will I do? Please, help me.
Daniel shook the thoughts from his mind and looked up. He opened his mouth slightly to answer Watson, but instead...
he saw her.

She sat at a corner table, in deep thought, writing something down. A journal possibly. When she looked up from her notebook, he could see sadness in her expression. She closed her eyes, as if trying to block out whatever thoughts she had flooding her mind. When she began to write again, she would look so peaceful.
So beautiful.
Her flawless, pale skin looked so soft. Her dark hair, glittered in the dim light of the room and fell perfectly over her shoulders like a sheet of silk. He couldn't stop looking at her. She seemed so intriqing, yet so fragile.
What was she writing? What was she thinking? Why was it making it her so sad?
Why couldn't he stop looking at her?
It was almost as if her beauty was making all his pain go away. Like if he stared at her long enough, he would finally feel true happiness.
If only it were that simple.

"Daniel? Daniel?" a voice shook his trance.

Daniel suddenly came out of his daze, "Huh? What?"

"Are you alright?" Watson asked once more.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You seemed a bit lost there for a second."

"No, really. I'm fine." Watson looked at him with an unsure expression. "Really, Watson. I'm fine." Watson nodded and returned to the conversation still being held. Daniel looked up and met Frank's eyes. He had a slight smile on his face that made Daniel feel uneasy.
Daniel didn't like Frank from the beginning. Something about him just didn't seem right. It was almost as if he were trying to get something out of Daniel. Possibly to destroy his success. Daniel smiled a little at himself. It's just my parnoia talking. Why would Frank want to hurt me? Unless, he's a spineless, bastard reporter. But, still. I haven't done anything to him.
Not really wanting to worry about it anymore, Daniel directed his attention back over at the girl. But instead of seeing that lovely face, he saw an empty table. He looked around the room for her, but there wasn't any sign of her.
Where could she have gone to? He didn't even see her get up and walk out.

In a jolt of desperation, Daniel stood up from the table. "Umm, will you excuse me," he said quickly, "I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?" asked Ben.

"Don't worry about it, I'll be right back."

He walked calmly away from the table, but once he reached the stairs he ran down them quickly, through the tables of people, leaving behind shocked gasps and whispers and out the door. He ran to the parking lot and looked all around the building, but she was no where in sight.

How could she have just disappered like that? Was she a dream or a figment of my imagination? No way. She had to be real.

Well, whoever she was, he felt that he needed to find her. For some reason, he felt that she held the key to finding peace with in himself.

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