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Miss You Love

"AMY! HURRY UP!" Sarah yelled up the stairs of her new house. Mike and Tony's new club, Mystique, suddenly took off and they were making more money than their father. At least it seemed that way. Sarah became a partner and now had more time to focus on her writing - and other things. Also with the new business, most of their friends (Lisa, Amy, Kelly, James, Marissa) quit their jobs and started working for them. Tony bought a small house for him and Heather. Mike wanted Sarah to move in with him, but when they were looking for a new home Amy suddenly had nowhere to live. Her apartment had burned down and she stayed with Kelly and Sarah for awhile. That's when they decided to purchase a three bedroom home instead. Marissa finally moved out of her parents home and moved in with Kelly, since she no longer had a roommate. "AMY!"

"I'm coming. I'm coming," Amy ran down the stairs, "I couldn't find that yellow sweater I bought the other day, so I had to were the grey one."

"Well, come on. I need to do a lot of things before we go to the airport. And we still have to pick up Kelly before we meet Cory at the cafe."

"Okay, let me just say bye to Syann. Syann! Come here, baby!"

"I swear, Amy. You and that damn cat."

A beautiful white persian cat came running in from the kitchen. "Hey, there," said Amy picking it up, "Sarah and I are leaving now. We'll be back later. Sarah, say bye to Syann."

Sarah rolled her eyes and then giggled, "Bye, Syann," she said petting its soft coat.

Amy kissed the cat and put it down. "Okay we can go now."

"Thank you." They walked to the door. Sarah turned the door knob and then turned to Amy, "Hey, Amy? How come you never kiss me when you're leaving?"

Amy gave her a dirty look and then smiled, "Awww, poor Sarah," she leaned forward.

Sarah stumbled out of the way and giggled, "Get away from me!" Amy laughed at her and pushed her out the door.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. This is your captian speaking. We are about 30 minutes away from the Unites States territory, we should be reaching Dallas in about 3 hours. If you are flying to Austin, we should still be arriving on schedule. Not to much longer folks. Thank you."

Daniel sat up from his slumber and wearily scratched his head. He yawned and looked at his watch: 6:48am. "Huh? Oh, yeah." He had forgotten to change the time when he left Newcastle. He thought for a moment before changing it to 1:49pm. That was the time it was in Austin right now. He leaned back in his seat, closed his eyes and smiled. He would be seeing Sarah in about 4 hours from now. He hadn't seen her in almost two months.

After that night at Lydia's he and Sarah spent almost every second together. She would stay at his hotelroom or he would stay at her apartment. Lydia had decided that they would no longer discuss the "old souls" until Daniel was finished with touring and he had some time to rest. She felt that would be for the best, so that his emotions would not interfere with his work. As if they already didn't. Also he and Sarah would need time to prepare themselves for the future meetings with Lydia. They had given the celtic necklace back to her so that they would no longer have visions. But, if they did have any past-life dreams, they were to describe them in personal journals. So far, Daniel had at least two more dreams. Sarah had three.

Silverchair spent a week and half longer in Texas before continuing on with the North American tour. He decided to take Sarah with him at least until he had to return to Australia, then she would return to Texas. This caused even more problems than she already had between her and her father. Her mother was just happy that she had finally met someone. Sarah would joke to Daniel, "It's a good thing they are already divorced or this would have been really ugly." The unexpected trip also nearly destroyed her friendship with Heather. Daniel would ask why she was so against it. Sarah would only lift her shoulder in a tiny shrug and change the subject. After November he returned home. The departure was very hard on the both of them. She had cried all night in his arms begging him to take her with him. He wanted to so badly, but they both knew they couldn't do that. Not now anyway. Ben, Chris, and Watson couldn't even find Daniel the day of the flight. He had to spend at least a couple of more hours with Sarah. They had kept in touch through emails and phone calls. Now he was finally returning to Austin, to spend some time with Sarah before they would start the dreaded sessions with Lydia.

"Oh shut up! You were the one who wanted to get into a fight that night. We were the ones who talked to the guys and told them they looked like asses. You should be thanking us," laughed Amy.

Cory nearly spit out his drink, "Thanking you? You made us look like pricks!"

"What's you're point?" Kelly asked casually.

Cory just sat there speechless and in mock surprise. Sarah laughed, "Okay, okay. We all get the point. What we're trying to say Cory is that the next time you guys nearly get into a fight on 6th street we're not going to stop you."

"Fine by me," Cory shrugged and sipped his drink.

Sarah shook her head, "Anyways, we better get going guys it's already 5:30."

"Why the hell did they have to build the new airport out in the middle of fucking nowhere anyway?" Kelly asked.

"Why don't you go ask them, Kelly. I'm sure they'll give you a "straight" forward answer," Cory said. Kelly just threw him the finger.

"Well, I need to go to the restroom first," Amy stated standing up.

"I'll come with you." Kelly grabbed her bag and followed Amy.

Cory wiped his mouth with his napkin, "So, we're all having dinner tonight at your place, right?"

"Yes, and that reminds me I have to call Tony and remind him about that. I'll just call him when I get home."

Sarah and Cory sat in silence for awhile. She sat quietly, stirring her straw in her coke watching the bubbles spin around inside. Cory watched her with concern. Finally he spoke, "You alright?"

"What?" Sarah asked raising her eyebrows, but never lifting her eyes from the liquid.

"Talk to me, Sarah."

She stopped her stirring and looked up at him, "About what?"

Cory gave her a slight smile, "I thought you would be a bit more excited today considering that you'll be seeing Daniel in about half an hour."

Sarah grinned uncontrollably, "I am excited. I was just thinking about something that's all."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really."

Cory sighed, "Okay. But, I still worry about you, Sarah. You know that right?"

"Yeah, you and everyone else."

"Seriously. I mean I'm glad that you went back to Dr. Thomas and I'm glad that you found someone it's just that..." he trailed off.


"Does he even know?"

"Does who know what?

"Does Daniel know about your problems?"

Sarah sat up in her seat, "He knows I see a shrink. He knows I take medication. It's cool, he understands."

"Does he know why you have these problems? Does he know about your past, Sarah?"

Sarah looked at him for a minute and then slammed her napkin on the table, "Why do you always do this?"

"Do what?"

"This. Ask me if whoever I get close to knows about my past? Why do you always bring up my past?"

"Because I was there. I saw how all that nearly destroyed you. You think I enjoyed coming over to your apartment and finding you in that bathtub unconsious? Finding out you tryed to kill yourself?"

"But it's in the past, Cory. And you were just like me. Always going out and getting wasted on anything and everything. Don't you want to forget about it too?"

"Of course I do. But I at least I realized my problems and got help, instead of trying to end it all by overdosing."

"Fuck you!"

A few people in the cafe turned to look at them. Sarah just smiled at them until they turned back around. She returned to Cory with a quieter voice, "What does my past have to do with anything now? I have to forget about all that stuff. I can't let it bother me and I can't let it control me. What does it matter if he knows about it?"

Cory rubbed his face with his hands before letting them drop back down on the table, "It does matter, Sarah. I don't want to find you dead next time. And I'm sure Daniel doesn't either, but at least I'll have an explaination of why you did it. What will he have? You can't let it all go that easily. You have to confront your past."

Sarah closed her eyes. Unless you deal with your past, you will never go through that right door. She shook her head a bit and rested it in her hands. It looked like she was about to cry. Then she looked at Cory, "No, he doesn't know about my past. Not that part anyway."

"Then he doesn't know about Victor?"

"No, he doesn't know about Victor. I've never had the heart to tell him about that. I'm afraid of how he'll take it."

"It's not like it was your fault. He won't judge. He better not jugde you."

Sarah smiled a little, "He won't. I think. I'm going to have to tell him sooner or later anyways. I mean, I know he sees something else, but I guess he's just waiting for me to say something."

"Everything, Sarah. You have to tell him everything."

Sarah nodded, "I will. I promise."

"Flight 2448 has landed at gate 15. Again, flight 2448 from Newcastle with a stop in Dallas has arrived at gate 15."

Sarah, Amy and Kelly waited patiently at the gate. Sarah hugged herself tightly while chewing her bottom lip.

Amy put an arm around her shoulder, "You okay, girl?"

"Uh huh. Just a little nervous. Excited, but a little nervous."

"I'm sure he feels the same way," Kelly reassured.

Suddenly they heard a few gasps and giggles coming from the front of the waiting crowd. Sarah moved her way forward searching for the object of comotion. Her heart leaped when she finally saw the tall, blonde haired, man emerging from the terminal.


Hearing the voice, Daniel looked around the crowd not noticing the teenagers that were trying not to jump at his feet. When he saw that beautiful face, the same feeling he had when he first saw her, shot through him. Only this time, he didn't have to worry about her running away. He ran to her and quickly brought her into a loving embrace, slightly lifting her off the floor. Their lips met passionatly, forgetting and not caring about the people around them.

"The National Enquirer would really be loving this picture right now," Kelly whispered to Amy.

Amy giggled, "Okay, guys. Break it up. I don't think we're in the mood to be on the evening news or Entertainment Tonight for that matter."

Daniel unlocked himself from Sarah. He laughed, "Sorry about that. Hi, Amy."

"Hey, Daniel," she went over and hugged him, "You look good."

"Thanks. Kelly, long time no see."

"Believe me I could have gone for longer," she laughed and gave him a hug, "Still good to see you though."

"Same here," he looked at Sarah and smiled, "Hi."

She laughed, forgetting that they hadn't really greeted verbally yet, "Hi."

Daniel took her hand, "Shall we go?"

"Yeah. The baggage claim is this way."

Sarah sat in her chair in her room watching the young man in her bed sleep peacefully. The shadows of dusk were creeping through her window casting eerie shapes on the walls and mirrors. The dim light made the young man seem almost childlike in his slumber. Her eyes welled up as she thought about the emotions and pains that flowed through this boy. If only she could take those away. If only for a moment she could make him feel peace, she would gladly take his pains and put them with her own. Anything to make him happy.

She stood up from her chair and glided to the bed, trying not to make a sound, eventhough there where many sounds coming from outside her door as people were dropping things and laughing from downstairs. She carefully slid into the bed with him staring at his beautiful face, touching the soft features delicatly. She leaned down to brush her lips with his. A tender hand reached up to the back of her neck pulling her closer. A smooth tongue parted her lips, meeting her own slowly and gently.

Finally she pulled back, seeing only two vivid, glittering, blue eyes gazing deep into her own. She stared back, wishing to fall deep into those pools, and drown away her sorrows.

"Good evening," said Daniel, brushing away the strands of hair that began to cover her eyes.

"Good evening. Did you sleep well?"

"Mmm hmm. And I woke up even better."

Sarah smiled and wrapped her arms around his thin body, "I missed you so much. I don't think I could've handled it much longer."

"I missed you too."

A knock came from the door and then Amy's voice, "Hey you guys up?"

"No," called Daniel.

"Are you awake then?"

Sarah laughed into Daniel's shoulder as he answered back, "Yeah, we're awake."

"Good. Dinner will be ready soon and everyone wants to see you."

"Okay, we'll be down in a minute." He listened as the footsteps walked away from the door. He returned his attention to Sarah who was looking up at him now. "I guess we better get down there."

"Yeah." Sarah began to get up.

"Is, umm, Heather here?" he asked cautiously.

"I think so. I heard her voice," she saw the hesitation in Daniel's face. "It's alright. Really. I've talked things over with her. It'll be okay."

"You never told me why she hated our relationship."

Sarah paused and turn to him, "She just...didn't like the fact that I was dropping everything and leaving so suddenly like I did. That's all."

Daniel stared at her, intently. What was she hinding from him? He could hear the falter in her voice. She wasn't telling him the whole truth. There was something hidden, but he knew that she would tell him when she was ready and he would not force it otherwise.

"So Daniel, how long are you planning on staying?" Tony asked from across the dinner table.

"Umm," he looked around the table at the waiting faces of Mike, Amy, Kelly, Heather, Lisa, James, Tony and Cory. "I'm not quite sure. I purchased a one-way ticket." He heard someone make a slight, almost inaudible gasp. Or maybe that was his imagination.

"Really?" Tony pondered, "Well, that's cool. I mean your on vacation so why not, right?"

"Right?" Daniel agreed with relief in his voice.

"So I guess this means we're taking in a new roommate, huh?" asked Mike.

"Well, I mean, I can help out with the money, phone bills, groceries. Whatever you need."

"Yeah, Daniel actually as money," Kelly stated, "Unlike some people we know. I'm not pointing any fingers. James, Cory."

"Hey!" James snapped back, "That was only that one time."

"Yeah and besides, it's not like we didn't pay you guys back."

"After you lost most of it in Vegas and then got it back in one lucky hand of Black Jack," Lisa reminded them.

"We still payed you back."

Amy laughed, "Daniel, you're welcome to stay here for as long as you like."

"Thanks," he looked at Sarah beside him as she took his hand and squeezed it.

"Let her go! Please!"

"You should have given in when you had the chance, William. Now you will pay for your foolishness!"

The dagger slid easily across her throat. She only made a soft gasp as her body trembled. He let her go and her limp body fell to the floor.


She watched in horror as a puddle of dark blood formed under the young girl's neck. A young man ran to her murderer, until a dagger caught him in the chest, forcing him to the ground.

"THEODORE!!" she heard herself scream.

"THEODORE!!" Sarah screamed, jolting up in bed. Her body shaking all over.

"Sarah?" Daniel sat up beside her, "What is it? What's the matter?"


"Yeah, it's me. It's okay, you're safe," he hugged her close.

"Sarah?" a knock came at the door, "Sarah, are you alright? Daniel?"

Daniel started to get up from the bed to answer the door. "No!" Sarah held him arm tightly, "Don't leave me."

"I won't. Okay, I'm right here. It's okay."

"Daniel. Sarah, what's going on?" Amy's voice came from the other side of the door.

"It's okay, the door's open. You can come in."

Mike and Amy came into the room. "What happened? We heard screaming."

"Nothing. She just had a nightmare. She's alright."

Mike went to his sister's side, "Sarah? Are you alright?" He touched her hand gently. She jerked at his touched and looked at him as if he was a stranger.

"Mike?" Sarah asked carefully.

"Yeah, Sis. It's me. You okay?"

Sarah's eyes surveyed the room almost as if she was making certain that she was in the right place. She looked at Amy, who standing at the foot of the bed, then at Daniel, then back at Mike. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bad dream."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. It's okay, really. Go back to bed."

"Can I get you anything?" Amy asked.

Sarah shook her head, "No, I'm fine. I'm sorry I woke you guys up."

"It's alright," Mike leaned down and gave her a small kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight."


As soon as Mike and Amy walked out, Sarah quickly turned on the lamp next to her bed and got up. She walked over to the window and placed her hands on either side of the sill. Daniel walked over to her. Her body was rigid, but only shaking from her dream. He lifted his hands to hold her, half-heartedly expecting her to push him away. He hoped she would decline that notion. Putting his arms around her waist, held her close, pressing his chest to her back, leaning his head on her shoulder.

Indistincly, she turned to face him. She stared into his eyes, vainly searching for an answer she knew he could not possess. Her face contorted when she finally buried her face into his chest. Her body was shivering in uncontrolable sobs.

Daniel locked his hands behind her back, wishing he could take her pain away. Someone as beautiful and as kind as her did not deserve this cruel fate. No one did.

"Why?" he felt her lips form the word against him.


Sarah lifted her face. Her eyes seemed tranlucent with the tears and the dim light in the room, "Why, Daniel? What did I do wrong? Why couldn't my soul go through that right door? Why am I still here?"

He shook his head and shrugged, "I wish I knew. I wish I knew for you and for me. But I don't have any answers to give you."

Sarah sighed, "These dreams, Daniel. I can't handle these dreams. I want them to end. Now!"

"Tell me about the one you just had."

Sarah uncoiled herself from Daniel and plopped down on the bed. "I'm not quite sure what happened in it. It was just"


"So horrible," she began to cry again, "All I saw was a young girl, her throat was being slashed by someone. He was doing it as a punishment to someone named William."

Daniel's ears perked up, "William?"

"Yes and after the girl died, another man ran to her murderer, but was killed as well with another dagger. I heard myself scream Theodore. I'm guessing that was his name."

"Theodore and William?"


Daniel fell to his knees in front of Sarah. His face had gone white. "Daniel? What's the matter?"

"Did you see the eyes of the young girl?" he asked softly.

Sarah shook her head, "No. It was to dark. Daniel, what is it? Tell me what' wrong?"

"Do you remember when I told you that I had a dream about the young girl? The girl who had Lydia's green eyes?"

"I think so."

"And that the girl called me William."

Sarah was suddenly shaking. Her thoughts were coming in at once. She had to close her eyes as if that would block most of them out and she would be able to think. "Was there another young girl in that dream?"

"No. Well...actually, there was another one mentioned. But I never see her. Her name was-"

"Katherine." Daniel looked at Sarah. She gazed down at him seeing the fright enter his eyes. She took his hand, "That is the name they call me in that dream. And she has a cousin named Theodore and a lover named William. But I never see William or his sister Victoria."

Daniel felt as though he might faint. The realization of this was taking effect. "We have to go Lydia again. Soon."

Sarah nodded in agreement. There wasn't anytime for leisure and play. They had to deal with these past-lives now or be controlled by them forever.

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