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Thinking of the Past

Sarah sat at a table in Mystique the next morning. She was going over some plans for the new 2nd floor of the club. Although she really couldn't concentrate. The dream she had last night really gave her and Daniel a scare. She had called Lydia this morning and told her that they would be coming over later to start the sessions. They just wanted to get them over with as quickly as possible.

Tony and Mike came out of the back office and walked over to her. "Hey, Sar," Mike greeted, "I'm surprised to see you here this early. I thought maybe you would still be asleep. Especially after last night."

"Hey, that's right," said Tony, "Mike told me what happened. Are you alright?"

Sarah laughed, "Yes, I'm fine. It was just a bad dream. Haven't you guys ever had a bad dream?"

"Yeah, but we don't normally wake up screaming in the middle of one of them," Mike said.

"I'm fine," Sarah reassured, "Okay? Now, can we drop it?"

"Sure. Hey, where's Daniel?" Mike asked.

"Oh, I let him sleep in. Amy said she'd give him a ride over here when he got up."

Just then they heard the front door open and in walked Amy and Daniel. Daniel paused a little when he saw a the club. It was a huge place. There was a massive bar on the far left of the room, a fairly big stage in the back, with a dance floor in front of it, and several tables scattered around.

"It looks better at night," he heard Tony call to him, "Especially when all the lights are on."

"I'm sure it does, but it already looks amazing," he walked over to them, "I didn't realize this place was so big."

"And it's about to get bigger," Sarah stepped in, "We're going to add a second floor soon and probably a basement section as well. Like Poly Ester's down the street. Only the basement will be 21 and over only. By that time we'll both be old enough."

"Well, shit. I guess you guys still have a lot on your hands, huh?" Daniel laughed.

"God, don't remind me," Mike said wearily.

Amy laughed, "Hey, don't get tired on me. We still have to pick up the new orders."

"Fuck!" Mike said under his breath, "I'm too old for this."

"You're 27, dumbass!" Tony mocked.

"Exactly. Anyway, we'll be right back."

"Okay," Tony said.

Daniel looked at his watch: 11:26am. "Hey, Sarah, maybe we should go get something to eat first before we...."

"Yeah, good idea," she nodded and started putting her stuff away. "Tony, we have to go take care of somethings. But I'll be back tonight."

"Alright, that's cool. Are you coming tonight, Daniel?"

"Oh, yeah. I'll be here."

"Great. I'll see you guys tonight then."

As Daniel and Sarah walked out of the club she whispered to him, "Are you sure we'll be okay for tonight?"

Daniel shrugged, "That all depends on how the session goes. I hope so though."

"We can't tell them anything right? I mean if we start acting different?"

"I don't think we'll be different," Daniel eased.

"You might be a bit different when this is over," Lydia confessed as she sat at her comforter.

"I knew it!" Sarah stood up from the couch, flinging her arms up in the air.

"Wait, wait. What do you mean we'll be different? Different how?" Daniel demanded.

"What I mean by different is, well....okay, as old souls you show more passion, you seem wiser and more aware of the enviroment around you. You see, over the years your soul has been taught many things. Your subconscience feeds you this information bit by bit. You understand practical things faster than anyone else. I'm not saying your geniuses or anything, you just tend know what's important and what's not. After the process, you'll probably seem different to the people around you. Your attitudes may change. The way you look at life will change. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing, but more than likely you will not feel like the same person."

Sarah sat back down next to Daniel, "Are those the only risks?"

Lydia took a deep breath, "I'll be honest. When I told you that this would be one of the hardest, if not the hardest, things you will ever experience, I wasn't lieing. When you start to remember everything, it will be like you never died. Emotions that you had in the past will be added to the ones you have now."

"So, in other words, we'll become more depressed?" Daniel asked.

"In other words, yes, the feelings you have now will intensify. Your depression will increase, as well as anxieties, and you will possibily even encounter new fears. But, also you may over come some of your current anxieties. It has been known to happen. But, the other things, will be difficult, but you will get through it. You will over come all the burdens. And after it is all over, life may not seem so bad. Hell, you just might even become cooler."

Sarah muffled a slight laugh at the comment. Then she slowly raised a hand to her forehead and began to shake slightly. Daniel put a comforting arm around her, "Hey, you and I are going to this together, remember, I promised you that. And I'm not going to go back on that promise. Okay?" Sarah bit her lip and then softly nodded. Daniel turned to Lydia, "We're ready."

"Great. A friend of mine will be joining us soon. He will conduct the hypnosis." A knock came from the door downstairs, "Ah, that must be him," Lydia stood up and walked downstairs.

Daniel returned his attention to Sarah, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"No," she laughed, "But, I need to do this. WE, need to do this. I know that now." Daniel smiled at her. He placed his hand on her soft face and lightly kissed her.

"You really did find them, Lydia," a voice suddenly said, causing the couple to break their kiss, "And haven't changed much from the last time I knew them either. Still having a hard time keeping their hands off each other."

"Forgive him," Lydia said coming in behind him, "He seemed to get more cocky after his alteration."

"And you, my dear, became more sedated," he put his bag down, "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Stephan. I will be your hypnotis for this afternoon."

Daniel stood to shake the man's hand, "Nice to meet you. Umm, I thought I heard you say, 'the last time I knew them.' Have we met?"

"Why yes. Many times in fact. The last time was 1976, I believe."

Daniel opened his mouth to reply, but decided against it. Lydia said that they should start getting used to comments like that. So he only said, "Oh," and sat back down.

Sarah made herself more comfortable on the couch, "Excuse me for asking, but why hypnotism? Can't we just fall asleep and dream those dreams? I mean, Lydia, you said yourself that they were memories of our past."

"Yes, Sarah, they are memories of your past, but how can we be sure you'll stay asleep long enough?" Stephan said from the kitchen, "Besides, when you dream these memories, that's all they are to you; dreams. But, with this special hypnosis, you'll be able to remember everything from the past more clearly. It will be like coming out of amnesia or something."

"Special hypnosis?" Daniel queried.

"Yeah, it's not really like a normal hypnotism. When you are hypnotised normally, you fall into a trance of a sort and your subconscience begans to talk. It basically describes, events in the past, depending on the questions that the hypnotis asks. But, with this special hypnotism, you'll not only see the past, but you will relive it. That's what this does," Stephan held up a small cylindar tude that contained a blue substance, "This will cause your subconscience memory to become more powerful, fall in deeper then just a trance state."

"Is it safe?" Daniel asked with obvious concern in his voice.

"Oh, yeah. It's not addictive or anything, but it can only be used for this purpose, not for anything else. Although, I am quite curious of what it would be like to mix this stuff with some pot," he smirked.

"Stephan." Lydia looked at him coldly.

"Sorry. Anyway, umm...oh, Lydia, hun, do you have any apple juice? You guys like apple juice right?"

"Yes, there's some in the fridge." Lydia pointed.

Stephan pulled out the apple juice and then grabbed two glasses from the cabniet above the sink. He poured some juice into each glass, then he sprinkled a little bit of the blue powder into the juice. He brought the glasses over to Daniel and Sarah. "Now, drink this." They took the glasses from Stephan, but hesitated a bit. "Don't worry. It still tastes like apple juice." Daniel and Sarah looked at each other and then cautiously drank the juice.

"Good. Now, if you two will please sit over here," Lydia pointed to two plush chairs by the window.

The two stood up and made their way to the chairs. They comfortably sat in the chairs and waited for futher instructions.

Stephan grabbed another chair and sat down in front of them. "Okay, just relax. This is really only a test run," Stephan took out the celtic necklace and held it up for the both of them to see. Daniel and Sarah both tensed at the sight of it. "Don't worry, it's not going to hurt you. Do you remember the visions you had with this necklace?" They nodded. "Good. Now, close your eyes. Take deep, calm breaths. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Good. Consentrate on your breathing." They began to relax even more into the chairs. "Now, think of a place with lush, green valleys. Moist climates. Sparkling streams. A place of long ago."

A cool breeze from somewhere began to engulf them.

"Listen to the sounds around you."

A faint song of birds could be heard in the distance. The soft sound of running water was very near.

"Smell the fragrances around you."

A fresh scent of rain washed grass filles the air. The sweet smell of wildflowers lingered in the wind.

"You are no longer in the present and when I count to three you will open your eyes and you will no longer hear my voice."

She was beginning to feel a slight mist on her skin. The cool breeze gave him a slight chill.


A faint light.


A brighter light.


Joseph slowly opened his eyes. He was standing in the middle of the Onwa field. How did he get here? He must have had his mind somewhere else, for he didn't remember the walk from the market to here. What had he been thinking about? Molly. He must have been thinking of Molly. That is where he was headed to, to their stream. Surely she must be there waiting for him. He was very eager to tell her the good news. He had found them a home. A beautiful cottage outside McBreyers Village. It was not cheap though. In fact, he had to borrow quite a sum from Edward - and he already owed him more - , plus steal from a trader on the trail. Molly would not approve of any of this, hence he would not tell her everything. But, he had found her the most beautiful necklace. It would be his wedding gift to her.

He made his way to the stream and through the trees he could see someone sitting on a rock. They had long, flowing hair, that was almost the color of fire. He sighed deeply when he realized it was Molly. She was so beautiful. The most beautiful girl he had ever seen really.

Molly sat quietly on her rock, thinking of the hard times that were ahead. Hoping that Joseph had not broken his promise to take care of her and the child that grew inside her. She suddenly heard a sound come from the woods behind her. She quickly turned to see what it was but saw nothing. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

Another noise she heard. This time it sounded like the breaking of a twig. "Hello?" Her voice now had a touch of fear in it. She was about to quickly run back to the cottage when she heard a soft humming emerging from the trees. She stood perfectly still listening for a moment, her heart beating so rapidly she could pass out at any time. A humming she heard. A strange yet blissful humming. Her fear quickly became delight as the soft sound was finally recognized by her ears. Her lips curved upward, "Joseph?"

A young man cautiously emerged out from hiding and continued to hum the familiar tune.

"Oh, Joseph," she ran to him and he caught her in a loving embrace, "I feared that yu would'nt return."

"I promised that I would did I not?" he said brushing her reddish/blonde hair from her face. Molly smiled and nodded before placing her soft lips on his.

He held her like that for awhile before backing away. He held up his finger, "Hold on. I have something for yu."

"What is it?" Molly asked anxiously.

"Wait, wait," Joseph said as he fumbled around in the sack he carried, "Ah ha, here it is," he pulled out a beautiful necklace. It was a long gold chain, with a delicate, celtic knot pendant hanging from it. The knot held a green stone in it's center.

Molly gasped when she saw it, "Joseph! Where did yu get that? It's exquisite."

"Does it matter? Here let me put it on yu." He gently turned her and carefully placed the piece of jewelry around her neck. He softly kissed her pale skin causing her to breathe in deeply, "I missed yu so much," he whispered into her ear.

She turned to him, "As did I my love," she leaned in to kiss him.

Joseph took her by the hand and sat her down on the rock. He carefully placed his hand on her stomach, "And how is my other love?"

Molly giggled, "Fine and missed yu as well, I'm sure."

He held her tightly, "We are going to be a family, Molly. Isn't it a miracle?" She nodded softly and placed her head on his shoulder. He kissed her forehead and sighed deeply, "When are yu ready to leave, then?"

She swiftly raised her head nearly hitting him, "What do yu mean?" she asked confused.

He smiled and held her hand, "I found our new home. It has been bought and paid for. We can leave whenever yu are ready."

"Yu already bought it? Joseph? Where did yu find the money? I mean how could yu afford it? And this necklace. It must have cost a fortune."

Joseph stifled a laugh, "Ah, my Molly. Always worrying. That's one of the reasons I love yu so much. Yu're always wanting to be careful and looking out for everyone. Especially me. Look, I already had some money hidden away and a friend helped out with rest. I held a debt against him."

"And the necklace?" she asked carefully.

Joseph stared into her eyes as if looking for what she wanted to hear. "A prize it was. That's all. Now, enough talk about it. When do yu want to leave?"

"Well, as soon as possible I suppose. Mum and Da will soon notice."

"Tomorrow, then?


Joseph nodded and waited for her answer.

Molly thought very carefully. Was she ready to leave her family so soon? Her little sister Grace would still be here to help out her parents. And her father would throw her out as soon as he discovered her growing belly. Yes, it was best to leave now so that she couldn't change her mind later. "Alright, Joseph. We will leave tomorrow."

He smiled broadly, "I will meet yu here then, before the sun rises." Molly nodded her head. "Oh, Molly. I will take care of yu and make yu happy. Yu'll see."

"MOLLY?? MOLLY, WHERE ARE YU?" a voice yelled from up the hill.

"My mother! I have to go or she'll be suspious. Tomorrow, my love. I will be here."

"Tomorrow, we will start our new lives together."

Molly smiled before kissing him once more and running off. She quickly ran up the hill to find her mother standing at its top. She did not look pleased at all. Had she seen her and Joseph?

"Where have yu been girl?" her mother asked with a stern voice.

"Sorry, Mum. I must have lost some time."

"Well, yur father's home. He's not happy, Molly."

"Yes, Mum," Molly nodded and ran back to the small ramshackle she called home, with her mother not too far behind.

She slowed her pace as she reached the cottage. She remembered the necklace and hurridly took it off and placed it in the pocket of her dress. She slowly walked through the door to find her father sitting in a chair facing her. His face and hands were dirty as always. He smelled of wet hay and sweat.

"Did yur mother ask yu to be home soon?"

Molly almost cringed at the sound of his angered voice, "Yes, sir."

"We're where yu then?"

"Down by the stream."

Her father stood up from his chair and walked towards her. Her mother came in at that time only looking at her daughter and then walking over to the burning stove. Molly heard Grace enter the room. She looked at the little girl. She would grow up to be beautiful, Molly thought. Grace was born with pale, blonde hair and violet eyes. Her skin was very soft and delicate. The little boys in the near by village were already playing with her as if trying to court her.

Grace stopped in her tracks as she saw her father walking up to Molly. You could almost smell his anger in the room. Her bottom lip quivered slightly as she hoped that her father would not hit Molly again like he did from time to time.

Molly kept her eyes on Grace as her father hovered over her. She noticed the faint smell of whiskey on his breath. He seemed to be smelling her as well, as if searching for the truth of where she really was. Molly feared he would find it.

Her father breathed heavily, before finally speaking, "Don't do it again, girl."

"Yes, father."

He finally stepped away and made his way back to the table. He saw Grace and his grim face began to smile. He patted his knee and the pretty little girl skipped to him and jumped on his lap. Molly let out a quite sigh of relief and began to help her mother.

As she was setting the table she suddenly felt strange. An odd, yet familiar fragance entered the room. She felt a cold chill and then she seemed to remember someone. Someone named....

"Daniel?" Sarah sat up straight in her seat. She was breathing strangely. She noticed a chair in front of her but no one there. She looked around the room with a curious expression as if she was trying to figure out how she got there. She felt a warm touch on her hand. She looked down at it to notice that it was another hand. She looked up to face its owner. "Daniel?"

"Yeah. It's me," he said. His eyes were a little red and tiny beads of sweat had formed under his eyes and on his upper lip. Which was strange considering that the room was pretty cool. He slowly wiped his face and then continued to stare at Sarah.

"Molly? Joseph?"

Daniel and Sarah turned to the voice both answering, "Yes?" Then they completly froze when they realized their actions.

"Oh my, God," Daniel mummered.

Lydia and Stephan had been standing in the kitchen watching them. Lydia smiled, "It worked!"

"Of course it worked. You didn't think it would work?" Stephan turned to her.

"With you? It's hard to tell."

"Ahh," Stephan waved his hand at her and then walked over to the other two, "How do you feel?"

Sarah's head fell into her hands and she remained silent. Daniel leaned forward a bit and began to rub his neck.

Lydia stood behind Stephan, "Sarah?"

"You know what?" Sarah slowly sat up again and fell back into the chair. Her eyes raised to meet Lydia's and Stephan's. "Now matter how hard I tried or how much I pretended....I could never stand my father. I mean, it didn't matter what I did or how much effort I put in, I could never please him. I swear, that man had it in for me."

"For you?" Daniel jibbed in, "The man hated me from the start. He would have killed me with his bare hands if had ever found out I got you pregnant. Shit! Why do you think I wanted to leave so early?"

Stephan began to laugh, "Well, maybe it worked a little too well."

Lydia had returned to the kitchen and then back with two glasses of water in her hands, "Here you go," she handed them to Daniel and Sarah.

Sarah took a small sip, "Well, that wasn't so bad. Kind of a rush really."

"Tell me about it," Daniel said. "It's really strange to remember all that stuff. I feel very old now," he paused. "Is that normal?"

"Yes, that's normal," Lydia replyed, "And it's not surprising either, since I believe that was about 500 years ago."

Daniel's eyes opened wide, "Oh, yeah. Well, that would do it."

"And you're about to feel a lot older, my boy," Stephan said, "And believe me, it's going to get a lot tougher. Remember, this was just for practice. Just to give you a feel for it. We still need to finish this life though."

"Are we going to experience the entire life?" Daniel asked.

"Yes and no," Stephan answered, "It's more like one of those "life flashing before your eyes" kind of thing. You don't really see it, but you feel it and remember it. That's what just happened now. That's why you remember all those things. But, I had it stop just before the more difficult parts. Those are the parts you will experience in the other sessions; the heartbreaks and tragedies. The parts that caused the grief and depression. I had you experience only a small event that will probably lead up to a bigger one."

"Why do we have to experience those other parts?" asked Sarah.

"Because those are the parts you have to understand and really work out. Those are the events that caused your soul such misery. They're the reason you keep returning to the Holding Place."

"How many more times do we have to do this?" Sarah sighed.

"As many times as your soul allows," Lydia stepped in, "Until it's satisfied and realizes it is not at fault."

"And you have no idea how long it will take?"

"No," Lydia shook her head, "Stephan and I did our sessions a long time ago. I'd say thirty years ago. We were about your age, maybe younger. Mine took about 2 weeks, if I remember correctly. How long was yours Stephan?"

"I think it was about 3 weeks for me."

"That's right and my soul is about 500 years old. Stephan's is about 600 and from what we were told the two of you are older than us."

"How old are we?" Daniel asked.

"Well, we believe that Sarah is about 2000 years old. And you are," Lydia thought for a bit, "3000, maybe closer to four."

Sarah's mouth dropped open. She was in stunned silence. Daniel nearly fell off his chair, " I mean...are...are you sure?"

Lydia nodded, "Yes. Why do think you are so into the pyramids? Why do you think you are so certain that aliens had something to do with them?" she smiled, "Because you were there, Daniel. You saw it happen. And you know it."

Daniel's breathing became a little staggered, but he could not keep himself from smiling uncontrolably. He looked at Sarah, who was smiling just as much and somewhat laughing. His eyes went misty and began to shine like that of a child. He giggled, "I knew it!" he whispered. "I just knew it!"

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