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Dearest Helpless

The large room bustled with the drunken crowd. People jumped and swayed to the pulsating music. Laughter and shouts echoed off the walls of the great chamber. Sarah sat at the bar watching them, watching everything as if seeing it for the first time. It was so different, so beautiful and magnificent. She marveled at how the humanrace had evolved. The neon lights, the hard, electric, almost cold music, the young faces meshed with old. The garments of the new century, the new millennium, dark, bright, shiny, dull, yet expressed the freedom of the person that wore them. All of this had a new and strange meaning to her, and she loved it.

She smiled as she watched Kelly and Daniel returning from the dance floor. "He can't keep up with me, Sarah. You need to teach him a few moves," Kelly laughed.

"Hey, I can move better than half the guys out there," Daniel defended, "I'm just used to not moving very much."

"That's right," Sarah agreed. She stood up and wrapped her arms around his waist, "I usually just tell him to stand there while I use him as my poll," she stated as she moved provocativly around him.

Kelly threw her hands up, "Hey, whatever kinky games you two choose to play is between you. I'm going to find Cory. Maybe he'll move a little more."

Sarah smiled, "Doubt it. Last time I saw him he was on his fourth Long Island and I think that was two hours ago." Kelly cursed under her breath and walk away.

Daniel giggled. He looked back at Sarah, "Having fun?"

She nodded. "Have you noticed anything strange?"

"You mean how everything looks different now? Yeah, I've noticed it. It's weird." He remained silent while she rested her head against his chest. He sighed and finally spoke again, "I'm sorry."

Sarah lifted her head at looked at him, "What?"

"I'm sorry that I....that Joseph....took Molly away from her family so quickly. He was too young to know what he was doing. He just wanted to...."

Sarah kissed him lightly, "YOU had my best interest at heart. You knew has much as I did that my father would have killed us both if we hadn't left when we did. Don't trouble yourself with it anymore. Okay?"

Daniel seemed worried but then smiled and nodded his head. He dreaded tomorrow. He knew that they would finish up Molly and Joseph's life and that she would discover how he really got that house.

Stephan layed on the plush couch talking to Daniel about the 60's and how great it was to find peace in any substance you could get your hands on.

Sarah sat on the counter in Lydia's kitchen she poured her a cup of tea. Sarah took the cup and sipped it slowly, "Lydia?"

"Yes, dear?" she asked resting her hip against the counter.

Sarah pointed to the grand portrait, "Tell me about the painting. Tell me about the friend of yours you said it belonged to."

Lydia nodded slightly, "I suppose it's alright to tell you a little," she placed her cup down. "Well, the painting belonged to my friend who was a cousin of the Queen. My friend was very different from most of the girls of the court. She was very beautiful and well-manered. Yet, she had a strong, independant mind that most did not approve of, including her mother. But, the Queen adored her. She adored having someone to talk to about anything. That is why the Queen gave her that portrait. To remind her that just because your a woman doesn't mean you shouldn't fight for what is right. And my friend truly believed that."

"Was she ever married? Did any man at all desire her?"

"Many men desired her, but they were afraid. Afraid that she would humiliate them and destory their reputation. But none of them had anything to worry about since she disliked all of them. Only one captured her heart. He was the only man who seemed to respect her for who she truly was. They understood each other inside and out."

"Did they ever marry?" Sarah asked.

Lydia casted her eyes to the floor as if she was remembering something she didn't want to remember. "No. They never married."

Sarah seemed surprised, "Why not?"

Lydia looked at her with sad eyes, but she could not speak. She could not bring herself to answer that question. "We better get started." Sarah sighed and jumped off the counter still curious about the story, but put it behind her.

Daniel and Stephan were laughing as she approached them. Stephan sat up noticing Lydia getting the glasses ready in the kitchen, "Are we starting?"

"Yes. I want them to have enough time to rest when it is over and I don't want it to get too late," said Lydia.

"Sarah, Daniel you know what to do," Stephan motioned to the two chairs by the window. They went and sat down. Stephan came back over with two glasses of apple juice and handed them to Daniel and Sarah and watched them drink.

"Finish the glass," Lydia instructed, "Your going under a bit longer this time."

They finished the juice and handed the glasses to Lydia. Stephan again sat down before them, "Now remember, when you wake up this time you'll feel very sad and upset. This isn't going to be as fun as yesterday. But also remember, that all of this is in the past and many things have changed now. Nothing that happened is your fault. Are you ready?"

"Yes," said Daniel.

Sarah nodded. Stephan noticed a slight glimmer of fear in her eyes. "It's alright Sarah. We'll be here the whole time. Don't be scared."

A warm hand gripped her's and she turned her already weary head towards Daniel. He smiled at her kindly and held her hand tighter. She smiled back before turning back to Stephan. She licked her lips, "Okay, I'm ready."

"Okay," Stephan said softly. He took the celtic necklace out of his pocket. "Close your eyes. Take deep breathes. Consentrate on the smells and sounds around you."

A smell of ceder and lilies filled the room. The soft, muffled sound of rain hitting leaves can be heard.

"You are no longer here."

Total blackness.

"When I count to three you will open your eyes and you will no longer hear my voice. One..."



More light.


Molly slowly opened her eyes expecting to see the burning sunrays blind her sleepy vision. But as she lay still for a moment she heard the gentle pounding of rain. She groaned softly pushing herself into a sitting postion. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before flinging her legs off the bed. She sat for awhile staring out the window watching the rain droplets flow slowly down the glass. She suddenly felt a tender hand run up her back. She smiled and turned to face the intruder with dark blue eyes.

Those eyes were always dark when he was happy or serene, but would go pale when angry or disturbed. She bent down to kiss his soft lips as he brought her into a loving embrace, making the kiss more passionate.

She pulled herself away, "A little too early for me right now, Joseph."

"It never used to be that way," he smiled mischiviously.

Molly shook her head slightly and finally lifted herself off the bed. She picked up the blue satin ribbon from her night table and wrapped up her fire colored hair. She winked at Joseph who was getting up himself, and walked out into the dark hallway of the wooden cabin. She walked quitely towards the room at it's far end. She slowly opened the door to find her little girl playing with her dolls on her bed.

She stood at the door watching her. She was so bright and merry that who just had to giggle with her. She walked in and joined the child on the bed. "Good mornin', Emily."

"Mornin', Mummy," she smiled, "Want to play with me?"

Molly smiled and brushed the bright red hair from the girl's beautiful eyes. Gorgeous eyes they were too, bright blue with an almost golden burst in them. Not like any eyes she had ever seen before. Emily was only six years old but loved the joy of reading. If Emily was missing they could always find her in Joseph's library curled up in a corner reading or at least trying to read the words of Chauser.

Emily suddenly sprang from her bed when she saw Joseph standing in the doorway, "Horsey, Daddy! Horsey!" She leapt up into his arms and laughed giddily.

He put her down and knelt down beside her. "Your carriage, my lady."

Emily giggled as she jumped on him causing him to nearly collapse on the floor. Molly tried hard to surpress her laughter. Joseph galloped around the room, mocking horse sounds. Emily screamed with excitment.

"Emily? Emily, where are yu?" Molly called through the house.

Emily came running in from her bedroom, "Here Mummy."

Molly laughed when she saw her child. Her hair was a typical bird's nest. Bright red strands sticking out in every direction imaginable. "Did yur father try to make yur hair this mornin'?"

"I think it looks pretty," Joseph said standing behind Emily, "Doesn't it little one?" The little girl nodded quickly looking at her mother. "See."

"Come on. Let's go brush yur hair," Molly took Emily by the hand and led her to the bedroom. Joseph smiled and walked off to his library.

Molly sat at her bed, with Emily infront of her. The little girl was having a difficult time trying not to scream as her mother tugged the knots out of her hair. She was trying to keep her mind off the pain by brushing Anna's hair, her favorite doll.

Molly could hear Emily whimpering while she brushed her hair. "Sorry, sweetheart. I'm trying not to hurt yu."

"I know, Mummy."

She finally finished getting out the tangles and began smoothing out the rest of the hair. Emily started to hum a familiar tune. She smiled, Joseph would sing that to her at night to help her sleep. She felt bad for hurting Emily, eventhough it was partly Joseph's fault. "Why don't yu go play outside for awhile and ask Daddy if he'll go with yu."

Emily turned to her, "Alright, Mummy," she said and gave her a kiss on the cheek. The little girl ran out of the room and down the hall. Molly got up and followed her.

Daniel sat in his chair writing down some things, but he couldn't concentrate very well. He had run into Edward yesterday and he had said he might stop by someday to "talk". Maybe he should send Molly and Emily away for awhile. He did not want Edward coming anywhere near them. He heard giggling coming from another room. Suddenly Emily came running into the room, "Daddy....Daddy," she jumped onto his lap, "Mommy said I could go outside and play. Will yu come with me?"

He couldn't help but smile at the child. He heard Molly enter the room. "Go out and play with her, Joseph. She hasn't seen yu for days."

Joseph stood up his child in his arms, "That's right, Molly. I haven't seen Emily for days, have I?" The little girl shook her head playfully. He kissed Molly softly on the lips, "We shall return shortly."

Molly watched the two walk out of the room and down the hall.

Joseph chased Emily around the grove. "I'm gonna get yu," he would tease.

Emily giggled and ran away from her father. Joseph ran after her and of course would let her slip threw his grasp, but not before he got in a few tickles.

Joseph picked up his daughter and carried her on his shoulder,"Yu know what? There's a festival in town tomorrow. We should go don't yu think?"

"Yu mean to go see all the magicians, and animals, and swordsman?"

"That's right."

"Oh, really Daddy? Yu mean it? And Mummy will come with us?" Emily squealed.

"Of course."


Joseph laughed and brought Emily into his arms and began swinging her and swinging her. She giggled uncontrollably and he giggled with her. She truly had a contagious laugh. Just like her mother.

Joseph and Emily walked hand in hand back to the house. Emily talked about the stories she would read in her father's books and would ask how a human being could tell such amazing pictures. Joseph was always impressed when he let Emily speak her thoughts. It was like talking to a young woman and it always made him feel very old.

As they approached the cabin a dark feeling came over Joseph. Something didn't feel right. He opened the door, "Molly?" he called.

No answer.

"Molly? We're home?"

Still no answer.

He heart was racing. He didn't realise that he was holding on to Emily's hand so tightly he was crushing it, until her felt her struggling to get free. He loosened his grasp, "Sorry, little one."

The house seemed darker suddenly. He shut his eyes trying to think. He did not want to panic in front of Emily. Did Edward come? Did he take Molly? His stomach turned at the thought, did he kill her?

The room spun and spun. He could not move in fear that he would see a dead body in the house. The silence was loud in his ears. He risked calling out once more, "Molly?"


Joseph jumped and quickly turned to see Molly standing at the door with a basket of flowers on her arm. "Wh...where were yu?" he asked, trying to cover up the fear that still lingered inside of him.

"Tending to the garden. Is something wrong?"

"No, no. I just wondered."

"Oh," Molly nodded. She kneeled down to Emily. "Would yu go put these in the kitchen for me?"

"Yes, Mummy. May I go pick some flowers for my room, too."

Molly smiled, "Yes, after yu put these in the kitchen." Emily skipped away to the kitchen with the basket. Molly looked at Joseph. He seemed to be breathing hard and small beads of sweat covered his forhead. "Joseph? What is the matter? Please tell me."

He turned to face her. He eyes were glassy, cold, yet sincere. "I love yu, Molly. Yu know that right?"

"Yes, of course, and I love yu to."

"And yu also know that I would never hurt yu or let anything happen to yu?"


"I would die if anything ever happen to yu or Emily."

"Joseph. Yu're scaring me."

Emily then skipped out from the kitchen and quickly out the door without acknowledging her parents. Molly watched the little girl leave the house before moving closer to Joseph. She placed both hands on his face, "I want yu to tell me what is wrong. I know yu Joseph something is troubling yu. Now tell me."

He remained quite, still trying to steady his breathing. He looked at her. So beautiful, so soft, yet strong. He looked down trying to escape her stare. The critical, caring stare that he could not hide from. He took a long, deep breath, "Do yu remember....," he breathed again, "Do yu remember when I told yu that a friend had helped me pay for this house, and that is was okay, because he had owed me money?" Molly looked confuse, but nodded her head. "Well, I lied. He did help me pay for this house, but....he didn't own me any money. In fact, I owed him money."

Molly stare grew cold, "What are yu saying, Joseph?"

Joseph's eyes were now pale. "I'm saying that he's after me and....and I don't know what to do. I ran into him the other day and he said that he would come for his money soon."

"And we don't have the money to pay him do we?" Molly asked quietly. Joseph shook his head, casting his look downwards. "Why, Joseph? Why would yu put yur life in danger? Why our lives? Emily's life?" Molly's voice grew louder with every word.

"I thought I would have enough money to pay him back by now. He said five years, that he would give me five years, but....I don't have it."

"That's because yu use it to buy beer and whiskey and the pubs."

"That's not fair, Molly. I-"

"That's not fair?! It's not fair that yu spend your child's life on yur drunkeness. I never complained about it before but this is too much, Joseph. I can't believe yu would do this to us."

"I never wanted to hurt yu or Emily. I swear." he walked up to her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Who is this man?" she asked.

"His name is Eric. He's a gambler and a thief. I've lost a few cards games to him."

"And he's capable of killing?" she asked. Joseph nodded. "You've seen it?"

He was silent for a moment. He bit his lip, "I was apart of his gang for awhile. That's what I had been doing when I had left those five years ago." The anger in Molly's eyes grew. "I had to get the money to buy this house some way, Molly. What else was I supposed to do?"

Molly looked down at the necklace that was around her neck. The necklace that Joseph had given her, the one that he had claimed he had won as a prize. She did not look up to meet his gaze, "Yu stole this too. Didn't yu?"

Joseph backed up, turning away from her. He breathed deeper then before. "Yes," he said quitely. Molly closed her eyes in disbelief. She felt betrayed. He had taken a risk on his daughter's life never even thinking of the consequences. He turned back to her, seeing the sadness in her face. "It's in the past, Molly. I'm not that person anymore. I never was to began with, but I needed the money quickly. I couldn't just get a job and wait for payment and it would have been little payment at that." He walked up to her again. He placed both hands on her face, lifting it up, "It is in the past."

"Maybe, Joseph," she said softly, "But the past always comes back to haunt yu. Always."

He stared deep into her dark eyes. He tried desperatly to lose himself in them, wanting to hide. Molly was right. He had taken a foolish risk with their lives, but he was too young at the time to realize that. He now had to correct the mistake. Some how he had to make it right, no matter what. He took her hand in his, hoping that she would not pull away. "Look, I want yu to take Emily and go to my cousins house for awhile, at least until I settle this matter."

Molly was still quite upset but managed to bring her voice down, "What will yu do?"

"I'll reason with him. Maybe I can convince him to take half of the payment until I can give him the rest."

"And what if he doesn't accept?"

"I don't know, but...I want yu to stay at Beth's until I arrive. I don't want yu to return here, do yu understand?"

Molly's eyes grew with fright, "Joseph..." her voice trailed off. Even her anger with him could not conceal the terror that now lingered in her voice. He was her husband, her only love. She did not want to imagine what Joseph meant by this eventhough she knew very well that he was right to do this action.

"Do yu understand?" he asked once more.

Molly's bottom lip quivered, "Yes, my love. I understand."

Joseph nodded, "Good. Now, I want yu both to leave as soon as possible. I will go get Emily. Yu will get her and yur bags packed." Molly agreed and headed for her room.

Joseph headed to the small garden on the side of the house, "Emily. It's time to go inside, sweetheart." Once he reached the garden all the blood drained from his face. All he saw was the basket of flowers that Emily had been picking, but no Emily. "Emily?" he yelled, hoping that she had only ran off to chase a rabbit or something. "Emily? Emily, sweetie. Mummy needs yu."

Molly had heard the yelling and came running out of the house, "What is it? What's wrong?"

"I can't find Emily."

"What? Oh, God. Emily!" she began to call out as well, "Emily, baby! Where are yu?"

Joseph thought for a moment. "Maybe, she got bored and went through the back door and to the library."

"But, why would she leave the basket?"

"Like I said, maybe she just got bored. Yu know how she is." He turned and headed inside. Molly followed.

As Joseph made his way down the hallway he noticed an object by the door of the library. When he got closer he realized it was one of Emily's dolls. He picked it up slowly and examined it. There was a substance of a sort on the doll's neck. Molly came up behind him, "What is that?" she whispered.

He placed his finger on it and rubbed the thick liquid between his fingers. His breathing quickened, "It''s blood."

"Oh my God!" Molly gasped.

Joseph quickly pushed open the door to the library. Molly gasped. There was Emily sitting on the lap of a rather rugged, slender man. His hair long and dirty. Hardly noticeable that it was blond. He held a knife to the child's throat. Emily's left arm was slightly covered in blood. He had cut her and she was still wincing from the pain.

"Hello, Joseph. Nice to see yu again. I see that yu saw my little warnin'. That's what this little one will look like if you don't give me my money. Now, where is it?"

Joseph's teeth were clenched together, "How dare yu hurt my child, Eric. You think I'll pay yu after what yu've done to her."

"Yes. Because if yu don't, I slit this pretty little throat from ear to ear. And I'll do it so slowly that yu'll get to see her swirm until she's dead."

Molly took hold of Joseph's arm tightly. "Please...please don't hurt my baby. Yu can have anything yu want. Anything at all. Just, please, let her go."

"I don't anything except the money. Where is it?"

Joseph remained silent. He didn't know what to do. He didn't have the money, but he couldn't risk his childs life. His heart was beating so rapidly that his chest began to hurt from the pressure. Molly tightened her grip on his arm but he couldn't feel the pain. He was completely numb with fear. He looked at Emily sitting upon Eric's lap. Her eyes were red and swollen from the tears that cascaded down her babydoll cheeks. She may have been crying but she was trying desperatly to keep her sobs from sufacing.

Eric breathed heavily with frustration. "I want my money Joseph." The group was silent for a moment. Molly and Joseph only continued to stare at the man with their child. Eric's eyes narrowed and then widened like a crazed animal, "NOW!" he yelled, causing Emily to bite her lip so hard that it broke the skin. But she still kept the sobs back as her little form shook uncontrolably.

Molly to began to cry as she watched the blood from Emily's lip trickle down her quivering chin forming several red spots on her light blue dress. The blood from her arm had already created a small puddle on the floor by Eric's boot.

Joseph walked caustiously to Eric's side. "Eric. I....I don....I don't have th....the money." Eric's mouth curved upward slowly. He cocked his eyebrow as he continued to look up at the young man. Joseph cleared his throat, "Look, I'm sure that yu and I can agree to a comprimise. I can pay yu have the money now and I'll do whatever else yu need for me to do. I'll give yu anything. Anything at all. Just please let my daughter go."

"Anything?" Eric asked. "Are yu sure?"

"Yes," Joseph stated eagerly. "Anything yu want. Yu have my word."

Eric stood up still holding Emily in his arms. He looked at Molly, "Well, that necklace around yu're wife's neck looks almost priceless."

Without another word Molly quickly dicarded the necklace and handed it to Eric. He took the necklace in his hand and examined it. "He looked back at Joseph and where's this other half of my money?" "Of course," Joseph walked over to one of the bookshelves. He opened a small cabinet that was almost hidden into the wood. He pulled out two small bags, closed the door and made his way back towards Eric. "Here yu are," Joseph handed the bags to him, "This should be enough."Without another word Molly quickly discarded the necklace and handed it to Eric. He took the necklace in his hand and examined it. “He looked back at Joseph and where’s this other half of my money?” “Of course.” Joseph walked over to one of the bookshelves. He opened a small cabinet that was almost hidden into the wood. He pulled out two small bags, closed the door and made his way back towards Eric. “Here yu are,” Joseph handed the bags to him, “This should be enough.”

Eric slowly put Emily down, “Don’t move until I tell yu to, do yu understand?” he asked down to her. The little girl nodded her head rapidly. Eric opened the first bag and then the next, making sure that each bag held the right amount. Finally, after what seemed like another lifetime he nodded in satisfaction, “Very good.”

Molly and Joseph breathed a sigh of relief and beckoned Emily to come to them. Just as the she was about to move Eric took a hold of her shoulder, “Not so fast.”

“But….but,” Molly began to argue with fear still in her voice, “Are yu not satisfied with this?”

“I’ll admit, yu’ve done well, but I think I still deserve a bit more for my troubles. Yu did say that I could have anything I wanted?”

“What more could yu want?” Joseph asked.

Eric again smiled with the same viciousness as before, “Yu’re wife.”

Molly nearly screamed at the mere sound of his voice when he stated it. Joseph looked back at her then back to Eric, “No. NO! Are yu mad? Yu cannot have me wife?”

“Yu said anything that I wanted Joseph. Yu gave me yu’re word,” said Eric.

“Well forget it. Yu are not taking her!”

Eric immediately grabbed for Emily, “Do yu really want to see this child’s blood all over this floor? Yu know, I’ll bet that her skin will cut as easy as butter.” Eric put the knife to the girl’s neck. Emily held back another sob as she closed her eyes tightly and pressed her lips together.

Joseph, without thinking lunged at Eric and fell on him. The knife slightly grazed Emily’s skin. Unfortunately, Eric was too big and strong a man. He suddenly had Joseph on the ground trying to plunge the knife into the man’s chest. Emily had already found a way to her mother. The blood had already dried up on her chin. She looked as though she had just survived a gruesome war. Molly took the child in her arms and cradled her as she finally let all her sobbing out into her mother's shoulder. Molly looked up at Joseph and Eric. Eric now only had the knife a hair away from her husband’s heart. She had to think of something quickly. She looked down at Emily was now beginning to cry uncontrollably. She knew her daughter needed her but she could not put her husband's or her daughter's life in danger. She quickly moved Emily out of the room and closed the door leaving Emily in the hallway.

She stood and looked back at the two men who were still struggling on the floor. "I'll go!" She had not even completely realized that she had said it out loud until Eric stopped his assault on Joseph and turned to face her.

"What did yu say?" Eric asked as he slowly lifted himself from Joseph.

Molly heard Emily pounded and screaming on the other side of the door. More tears began to well up in her eyes. She looked down at her feet, fearful to continue. She closed her eyes. She thought of Joseph and how he was willing to give his own life to save theirs. She thought of Emily and how brave she tried to be just moments ago. It was now her turn. She swallowed deeply and looked back up, first looking at Joseph, who was now in a slight sitting position on the floor holding a wound that Eric had made, and then back at Eric. "I said, I'll go. I'll go with yu if that is yu're wish."

Joseph stared in disbelief, slowly shaking his head, "No! Molly, yu don't know what yu're doing."

Eric pretended not to hear Joseph and wrapped his arms around Molly, "Well, well. We are a pretty little thing aren't we?"

Jospeh huffed in anger, "Don't yu touch my wife yu monster!" Joseph again threw hiself at Eric.

Eric suddenly turned preparing to defend himself from Joseph once more. Molly suddenly saw Joseph stop. He had a strange almost lost expression on his face. His eyes grew very bright then dull. She noticed that he was holding his stomach. She looked down and nearly choked on her own scream. Joseph had accidently come upon Eric's dagger when he turned so suddenly.

Eric pulled the dagger out of him roughly and let Joseph fall to the floor. Molly fell to her knees beside him, helping him cover the wound.

Eric shook his head in disapproval, "Yu should have just given the money when I asked for it. Now look at what yu have. Yu've just lost yu're wife. I think I just might take yu're daughter while I'm at it. And, to top it all off, yu're dieing. Well, don't we feel just grand?" he laughed.

Neither Molly nor Joesph had heard a word that Eric had said. They only stared into each other's eyes.

Joseph placed a hand upon Molly's smooth, fair cheek. "Yu know when I first saw yu...I knew that yu and I would be together. I knew yu would be the mother of my children and I knew...I knew that yu would always love matter what." He wiped the tears falling from her dark eyes, "Do yu love me?

Molly tryed not to sob, but her voice cracked a bit, "Yes...yes, Joseph I love yu. I've always loved yu, since the moment I saw yu."

He smiled, "I love yu too." The pain grew worse as he tryed remain calm. He looked back at Molly, he moved his hand from her face to her fire colored hair, stroking back away from her damp face, "I'll wait for yu my love. I'll wait for yu and for Emily, always."

Molly's bottom lip quivered. She nodded without another word. She knew of nothing more to say. She only continued to watch as Joseph finally closed his eyes and stopped all breathing.

Molly couldn't make any sounds. The tears only continued to flow from her eyes as she still held on to the lifeless body before her.

She finally felt a hard tug at her hair as she was lifted off the floor. The door was opened for her and behind it her small child sat on the floor rocking herself back and forth.

"Emily, get up," Eric said some what annoyed.

She didn't listen. She only continued to rock herself.

Eric shook Molly, "Tell her to get up." Molly didn't respond either, "Now!"

Molly still didn't say anything. She only bent down to pick up her child.

Eric stared at the pathetic duo. "Come on, then."

Molly and Emily walked and followed Eric out the door, away from Joseph, away from their home, away from their lives.


Flash. Colors. Flash. Colors. Flash.


Sarah's eyes shot open. She was breathing hard. She had been crying - she was still crying.

"Sarah?" she heard a voice near her. "Are you okay?" She turned to face the person talking to her. She saw Lydia next to her, watching her expressions. Lydia raised her eyesbrowes, "Are you alright, dear?"

Sarah didn't answer she looked around her and found Stephen standing before her. She looked up at him. He nodded down at her, "Sarah?"

But still she did not answer. Again she looked around the room until her eyes finally found Daniel sitting on the plush couch. He was not paying attention to their scene. He had his head buried into his hands. He to was crying.

"He awoke a few moments before you did," she heard Lydia say, "You know, once he...he died."

This time Sarah didn't acknowledge Lydia. She stood up carefully, her sobbing had subsided quite a bit. Stephan and Lydia watched her as she carefully walked up to Daniel. She finally stood before him, looking down at him. Daniel slowly raised his gaze to meet Sarah's. He face was red and his eyes were misty. She quitely stared at him with her dark, stunning eyes.

Daniel stood up, never leaving her eyes, "Sarah. Sarah, I'm so sorry. I...I don't know what else to say," he stated softly. Sarah still did not speak. "Sarah?"

Then suddenly Sarah lifted her hand and slapped Daniel hard across his face causing him to fall back upon the couch.

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