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In the Crowds of All the People

Ben waited for Daniel and Chris in the music shop. He was still thinking about what Daniel had told him in the van. He couldn't wrap his brain around the whole thing. Maybe Daniel's at a very vulnerable state of mind right now. Maybe he's capable of falling in love with just about anyone. Ben laughed at that thought. Yeah, right. He looked outside the window, and noticed a record store across the street. "Hey, guys," he called out.

"Yeah?" said Chris.

"I'm gonna go check out that record store over there. You guys catch up, okay?"

Daniel waved his hand without looking up, "Yeah, catch you in awhile."

There weren't a lot of people in the store. The place was full of old vintage decore. It was obviously being run by an old hippie still stuck in the sixties. The only reason there were albums of KoRn, Pearl Jam, Everclear, Smashing Pumkins, Offspring and so on, was because their grandson or granddaughter had suggested it.

Ben made his way over to a stack of vinyls. He was flipping through them when he realized that there was giggling going on behind him. He turned to look and saw a young salesclerk talking to another girl over the counter. She was pointing at him until she noticed that he was looking in their direction. The girl behind the counter practically jumped and quickly stopped her giggling. Ben just smiled and returned his attention to the records.

The whispering had finally ceased and moments later he was startled by a voice next to him, "Did you need help with anything, sir?"

Ben turned toward the voice and noticed that it was the girl the salesclerk had been talking to.
She was quite beautiful. She had long, silky, dark hair and flawless pale skin. Her eyes were dark and mysterious and her smile was just breathe taking.

"No," Ben smiled back, "I'm just looking, thanks."

"Sure thing. If you need anything though, just ask that girl right over there," she pointed to the other girl behind the counter who quickly tried to pretend like she wasn't paying any attention.

Ben laughed, "You don't want to help me yourself?"

She smiled, "Actually, I don't work here. My friend Marissa there noticed you walk in and asked me to come over here and help you. She's kinda shy, but a fan."

"Oh, I see. So, you do know who I am?"

The girl smiled, "Yeah. I just don't freak out as easily as some people I know," she looked over at Marissa who was still pretending to clean the counter.

"She might wear a hole in that counter yet," Ben remarked.

"Ahh, don't worry. I don't think she'll be able to keep consciousness for that much longer anyways."

Ben laughed again, "I think you're right."

"Well, I have to go, it was nice meeting you Ben."

"Yeah, same here, umm..."

"Sarah. Sarah Portman."

"Nice meeting you Sarah." She turned to walk away but Ben grabbed her shoulder, "Hey, wait."


"Are you busy tonight?"

Sarah thought for a second, "No, I don't think so. Why?"

"The band is playing at Bob Popular's tonight. Maybe you and your friend could come."

Sarah looked at him with surprise and joy, "Ummm, wow! That would be really great. Wait, I didn't hear anything about a concert going on tonight."

"It's a secret actually, but I could put your names on the guest list that way you won't have to pay."

"Yeah, that would be really cool. Thanks. Oh, but if it's a serect I can't tell Marissa cause she'll tell everyone in about five minutes. I'll just surprise her."

"So I'll see you girls tonight then?"

"Definitly," she smiled.


"Well, I really have to go now. Bye, Ben."

"Bye, Sarah."

"Marissa, I gotta go. I'll call you later."

"Okay, bye," Marissa waved.

Sarah waved and walked out through the backdoor. Just then Daniel and Chris walked through the frontdoor, "Hey, man. Are you about ready to go?"

Ben looked over at Marissa and smiled when it looked like she was about ready to collapes. "Yeah, I think it's about time to go."

Daniel sat in his chair backstage, strumming his guitar. He was thinking of the mysterious girl at the resturant. He so badly wanted to see her again that it hurt. He closed his eyes and imagined what it would be like to touch her pale skin. To feel her dark flowing hair through his fingers. To feel her warmth against his. A smile slowly formed across his face.

"Watson, did those names I gave you get on the list?"
Daniel awoke from his daydream and saw Ben talking to their manager.

"Yeah, they sure did. Sarah Portman and friend right?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Watto." Ben walked over to Daniel, "How you feeling, bro?"

"Better, thanks. So, who's this Sarah Portman? Should the old ball n' chain back home be worried?" Daniel teased.

Ben sat down next to him, "Naw, man. It's not like that. I met her at that record store I was at earlier. She was really cool. I just thought it would be nice to invite her to the show."

"That's cool. Well, I better go and get ready."

"Okay. I'm gonna go help out with sound check."

There was a good size crowd in the venue that night. The local bands were warming them up pretty good. Still, no one was aware that silverchair was about to grace them with their presense.

"Come on, Sarah. Are you going to tell me how your name got on that list, or not?" Marissa yelled over the noise.

"Not," Sarah replied.

"You seriously suck, you know that?"

"Yeah, I know. Come on let's get closer to the stage."

Ben knocked on the door of his friend's dressing room, "Hey, Daniel. Are you about ready? We're on soon."

Daniel walked out wearing all black and obviously on his medication, "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's do this."

The other band finished their last song and walked off the stage, leaving the crowd screaming for more. The owner walked out on stage and greeted the crowd. "Hey! How's everyone doing tonight?


"Alright! So I guess you all are ready for some more?"

More cheers.

"Well, good, cause we got a real special treat for you tonight my friends. I really think you're going to enjoy this. You've heard them all over the air waves and now they're here for YOUR listening pleasure. Ladies and gentlemen, Bob Popular's extremely proud to present, SILVERCHAIR!"

The band walked on stage one by one as cheers and whistles of shock and excitment filled the venue.

"Oh my, GOD!" Marissa screamed, "Did you know that there were playing tonight?"

Sarah looked over at her friend with a sly smile.

"HA, you bitch!"

"Thanks. I thought you might like this," she laughed.

The band started off "Emotion Sickness" and the crowd went insane. The guys were drawing in the energy from the audience. They were really into it. The sentiment of the music was streaming through Daniel's vains. Her image was flooding his thoughts and he felt as if though he was playing just for her.

Sarah could not keep her eyes off of Daniel. His movements were spellbinding. She could feel all his passion. Her heart was racing. She had never felt this way before. When she had seen him in the restaurant yesterday she couldn't believe how drawn she was to him. Even with everything that she was feeling at that exact moment, all the pain that was running through her body, his presence seemed to sooth her. The second she caught that glipse of him, everything that hurt and made her suffer just seemed to disappear. But as he sat at the table with the others, the look on his face troubled her. What was making him so sad? She could see and actually feel the dismay taking over his body. The emotion was so intense that she began writing in her journal hoping it would calm her down as it always did, but it didn't. The pain he was feeling and the pain she was feeling was too much for her to bare. It all hurt so much that she feared she would breakdown into one of her attacks right there. So she quickly gathered her things and left, only later regreting that she hadn't stayed a little longer. Maybe she could've talked to him. Something. Anything. He had begun to invade her mind every minute. Every second. She knew she was never going to see him again and this only added to her saddness. But, then, by some miracle, Ben Gillies walked into the store earlier that day and invited her to tonight's concert. She was being given a second chance. She couldn't believe she was now watching Daniel. Taking in all the passion he was casting out through his music. She felt herself growing closer to him, feeling the same comforting sensation she had at the restaurant. Her heart needed to be near him.

Daniel was now breathing harder after the sixth song of the night. The crowds seemed to be really loving this. Then again, it could have been the alcohol induced minds that made them act just that much more raptured.

It was about that time to calm everyone down again. Daniel began the first chords of "Miss You Love". Eventhough it wasn't really a love song, it made him think of her. Every time he sang '...and I miss you Love' he was singing it out to her. He missed her.

As the climax of the song began, he suddenly felt this familiar calmness consume him. He was feeling his sight beginning drawn to the middle of the audience. He searched closely. Letting his soul move his head, then finally he rested his eyes upon his apparent target.
There, in the crowds of all the people, stood the girl he had been praying for all this time. Her eyes were closed and she was slowly rocking to the music. Her beauty was intoxicating him once again. His energy was being rejuvinated just but looking at her. He really was performing for her. He had to meet her this time. He couldn't lose her again.

The rest of the set seemed to go by in a flash. Daniel had a surge of energy that no one had ever seen before. He was still pumped up even after the show.

"Daniel! That was fantastic!" Watson greeted as they walked off the stage.

"Yeah, Danny-boy! That was great!" exclaimed Ben, "It was like you had an adrenaline rush or something."

"Way to go, Daniel!" Chris broke in.

Daniel was still breathing hard and smiling, "Thanks, guys," he reverted his attention the crowd outside, "Umm, Watto, I need to go out there," he motioned to the spectators.

Watson looked at Daniel as if he had gone insane, "Wait. In that crowd? Hehe, I don't think so."

"Please, someone can go with me. Anybody. I don't care. I just need to get out there."

Ben took his friend's arm, "Since when are you so anxious to go out into large crowds?"

"Ben, she's here?"


"The girl I told you about earlier."


"What girl?" asked Chris.

Watson was extremly confused now, "Wait, what? What's going on? What are you guys talking about?"

Ignoring the others, Daniel looked at Ben with pleading eyes, "I can't lose her again, Ben. I can't."

Ben could see the frustration in his friends eyes. He looked at Watson, "Can't one of the bouncers go out there with him?"

"It's really important," Daniel added.

"Is anyone going to tell me what's happening?" Chris was getting impatient.

"I'll fill you in later," said Ben.

Watson seemed unsure about the request, but he could see the tears welling up in the lead singer's eyes. He didn't know what was going on, but he knew that he couldn't say no. He sighed, "Let me go get one of the better bouncers and we'll see what we can do."

"Thank you Watson. Thank you so much," Daniel said gratefully.

Watson walked off when the owner came up to the band, "Hey! Great show you guys. I mean that. It was incredible."


"Yeah, thank you."

He continued, "Umm, Ben, look I'm really sorry to bother you with this, but there's a young women out there who claims that you invited her here."

"Oh, I almost forgot. Sarah Portman?"

"Yes, actually."

"Yeah, I invited her and her friend," he looked at Chris and Daniel, "I'll be right back."

Daniel continued to look for the girl but he couldn't see her. Oh, God. Where did she go? Please, tell me I didn't lose. Please.

"Are you going to tell me about this 'girl' or what?" Chris finally asked.

"I will. But first I need to meet her myself."

Chris raised his eyebrows in shock, "You haven't met her?" Daniel smiled and shook his head. "You better tell me about this soon."

"I will."

"Well, I'm gonna go change. Some jerk in the front spilled his drink on my pants. I'll be back in a sec."

Chris left and Watson came back with a fairly large bouncer behind him. "Listen, Daniel. Maybe, you should point out the girl to Mike here and let him go get her."

"I would, but I can't seem to find her," Daniel's eyes were darting from one area of the room to the other.

"Do you know where she was standing when you last saw her?"

"Yes, but she's not there anymore."

Mike stepped in, "Look, Mr. Johns, why don't we wait until the crowds go down a bit. It shouldn't be too much longer and it will be easier for you to find your friend."

Daniel looked at the bouncer. He wasn't aware that he didn't know this girl and that if they waited for the crowds to go down it might be too late. But Daniel, wasn't about to argue with a man three times his size, so he just nodded in agreement.

"Good. Come get me when you're ready to go look," Mike said and walked off.

Watson put a hand on Daniel's shoulder, "It's safer this way Daniel. For you and for her." Daniel again nodded never letting his gaze leave the crowd. "Look, I have to go talk to the owner. I'll be back, okay?"


Watson walked off again. Daniel stood there alone, still searching for her. He couldn't believe he had lost her again. After all the wishing that he had done. It seemed almost impossible. But, for some reason he hadn't lost all hope. He could still feel that familiar presence.

"Hey, Daniel. I want you to meet some one," Ben said with Marissa in tow, "This is Marissa Keene."

Daniel turned his attention to the girl, "It's nice to meet you Marissa," he shook her hand.

"Oh, the pleasure's all mine.," the girl said somewhat nervously.

Daniel smiled, "Thank you."

"Where's Chris? I promised Marissa she could meet him."

"He went to go change. He should be back in awhile."

"Cool. Well, Sarah, should be back in a sec. She went to the restroom."

Daniel didn't hear him, "Umm, I'm gonna go to the dressing room, if anyone needs me I'll be there."

"Wait, Dan," Ben stopped him, "What happened with that girl?"

Daniel just shook his head and walked away.

Chris, Ben, Sarah and Marissa all stood at side stage watching the last couple of bands.

"Hey, listen, girls," Ben finally said, "I'm really sorry about Daniel. He's just not feeling well, right now."

"It's alright," said Sarah, "I'm sure he'll be fine later. I'd rather he get better, then be out here with us and be miserable," she ended with deep concern in her voice.

"You know, I better go check on him. Chris stay here and make sure the girls don't get into any trouble."

"Will do, sir," Chris saluted. The two girls laughed.

"Daniel?" Ben knocked on the door, "Can I come in?"

"Sure," said a muffled sound from the other side.

Ben walked in and found Daniel sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. "Are you okay, man?"

Daniel looked up at his friend. He had been crying. "Not really," he replied, wiping his damp eyes and leaning back against the couch, "I lost her again. Can you believe that? It's like I wasn't meant to ever meet her."

"I'm sorry. I really am."


Ben said nothing to him for awhile. He was afraid to say the wrong thing. But he had to get Daniel out of there. He hated seeing him like this. "How about you come watch the show with rest of us? Maybe it will get your mind off things."

Daniel looked up at Ben and smiled, thankful that his friend was at least trying to help him. "No. Actually, I'm just gonna go outside for a second. Get some fresh air."

"That's a good idea," Ben smiled.

Daniel walked out through the back door and Ben went back to join the others.

When he returned, Ben noticed that only Chris and Marissa were standing where he left them. "Hey, where did Sarah go?"

"Oh, she needed some fresh air," Marissa said.

"Yeah, I told her to go out the back," Chris added, "Not as many people back there."

Ben smiled, "No. I really don't think she's going to be alone out there."

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