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Escape Reality With New Pain

Molly sat at the small wooden table in her mother's kitchen cutting up the vegetables for supper. Her stare was blank and calm. She day dreamed constantly about a new life for herself. She thought about running away as fast as she could. Away from this small ramshackles cottage. Away from an over-protective father that never seemed to care about anything else but the wars. She would have to leave soon anyway. Her mother and father will disown her the moment they find out about the child growing inside of her. Joseph knew about it and promised that he would take care of her and the child. But Molly had not heard from him since two Sundays past. She feared that he had broken his promise, but prayed that she was wrong.

"Molly, have yu done with those vegetables yet?" her mother asked walking in.

Molly didn't answer. She just continued to stare out the window above the stove.


The young girl jumped in her seat and turned to face her mother, "Huh? Oh, sorry. I was just thinking."

"I can see that. Have yu finished with those vegatables there? Yu're father will be home soon."

"Mmm, hmm. Here." Her mother took the bowl from her and placed them by the stove.

"Did yu need me for anything else Mum?"

"I don't think so. Why?"

"I just wanted to go outside and walk down by the creek for awhile."

Her mother looked at her and raised an eye brow slightly, "Alright. But don't yu be long. Supper will be done soon. And don't go on the other side neither."

"Yes Mum. Thank yu." and with that Molly ran out of the cottage and down to the creek.

Molly sat down on the big rock that she used to pretend, as a little girl, was her thrown and that she was the queen of all the forest. Only now to dream that way made her sad. She knew that many of her dreams and fantasies would never come true. She was in for much harder times than she had ever expected.

She suddenly heard a sound come from the woods behind her. She quickly turned to see what it was but saw nothing. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

Another noise she heard. This time it sounded like the breaking of a twig. "Hello?" Her voice now had a ting of fear in it. She was about to quickly run back to the cottage when she heard a soft humming emerging from the trees. She stood still for awhile listening. A humming. A strange yet blissful humming. Her fear became delight as the soft sound was finally avowed by her ears. Her lips curved upward, "Joseph?"

A young man cautiously emerged out from hiding and continued to hum the familiar tune.

"Oh, Joseph," she ran to him and he caught her in a loving embrace, "I feared that yu would'nt return."

"I promised that I would did I not?" he said brushing her reddish/blonde hair from her face. Molly smiled and nodded before placing her soft lips on his.

Joseph held up his finger, "Hold on. I have something for yu."

"What is it?" Molly asked almost too anxiously.

"Wait, wait," Joseph said as he fumbled around in the sack he carried, "Ah ha, here it is," he pulled out a beautiful necklace. It was a long gold chain, with a celtic knot pendant hanging from it. The knot held a green stone in it's center.

Molly gasped when she saw it, "Joseph! Where did yu get that? It's exquisite."

"Does it matter? Here let me put it on yu." He gently turned her and carefully placed the piece of jewelry around her neck. He softly kissed her delicate skin causing her to breathe in deeply, "I missed yu so much," he whispered into her ear.

She turned to him, "As did I my love," she leaned in to kiss him.

Joseph took her by the hand and sat her down on the rock. He placed his hand on her stomach, "And how is my other love?"

Molly giggled, "Fine and missed yu as well I'm sure."

He held her tightly, "We are going to be a family, Molly. Isn't it a miracle?" She nodded softly and placed her head on his shoulder. He kissed her forehead and sighed deeply, "When are yu ready to leave, then?"

She swiftly raised her head nearly hitting him, "What do yu mean?" she asked confused.

He smiled and held her hand, "I found our new home. It has been bought and paid for. We can leave whenever yu are ready."

"Yu already bought it? Joseph? Where did yu find the money? I mean how could yu afford it? And this necklace. It must have cost a fortune."

Joseph stifled a laugh, "Ah, my Molly. Always worrying. That's one of the reasons I love yu so much. Yu're always wanting to be careful and looking out for everyone. Especially me. Look, I already had some money hidden away and a friend helped out with rest. I held a debt against him."

"And the necklace?" she asked carefully.

Joseph stared into her eyes as if looking for what she wanted to hear. "A prize it was. That's all. Now, enough talk about it. When do yu want to leave?"

"Well, as soon as possible I suppose. Mum and Da will soon notice."

"Tomorrow, then?


Joseph nodded and waited for her answer.

Molly thought very carefully. Was she ready to leave her family so soon? Her parents still had little Grace to help them. And her father would throw her out as soon as he discovered her growing belly. It was best to leave now so that she couldn't change her mind later. "Alright, Joseph. We will leave tomorrow."

He smiled broadly, "I will meet yu here then, before the sun rises." Molly nodded her head. "Oh, Molly. I will take care of yu and make yu happy. Yu'll see."

"MOLLY?? MOLLY, WHERE ARE YU?" a voice yelled from up the hill.

"My mother! I have to go or she'll be suspious. Tomorrow, my love. I will be here."

"Tomorrow, we will start our new lives together."

Molly smiled before kissing him once more and running off. Yes, tomorrow they would start their new lives. Raise this child together and be happy.


Sarah's eyes shot open. The telephone sounded like some kind of warning alarm going off. She felt movement beside her and finally an arm move above her to reach for the phone and answer it. "Hello?......What?......Oh, yeah. We left this morning. Sorry about that......No, no, he hasn't called. He's probably at another meeting or something......Okay......okay......Are you sure? We can pick you up. Well, I mean as soon as Sarah wakes up......No?......Okay, then we'll see you later......yeah......Bye." The arm reached over again and placed the phone back on the receiver.

Sarah turned over on her back and was greeted by the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen. Suddenly she was reminded of that morning's events as Daniel leaned down and kissed her softly.

He smiled, "Hey."

"Hey," she said inaudibly, "What time is it?"

Daniel looked over at the clock, "It's, umm, a quarter after one."

"Mmm," she closed her eyes and then furrowed her brows.

"Is something wrong?" Daniel asked with obvious concern is his voice.

Sarah reopened her eyes and smiled, "Everything is fine," she said placing a hand on his cheek. She sat up a bit, "I just had a very strange dream that's all."

"Strange dream?" Daniel then thought about the weird dream he had the other night.

"Yeah, I've never had a dream like that before. Seemed so real. Almost like a memory or something."

Daniel's voice shook a bit, "A memory?"

"Yeah, weird, huh?" she looked at him and saw that his eyes seemed blank and almost frightened, "Daniel? Daniel are you okay?"

He realized he had frighted her and shook it off, "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Really. I was just thinking about a weird dream I had once that's all."

"Oh. Do you want to talk about it? I mean, it looks like it bother's you." she replied.

Daniel sighed. He wasn't sure if he wanted to discuss it. He hadn't given much thought to the dream since that day, but now when recalling the matter he felt a sicking pain in his stomach. He closed his eyes and heard that blood-curling scream coming from that girl. That girl with the mysterious sea-green eyes. The woman from the shop that had the same irises. What did it all mean?

Sarah moved closer to him and placed a hand on his arm, "Daniel? Are you sure you're okay?"

He looked into her dark eyes. Such glorious rapture he felt when he was with her. Nothing could keep them apart. Nothing. He gently brushed her soft cheek with his hand. Sarah closed her eyes, adoring the smooth feeling of his supple hand against her skin. She looked at him with loving eyes. Daniel smiled at her and kissed her tenderly. Again that same feeling as before but now their souls were used to it.

He layed down and she carefully placed her head upon his chest. "You didn't answer my question," Sarah reminded him warm-heartedly.

Daniel giggled, "I know," he sighed, "Don't worry. I'm alright and as far as the dream, well, I can't really remember it all that well."

Sarah remained silent. Daniel looked down at her, but she finally answered, "Alright."

"And what about your dream? Do you want to talk about it?" he asked her.

She chuckled a bit, "Not really. But....," she again fell silent.

"But what?" Daniel queried.

Sarah sat up, "There was this strange thing. Well, maybe not that strange. In fact, the really peculiar part isn't the dream."

He sat up next to her, "What do you mean?"

"Well...," she paused and then got up off the bed and reached for her coat. When she at last pulled something out from the coat pocket she sat back down beside Daniel, "In the dream I was given a gift. A necklace in fact," she emptied the contents of a small black pouch into her hand, "This necklace."

"SHIT! That thing looks expensive." he explained, when he saw the piece of jewelry.

"I know. Carrying it around was hell. All I could worry about was that I would drop it or lose it or something. I was thinking about going to get it looked at, to see how much it's worth."

"So what was so strange about receiving it again in your dream? I mean, besides the obvious?" he asked.

Sarah sat back against the bedpost, staring at the necklace, "I don't know, it's just strange. Well, actually, you see how it looks so old?" Daniel nodded, "Well, in the dream it looked new. Brand new, like it had just been purchased."

"Hmmm, that's kind of creepy."

"I know. But, actually the really odd thing, is the woman who gave it to me."

Daniel turned his head towards Sarah, "What woman?"

Sarah shrugged, "Just some lady. She came up to me in the parking lot of my apartment and she just gave me this necklace. She knew who I was and said that it would help me. Whatever that means. I asked her why, but she just left."

Daniel took a deep breathe, "What did she look like?

Sarah thought for a minute, not picking up on the fright in Daniel's voice, "She had red hair, it was faded though. Ummm, oh and she had green....."

"Eyes," Daniel finished.

Sarah gazed at him with uncertainty, "Yeah. Sea-green eyes to be exact." Daniel closed his eyes tightly as if an unbearable pain was shooting through him, "Daniel? What's wrong? Do you know her? Who is she?"

Daniel didn't answer right away. Instead, he thought back to that day in the occult shop where he first met the strange woman, and what had happened after he touched and admired the unicorn and looked into her eyes. She had said that she wasn't responsible for the visions. What if.....? Daniel thought carefully and reluntantly decided to try an experiment. "Let me see the necklace," he said holding out his hand.

"Daniel, what's going on?" Sarah asked, clearly shaking now.

"Please, let me just see the necklace." he requested once more, trying hard not to look up.

Sarah held out her hand with the necklace resting in her palm. Daniel stared at it for a moment. He then, very slowly placed his hand on the necklace. He cautiously looked up to meet Sarah's very timid eyes.


Daniel was sitting in a fairly large room. He looked around him it was a small library of sorts. He heard giggling coming from another room. Suddenly, a little girl came running into the room, "Daddy....Daddy," she jumped onto his lap, "Mommy said I could go outside and play. Will yu come with me?"

He couldn't help but smile at the child. She was so beautiful. She had the brightest red hair and the most amazing color of eyes he had ever seen. They were blue with hints of brown that looked more like a gold starburst in her eyes. He heard someone enter the room. He looked up to see a beautiful young woman. She had strawberry blonde hair and eyes so dark and mysterious you could just disappear in them.

"Go out and play with her, Joseph. She hasn't seen yu for days."

(From Sarah's P.O.V)
She was in a bedroom, brushing the red hair of a young child sitting in front of her, who was brushing the hair of a doll on her lap. Sarah had no control over her actions, or her vocals either, "Why don't yu go play outside for awhile and ask Daddy if he'll go with yu."

The little girl turned to her and Sarah got to see how pretty the child was, "Alright, Mummy," she said and gave her a kiss on the cheek. The little girl ran out of the room and down the hall.

Sarah followed her and heard her talking to someone. Sarah reached the room the child had ran into. She saw a young man sitting in a chair with the girl on his lap. He had dark blue eyes that seemed to pierce through her soul. She smiled, "Go out and play with her, Joseph. She hasn't seen yu for days."

The young man stood up with the girl in his arms, "That's right, Molly. I haven't seen Emily for days, have I?" The little girl shook her head playfully. He kissed Sarah softly on the lips, "We shall return shortly."

Sarah watched the two walk out of the room and down the hall.


Sarah and Daniel both fell back with a sudden force. Sarah quickly sat up, as did Daniel, and looked frantically around the room making sure she was were she was supposed to be. She looked at Daniel and saw the same exact blue eyes she saw in the vision and in the dream, she thought.

"Oh my God!" she she cryed quickly jumping off the bed.

"Sarah....wait....," Daniel through the necklace down and got off the bed as well seeming more calm than her.

"What the FUCK was that?" she practically screamed, moving back and forth trying to collect herself.

"I think I can explain."

Sarah couldn't balance herself anymore and fell to her knees. Daniel kneeled beside her and held her arms, "Calm down..."

"Don't touch me!" she wiggled out of his grasp, "What's going on? What did you do to me?"

"I didn't do anything. It wasn't me," he finally understood what the woman had meant when she said it wasn't her fault.

" me....the necklace....your eyes....a child...." she was starting to cry.

Daniel again came closer to her, "I know, I saw her too. It wasn't me, Sarah. I didn't give you that vision. I don't know how, but I'm pretty sure the necklace had something to do with it."

Sarah, finally steadying her breathing, looked at Daniel, "The necklace? How...I...don't understand. What's going on? What's happening, Daniel?"

He carefully took her into his arms and rocked her slowly. Sarah seemed to stiffen as his touch afraid that it would happen again. But, she realized that nothing was happening. She felt safe again in his arms. She softly began to cry and buried her face into his chest.

"Shhh," he comforted, still rocking her back and forth, "I won't let anything happen to you. We're going to experience this together, okay?"

The phone suddenly rang, causing the both of them to jump. Daniel trying to still hold on to Sarah, reached for the phone.

***Daniel? It's John.***
***Oh, hey, Watson. What's up?***
***Do you know where Ben and Chris are? I just called to their room and there was no answer.***
***Oh, uh, I think they went....***

A knock came at the door.

*** the lobby, but they're here now. I just heard them knock at my door.***
***Good. Well, then I'll see you guys at dinner tonight I hope. We need to discuss the gig for tomorrow night.***
***Right, right. We'll be there.***

Daniel hung up the phone and stood up carefully helped Sarah to her feet. "Are you okay?" he asked. She nodded slowly, wiping her damp face.


"Coming," Daniel called out. Sarah quickly made her way to the bathroom and closed the door.

Daniel opened the door, "Hey, guys. Have fun last night?"

Ben and Chris weariedly walked into the room. Ben collasped on the bed, while Chris made his place on the floor.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'," Daniel giggled closing the door.

Ben rolled over on his back, "You know, I've met some pretty wild Americans in my time, but those guys, definitly get five stars."

"Here, here," Chris agreed, waving his hand in the air, but never lifting his body or his head.

At that time, Sarah emerged from the bathroom, "Hey, guys."

Chris sat up and turned his head, "Oh, hey Sarah. Forgot you were here."

"How did you sleep?" Ben asked.

"Better than you guys did, from the looks of it," she snickered.

"Yeah, well if you had played that game with the rest of us, you wouldn't be talking," he said, rubbing his temples.

"Well, I don't fall into peer pressure as easily as you do, Ben."

"Hey, it's like that guy said in that scary movie, 'peer pressure, I'm far too sensitive' or whatever."

Sarah laughed, "Whatever. That's right," she looked at Daniel, "I better get going. Told Heather I would meet her for a late lunch."

"Okay. Can I walk you to the lift?" he asked.

"Umm, yeah," she nodded, "Well, I'll see you guys later."

"Bye, Sarah," Ben waved.

"Yeah, bye," said Chris, who had laid back down again.

"Umm, Chris, Hun. You're laying on my coat."

"Oh, sorry," Chris rolled over just enough for Sarah to pull her coat out from under him.

"Thank you."

Sarah and Daniel walked out of the room and down the corridor to the elevators. They didn't speak a word until they got there.

"Are you feeling a little better?" Daniel asked.

Sarah looked down at the ground, "Mmm, hmm."

Daniel sighed deeply. He had hoped for a better response.

The doors finally opened and Sarah proceeded to enter, "Well, I guess I'll see you later."

"I hope so," Daniel said, mostly to himself.

The doors began to close and Daniel just gave a smile and a quick wave to her. She looked down again as the doors finished closing. He started to back away until he heard the doors reopening. He looked and saw Sarah standing there with fresh tears in her eyes. She threw herself into him and kissed him passionatly. Daniel immediately returned the kiss with strong emotion.

"I'm sorry," he said breathlessly, "I'm so sorry."

Sarah held on to him tightly, "No, it's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong. I know that now. I'm the one who's sorry."

He placed her head in his hands, "Look, we're going to figure this thing out together. Okay? You and me." She nodded her head nervously; tears still streaming down her face. "I'll call you later, okay. I think we should pay a visit to that woman."

Trying to catch her breath, " know where she is?"

"Yeah, well, sort of?" Sarah just looked at him perplexed. Daniel shook his head slightly, "Don't ask, I'll explain later."

Sarah smiled and kissed him again, "I'll talk to you later then."

"Yeah," Daniel kissed her forhead and practically pushed her back into the elevator, "Now go. You don't want to be late."

"Bye," she waved as the doors closed.


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