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Remember Two Days

"So, where did you and Daniel go this morning?" Heather asked casually, picking at the food on her plate.

Sarah took a long sip of her coffee before answering, "Back to his hotel."

Heather practically dropped her fork, "You what? Alone?"

"Yeah, well, everyone else was passed out right?" Sarah laughed, not noticing Heather's strange reaction.

Heather stared intently at Sarah. Sarah noticed that she wasn't making any movement and looked up to meet Heather's stunned gaze.

Sarah moved her eyes for one side to the other, "What?" Heather didn't answer. She didn't know what to say, but Sarah knew exactly what she was thinking. She sighed, "Look, nothing happened, okay? I know that I usually wouldn't do something," she stated with irony, "But...I don't know. I trusted him. And you know that I haven't been able to do that in a really long time."

"Do you know what Tony would do if he found out? Or what Mike would do?" Heather asked.

"Nothing. They won't do a thing. I'm just going to tell them that I dropped Daniel off because he was tired. Besides, even if they did find out, what can they do? Nothing happened and they can't watch over me like this forever."

Heather folded her arms on the table, "Sarah, they...all of us, we worry, okay? We don't want you to get hurt again. I mean, after Victor...."

Sarah sat back hard in her chair, "Must we talk about him?"

"All I'm saying is becareful. Look, I know you haven't trusted guys in a really long time and I can understand why. And, I'm glad that Daniel doesn't frighten you, but Sarah, I'm begging you, for your own good, don't fall for this guy. He's sweet and all yes, but he lives across the ocean. What are the chances of you two ever seeing each other again after he leaves? I just think that your trusting him a little too much just because he's famous." Sarah was about to retort, but Heather lifted her hand to silence her, "You can't risk having your emotions fucked with right now, you know that. Just don't...don't fall for him."

Sarah stared at Heather trying despretly to find the words to defend herself, but she knew there was no way to win. She just nodded and looked down at her cup. She began biting her tounge hard. Hard enough to keep the tears inside. If Heather saw her cry then she would know. She would know that it was too late. She had already fallen for Daniel. Hard. And when reminded of her current state of mind and the fact that Daniel would eventually have to leave her it gave her a pain inside that she wasn't sure she wanted to endure for very much longer.

"Sarah. Sarah." Heather broke into her thoughts with an alarmed voice.

"What?" she asked with concern, looking up at Heather.

Heather carefully moved her chair back, "We have to go. Frank just walked in."

Sarah sat up straight, not even attempting to turn around to look, "Has he seen you?"

"No. I don't think so."

"Okay. Wait till he sits. Then get up and walk out. If he sees you then, I'll hold him back."

"You sure?"

Sarah nodded.

Heather waited for the man to walk in all the way and finally sit at booth that didn't face the table. She waited a couple of seconds and then quickly got up and swiftly headed out the door. Sarah then got up and went to pay at the register. She stood waiting for the change when she felt a forceful bind on her arm. She turned to face Frank.

"Hey, there, Sarah," he loosened his grip, "How are you?"

Sarah took her change, "I WAS fine until a few seconds ago."

"Really? Well, guess I shouldn't bother you then, huh?"

"Good idea," she turned to head out the door.

"I saw you the other day at Trudy's. You were sitting a table not far from me and my company. I would have said hi, but I was busy doing an interview."

Sarah turned to looked at him with shock, "You were interviewing at Trudy's? What kind of interview? Who were you interviewing."

Frank leaned on the counter, "Oh, just some band for Time Capture. I don't think you would know them. I really pissed off one of the guys though. It was kinda of funny."

Sarah suddenly got in Frank's face, "Funny? You find making people feel like crap, funny?"

"Hey, calm down. What do you care? It's not like you know them or anything?"

Sarah had to use all her will power not to smack him right then. She just shook her head and walked off again.

"Just a minute," he grabbed her again, "Where's Heather?"

"God, Frank! Can't you leave her alone already? Shit! She doesn't what to see you anymore. You broke up. Can't you get that."

"Nonsense. I know what will win her back. A little jeolousy perhaps," he placed a hand on her face, "Care to help me? You are a very beautiful young woman you know."

She pushed his hand away, "Not even if my life depended on it. And I seriously mean that."

"We'll see about that."

"Is that a threat?"

Frank only cocked his head a little and gave her a disturbing smile, before heading back to his table.

Sarah quickly made it outside and found Heather waiting at the corner, "What took you so long? Did he talk to you?"

Sarah took her hand, "Come on. I think it's time to get that restraining order."

Daniel sat at the small table in his room, looking over the set list for tomorrow night. He couldn't really consentrate though. He hoped Sarah would call him back soon. He looked over at the necklace sitting on the nightstand. He went over, picked it up and sat on the bed to admire it. It was familiar to him, he could no longer deny that. What do the images mean though? Who are the people he sees? Why was this happening to him and Sarah? Maybe, it was the necklace and the statue that caused these visions. Are we seeing the lives of the people that once owned this things? But, the eyes? Something about the eyes.

*knock. knock*

"It's open," Daniel called.

Ben walked inside, "Hey, mate. How's the set list coming along?"

Daniel just shrugged, "It's on the table if you wanna look at it."

Ben picked up the piece of paper, "We're doing Slave first? Hmmm, that's cool," he put the list down, "What are you looking at?"

Daniel looked up at Ben, "Oh, just this necklace that Sarah had...."

"Isn't that the necklace that Sarah had last night?"

"Umm, yeah," he started to put it down.

"Can I see it?" he grabbed the necklace while it was still in Daniel's hand.

"NO! Wait..." Daniel flinched, waiting for something to happen. His eyes were shut tight. He waited for the flash. Some kind of sound. Nothing. He slowly opened one eye then the other. He looked up at Ben, who was looking at him strangly. They both still had hold of the necklace.

"What the hell's up with you? If you didn't want me to see it you could of just said so."

Daniel let go of the piece of jewelry and let Ben see it, "Sorry. It's just that it's expensive and I promised Sarah nothing would happen to it."

"Oh, well, then I'll put it back down." He looked over at Daniel who had gone back to sit at the table. Ben sat down across from him, "Okay. Talk to me what's up?"

Daniel smiled, "Nothing. I'm just thinking about Sarah, that's all."

"You really like her, huh?" Ben asked with slight amusement in his voice.

"Yeah. Hmm, I was thinking of visiting her during our holiday. You know, maybe stay with her for a few weeks."

Ben raised an eyebrow, "Getting a little serious, aren't we?"

"It was just a thought, Gillies," Daniel began to defend, "It all depends on how well it goes between me and her, okay?"

"Okay, okay." They remained silent for a few moments while Daniel went back to the set list.

Daniel looked up and sighed deeply, "Ben?"

"What's up?"

Daniel adjusted himself in his chair, "Do you love, Kathy? I mean really love her?"

Ben looked at him weird, then answered, "Yeah, Daniel. I love her with all my heart. I'd die for her, you know that."

"Yeah, I know, it's just that...well, I was wondering. When you're with, when the two of you are together, does it still hurt? I mean does it still feel like you can't have enough of her or whatever?"

Ben smiled, "Yeah. It does. Especially when I'm holding her. I mean, I love the feeling but, yeah I feel like I have to always be holding her, because if I don't I feel incomplete. It still feels good though."

Daniel sighed again and nodded, "That's how I feel when I'm with Sarah. I don't know how or why. I mean I've only know her two days but...."

"You're in love!"


Ben was now giggling, "I don't believe it. Daniel Paul Johns is in love."

Daniel just laughed, "Shut up."

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with it mate. So you've only know her for two days. So what? Maybe it's fate. Maybe you two were meant to be together. Who knows, you could even me soulmates."

Daniel was smiling uncontrolably, "Shut up, Ben," He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"This is a freaking miracle is what this is!" Ben continued on, "Shit! I gotta tell Chris," Ben stood up and ran out the door.

Daniel quickly followed, "Ben, STOP!" He laughed, "Don't tell anyone, you dumbshit."

Sarah slowly entered her apartment. Kelly was walking out of her bedroom.

"Hey, there. How's was lunch with Heather? You did go right?" she asked sitting down at the dining table.

Sarah threw her keys on the table and sat in the chair, "Yeah, I went. It was fine. That is until Frank showed up."

"You're kidding? Oh my God! Is Heather okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine. He didn't see her. I got her to sneek out of the restuarant before he could. I was the one who had the pleasure of talking to him," she said sarcastically.


"It doesn't matter. She finally filed for a restraining order."

"Oh, good. It's about time."

"Yeah," Sarah stood up and headed for the kitchen, "Did anyone call me?"

Kelly got up and followed her, "Yeah, Daniel called. He said to call him back and that if he wasn't there to leave a message with the front desk." Sarah nodded and opened the refrigerator. Kelly jumped up on the counter, "So, I guess you and Daniel are getting pretty close, huh?"

Sarah looked at Kelly with a knowing glare, "I guess."

"We're did you guys go this morning? I noticed that you're bed was still made when I got home."

Sarah finally pulled out a coke, "So, you go into my room now?"

"I just wanted to know if you were home that's all."

Sarah put the can down and crossed her arms in front of her chest, "Well, if you must know, Daniel and I went back to his hotel. I fell asleep over there." Kelly looked at her stunned. She tryed not to give her opinion on the matter, but she could not help it. She opened her mouth to speak, but instead Sarah spoke for her, "YES! ALONE! Okay? I went over there and spent the night with him alone. Is that what you wanted to hear Kelly?"

Kelly remained silent and surprised. She bit her lip and walked closer to Sarah, "I...I just can't believe you went by yourself. Are you okay?"

"Of course I'm okay. Nothing happened. He just wanted to talk okay? What's so wrong with that?"

"Nothing," Kelly tried to calm her down, "I'm just worried that's all. I mean, Sarah you...."

"Look. I already had the whole "becareful, remember what happened with Victor?" speech from Heather, okay? I don't need one from you," Sarah quickly made her way to her bedroom.

Kelly followed suit. Sarah tryed to close the door behind her but Kelly made her way inside, "Can't you wait and listen to what I have to say?"

"Can't you leave me alone for five minutes?"

Kelly rolled her eyes and sighed, "Tony said that you don't go to see Dr. Thomas anymore."

"Well, I can't really afford to keep him anymore. And, why the hell are you and Tony talking about my personal life all of the sudden?"

"Oh, shit! Come on, Sarah. We're allowed to worry about you every now and then. Besides, your're not the one paying for the sessions, your father is."

"Yeah, well my father has better things to use his money on."

"Like what?"

"Remodeling his house."

Kelly let out another sigh of frustration, "Sarah..."

"Look, I don't like going over there anyways, okay? I can't stand sitting in a chair pouring out my heart and soul to a psychiatrist, and then have him sit there and ask 'and why do you think you feel this way, Sarah' every time I finish a fucking sentence. I mean if I knew why the hell I felt this way, do you think I would have wasted time and money with this?" she flopped down on her bed.

Kelly sat by her on the bed, "But, you know the real reason why they sent you to a shrink?"

"Yeah. A girl tries to overdose on valium a couple of times and you all think she's psychotic." Kelly bites her lip trying to keep from giggling at Sarah's sarcastic tone to the serious topic. Sarah looked up at her roomate, "I really am okay, Kelly? I know I don't seem like it from time to time, but I'm okay."

"I know," Kelly spoke softly, "We still worry."

Sarah sat up and gave her a hug, "And I'm grateful for it. Even if I don't act like it." Kelly smiled at the remark.

They both remained silent. Kelly watched Sarah as she got up to go to her closet. She waited a few minutes before asking, "So, how come you weren't afraid to go with Daniel to his hotel room?"

Sarah turned sharply to Kelly and was about to snap back, but realized the question had been burning in her mind as well. Why wasn't she afraid of Daniel? Every since she saw him, something just seemed right. She knew that he would never hurt her. How did she know that? "Well, I don't know why I wasn't scared. I just seemed to trust him. I don't really know why," she sat back on the bed. Now speaking more to herself, "He makes me feel so safe. Everything seems perfect when I'm with. But, even being with him didn't seem like enough," she closed her eyes and smiled.

Kelly looked in awe, "Oh my God."

Sarah opened her eyes, "What?"

"I don't believe it!"


"Even after all the times you vowed that you wouldn't."

"Kelly, what are you talking about?"

A smile formed across Kelly's face as eyes reflected some thing more of a proud mother, "You're in love."

"What?" Sarah voice was now filled with confusion.

Kelly touched her arms, "Sarah, you're in love with Daniel."

Sarah's eyes filled with fear. She knew now that she was about to be figured out. Kelly...everyone would think she was weak. She had to think of something to say, "You're crazy. I can't be in love. I've only know him for two days."


"Sooo, it's impossible to fall in love with someone in only two days."

"It's not impossible. You're already showing the signs."

"Signs? What signs? How can I be showing anykind of "signs" after two days? Two days Kelly. It's impossible, trust me."

"Not if you two were meant for each other."

"Oh, God. We're not going to talk about fate or soulmates and stuff are we?" Eventhough that's probably what it is.

"Sarah, why is it so hard for you to believe that you could at least possibly be in love. There isn't anything wrong with it."

"Because, it doesn't exsist. Love, real love, doesn't exsist. Besides they shouldn't call it falling in love. They should call it falling in lust or falling into infatuation. It just seems too damn easy to fall in love these days."

"Yet, you've never even come close to falling in love until now," Kelly stated matter of factly, "Oh, yeah, Sarah, it's really easy to fall in love."

Kelly's assumption flooded into Sarah. Her bottom lip trembled, "I'm not in love Kelly. I can't be. I can't..." her voice trailed off slightly, "Oh, God...," she collapsed to her knees.

Kelly jumped off the bed and quickly cradled Sarah in her arms, "Shhh. It's okay. It's okay to admit it."

"Why him? Why did it have to be somebody I'll never really have?"

"What do you mean? Of course you can have him."

"No. Not for long. He lives in another country. When will I ever see him again?"

Kelly wanted to say something to comfort her, but no words could come to mind. She knew Sarah was right. This was going to be difficult.

"I'm just so scared Kelly," she moved out of her friend's grasp a little, "I've seen what love does to people. It's makes them crazy and everyone usually gets hurt in the end."

"Only if the feelings are one sided. Is it one sided here?"

"I don't think so. We already kind of told each other our feelings each other...but..."


"But the word love never came into the conversation."

Kelly sighed, "Oh."

"I'm going to get hurt Kelly. I know it. I vowed not to fall in love for a reason. This reason. I mean maybe Heather's right. Maybe I shouldn't fall for him. It wouldn't be good for my mentality," her eyes began to cloud over again, "Oh, God. Kelly, what am I going to do?"

Kelly helped Sarah to the bed, "You know, I love Heather, but I don't think she's the best person to give you any advice. She doesn't trust guys anymore than you do."

"She trusts Tony."

"Yeah and she's also been a good friend of his for the past seven years. Look she means well, trying to protect you and all, but given the circumstances she's been through and the incident today, don't talk to her about this anymore, okay?" Sarah nodded. "She doesn't know that you've fallen for him does she?"

"Are you kidding?! And have her tell Mike or Tony. Or even Cory. You know how over-protective he is. No, I didn't tell her, and I probably never will or at least not for awhile. That goes for you to Kelly. Don't you dare tell anyone," she stated pointing a finger in her direction.

"I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to. We'll wait till you're ready and until you and Daniel have figured things out for yourselves. Don't jump to too many conclusions yet. I'm sure everything will turn out alright as long as your feelings for each other are strong. This might be better for you then we think."

Sarah hugged Kelly with a tighter grip, "Thank you," she whispered.

"You're welcome. Now come on, you need to call Daniel back."

*Ring. Ring*

***Daniel? It's Sarah.***
***Hey. I'm glad you called back. How was lunch?***
***Fine, thanks.***
***Are you okay? You sound upset.***
***Yeah, I'm okay. I probably just sound tired. I didn't get as much sleep as I'm used to and I think it's just starting to hit me.***
***Yeah, I think it's getting to me too. Are you not up for seeing that lady then? I mean we don't have to if you don't want to. I'll understand.***
***No, no. I still want to go and get it over with. I think the longer we wait, the less and less we're going to want go. Besides, if I don't find out what's going on soon I think I just may lose my mind.***
***Me too. Okay, then. Umm, I have to go to a meeting first so meet me at the lobby in about an hour?***
***Okay. See you then.***

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