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For My Readers

Almost everything you've read in Black Tangled Hearts is considered true and I'm sure a lot of it makes sense as the truth usually does. But some of it isn't true, for instance, the parts about seeing visions and having vivid dreams about past lives. Also the "special hypnotism" thing isn't true either. You can get hypnotised and learn more about your past lives, but that's it. All this stuff was added to make the story more interesting. Also, some stuff was left out because it would have made the story a little too confusing and I don't think anyone would enjoy that too much, unless you're just weird.

Since I've started this story, a lot of people have been emailing me asking me more about "old souls". I've been studying this theory for almost four years now and I've learned so many things along the way that are just really interesting. So I figured why deprive you wonderful people of such information?

Remember this is only stuff that I've read about and heard. The information is not necessarily mine, although it is similiar to many of my own ideas. Some of this information talks about God, but please keep in mind that I am a Catholic but that does not mean that I am a highly religious person (I don't go to church because I'm not very fond of the church and its teachings), although I do believe in God. My point is, please don't jugde me by this information. This is purely for you benefit and enjoyment.

So as I've stated in my disclaimer for the story, if you do not believe in reincarnation or anything related to that, do not go on. Also, if you are a deeply, deeply religious person and believe that you should "Fear God", I would suggest not reading this or at least becareful. You have been warned. And, if you are someone who chooses not to believe in God or hates religion and faith because the teachings seem too cruel, I urge you to read this. This may change your mind. But as always, the choice is yours and yours alone.

(Note: Most of this is from a book I read entitled The Other Side and Back by Sylvia Browne. Some information is from a book entitled Old Souls: The Scientific Evidence for Past Lives by Tom Shroder. So if this seems familiar to any of you, that's why. And please don't copy this.)