Chris Extreme

Title History: MRW National Champion. MRW World Champion. CWF European Champion. WWA World Champion. NEW World Heavyweight Champion.

Greatest Match: Match to determine the first NEW World Champ, at Downfall. As Chris Extreme defeated Andrew Ashton to earn his third World Title.

Worst Enemy: Adam Cameron.

When the word 'jerk' came around, they must have had Chris Extreme in mind. Obnoxious, degrading, and often a bad-ass, Chris Extreme rose to the top of New Era Wrestling to become it's first World Champion. Always to be remembered.

From being pronounced dead in the enigmatic TWW (Totally Wild Wrestling), to beating random opponents senseless with a lead pipe here in NEW. Chris Extreme has been through a career that most would call unstable. Brief stays in Federations would bring him quick titles, but the organizations he would become succesful in would close before his reigns. Now Chris Extreme has found a place in New Era Wrestling, where his achievements are not cut short.

Chris Extreme started his NEW career by defeating Corey Page at the Breakout Pilot, sending Page into retirement with a sadistic attack with a lead pipe by his associate, and NEW Owner, Reno Frost. The two would combine forces, and raise hell in the ranks, screwing people out of matches, until Extreme finally became number one contender to the World Title. It was Downfall when the first NEW Champion was crowned, defeating Andrew Ashton.

Upon NEW's third version, Chris Extreme was nowhere to be found. It was rumored that Extreme was heavily against the idea of New Era Wrestling coming back. Then, on one faithful night, at Ground Zero 2003, Chris Extreme revealed himself as the Mystery thief of Adam Cameron's World Title, and made his official return to New Era Wrestling. He is now dependent on the World Title, almost as if it were a massive drug addiction. He despises anyone who holds the World Title, and refers to it as "his precious." He will do anything to get his precious back, and has made a successful comeback in NEW on his quest to do so.